Summary Chapter 72

Don Quixote rouses the next morning in excellent spirits, feeling free from the jealousy of enchanters when sleeping out under the stars. He pokes Sancho with his lance to wake him up, reminding him there is a wedding to go to. Sancho can smell the wedding feast cooking.

Sancho's opinion is changed. He thinks Quiteria would be a fool to marry a man whose talents could not put cash in his pocket when she could have a rich man. Quixote comments that Sancho would have no time to eat or sleep with the amount of talking he does. His squire reminds him that he agreed that Sancho could talk as much as he likes. Quixote doesn't remember making that agreement. However, he wants Sancho to hurry up, for the wedding is to start soon.

They arrive the night before the wedding. The next day, Quixote and Sancho go to watch the nuptials. Sancho is in heaven, for there is tons of food. Camacho even supplies the dinnerware. Quixote watches the entertainment—dances and plays. He suspects that the author of the plays is a friend of Camacho's, for the plays depict the triumph of wealth in matters of love. Sancho roots for the rich man marrying the woman that Basilio loves. He tells Quixote that people prefer the person that has wealth. Quixote wishes that Sancho was a mute, for he finds his prattle tiresome. He remarks that Sancho would have made a fine preacher.

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