Summary Chapter 93

Don Quixote begins to fret when Clavileno (the wooden horse) does not appear at the appointed hour. He wonders if he is the knight destined for this adventure, and if Malambruno refuses to face him. However, some men arrive bearing the horse on their shoulders. Countess Trifaldi weeps at the sight of it.

Sancho still has misgivings. He doesn't think it is good for his reputation to go flying around on enchanted horses. He worries, since Kandy is so far away, that it will be a long journey back if the horse doesn't make a return trip.

The duke promises Sancho that his island will wait for him. He will remain in the duke's good will.

Don Quixote pulls Sancho aside, and he tells them as this is a long journey, he would appreciate it if Sancho give himself five hundred lashes towards disenchanting Dulcinea. Sancho refuses to make his backside sore when he is going to be sitting on a wooden horse. He assures Don Quixote he will keep his word in disenchanting Dulicinea.

Don Quixote and Sancho mount Clavileno. Sancho finds it as uncomfortable as he expected. They are both blindfolded, as is required. Sancho remarks that though they are supposedly high up, it sounds like the people are next to them.

Servant blast Don Quixote with bellows, making him think it is the wind. Sancho wants to uncover his eyes, but Don Quixote warns him not to.

The duke and duchess have the tail of the wooden horse set on fire, which releases a bunch of fireworks. Don Quixote and Sancho are stunned to find themselves back in the garden. The Countess Trifaldi has disappeared. They are told that Malambruno was satisfied by them attempting the journey, and the duennas have been uncursed.

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