Summary Pt. 3 Chp. 6

Chapter 6.
In the final chapter we meet Winston at The Chestnut Tree pub where he now spent most of his time. He had been released, he even had a better-paid job - in fact nobody paid any attention to him any longer. He had accidentally run into Julia one day and they had walked together for a while quite sure now that nobody would bother even if they had sex right in public. But they had no such desire at all, in fact they were both revolted by the others presence. Both admit frankly that they had each betrayed the other. Julia remarks that when the only way to save yourself from something you simply cannot endure is to make another person suffer, then you agree to that suffering and no matter how much you pretend afterwards that you only did it to escape you know that at the crucial moment you had willed the other person to suffer so that you did not have to Winston knew from experience that this was true. And after that, you could never feel the same way about the person you had betrayed. That was their last meeting and they had no wish to meet again.
Winston spent his days drinking gin in the pub and listening eagerly to the announcements from the telescreens. Just now he was very concerned over the war in which Eurasia was once again the enemy, Eurasia he reminded himself had always been the enemy. Any contrary memories were merely mental aberrations.
Just then the announcement of a glorious victory on the African front came over the telescreen. Though Winston did not rush out into the streets, mentally he was joining in with the cheering crowds. The face of Big Brother loomed large over the announcement and Winston felt his eyes fill with tears of joy and reconciliation. The last lesson had been learnt. �He loved Big Brother.�

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