Summary Pt. 2 Chp. 4

Chapter 4
Slowly as their relationship progresses Winston and Julia grow more reckless. Winston goes so far as to approach Mr. Charrington, the shopkeeper in the prole quarter and hire a small room above his shop as a hideout. They both recognize that this is almost an open invitation to the thought police, it is like taking a further step towards the grave but they are carried on by an irresistible momentum. The landlord seems to welcome both the rent and the company and asks no prying questions about how they plan to use the flat. He becomes a regular visitor, often displaying some old treasure asking merely that Winston should admire it, with no pressure to buy something.
Slowly, Winston also realizes that love has taken over sensuality in their relationship, they want more from each other than just sex. Other little indulgences also creep in, Julia uses her standing with the Inner Party Circle to obtain food, drink and clothes which normally would be far beyond their reach. In a way they are playing at keeping house and being a married couple in that room in the prole quarters. Julia uses make up and frocks instead of the severe uniforms which the Party issued, saying that within this room at least she meant to be a woman and not a Party comrade.
One night unexpectedly, Julia gets a glimpse into one of Winston�s secret fears. She spots a rat running across the room and when she mentions this she is astonished to see that Winston has gone pale and looks terrified. Though he soon recovers and tries to brush it off by saying in a half ashamed way that he just did not like rats, she notices that he has the appearance of one who has been a terrible nightmare.
They enjoy browsing through the bits and pieces in the little shop and a glass paperweight especially seems to Winston in its beauty and fragility to symbolize his and Julia�s lives forever within itself.

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