
Webmaster's Note: This is just the first chapter of our 1984 summary, the hub to access all the other chapters, quizzes, and forum discussion on 1984 can be found here.

Winston Smith � The main protagonist of Orwell�s 1984. He resents the authoritarian regime of the Party and tries to rebel, but is finally crushed in body and soul.
Julia � Winston�s girlfriend. She also starts out with a strident anti-party stand and is suppressed in the same way as Winston is.
O�Brien � a prominent member of the Inner Circle of the Party. He traps Winstoninto betraying his unorthodox views and presides over his torture and degradation.
Mr. Charrington � a member of the powerful thought police, who disguises himself as a �prole� and entraps Winston.
Ampleforth � One of Winston�s colleagues at the Ministry of Truth, whose job is to �rewrite� old poems in keeping with Party ideology. He is arrested for thoughtcrimes.
Parsons � Another colleague of Winston�s who despite stupid and unquestioning adherence to the Party line is still arrested.
Symes � Colleague of Winston�s who is executed.
Jones, Aaronson and Rutherford � three original leaders of the Party who were later denouncedas traitors and executed.
Emmanuel Goldstein � The number One Enemy of the People according to the Party. He is believed to have written a subversive book and to head a mysterious anti-party organization called The Brotherhood.
Big Brother � the symbol of Party dominance. Big Brother�s precence is everywhere on posters, on cigarette covers, on coins and on telescreens.

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