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Grace S. Richmond


Grace S. Richmond (1866–1959), American romance novelist created the Dr. R.P. Burns series.

Grace Louise Smith Richmond was born on March 31, 1866, in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, the daughter of Catherine Amelia Kimball and Baptist clergyman and author, Dr. Charles Edward Smith (1835-1929). As a young lady Grace spent time in Syracuse, New York, and was educated at home with private tutors. In 1887 she married Dr. Nelson Guernsey Richmond of Fredonia, New York.

Grace Richmond's first short story was published in 1891. By 1898 her stories were appearing in various women's magazines including the Women's Home Companion, Ladies' Home Journal and Everybody's Magazine. She wrote 27 novels between 1905 and 1936. Red Pepper Burns was published in 1910. Like most of her strong-willed yet compassionate characters, Redfield Pepper or R.P. Burns is a kind, old-souled country doctor who makes house calls. His fiery red hair and temper to match earned him his nickname Red Pepper, though he is still a charming and endearing gentleman. Mrs. Red Pepper (1913), Red Pepper's Patients (1917), and Red of the Redfields (1924) followed.

The Second Violin was published in 1906. On Gay Street and On Christmas Day in the Morning followed in 1908 and Strawberry Acres in 1911. Richmond writes about romance, mystery, and a deep love for home in The Twenty-Fourth of June (1914). The Brown Study (1919), Foursquare (1922), and Cherry Square: A Neighbourly Novel (1926) were some of her works to follow. Grace S. Richmond died on November 28, 1959, and is buried in the Forest Hill Cemetery in Fredonia, Chautauqua County, New York, USA.

Biography written by C.D. Merriman for Jalic Inc. Copyright Jalic Inc 2005. All Rights Reserved.

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