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145 Visitor Messages

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    Hey! I am mostly good. Learning to settle in the small town. Met some families and getting to know. It has been four months already and toughest period is already over and summer should be quite promising in a beautiful seaside town. The work is more of a challenge at the present moment as it is my first experience with international sales. Sometimes you sell and sometimes you just don't. Maybe I need to improve my salesperson skills. Hows it going with you now?
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    Hi there!
    Been such a long time. How have you been doing?
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    Would you like to vote in our short story competition final?
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    Thanks, dude. From the looks of things, someone revived the thread today, so you wouldn't be "necroposting" as you put it. I'm very interested on what your take is on a couple of the issues discussed.
  5. View Conversation
    Things took a turn for the medieval on the Why Is Shakespeare considered the Greatest Writer Ever thread last week. I was hoping you might shed some light upon the discussion, if you are so inclined and you are not too busy. Best wishes, MT.
  6. View Conversation
    Since I'm so late, I won't bother dredging the thread up to the surface...a late happy birthday and more importantly; congratulations!
    Hey whad'ya know, no lingerie ads this time while visiting your page.
  7. View Conversation
    Hi there. I read in the forum posts that you've gotten you Ph.D. Just stop by to say congratulations!!
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    Hi Lokasenna, While visiting your page I couldn't help noticing Petrarch's Love's message. Congratulations, indeed on finishing your doctorate. What's in in, exactly? And may I ask what your thesis is on? And how many years have you been working on this? I've been here since 2008, and ever since I've known you (such as it is) you've been at school.
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    Hi Lokasenna--I wandered back onto these forums today after a considerable absence and saw that one of your recent posts mentioned that you would be finishing the PhD very soon. Wishing you congratulations on the achievement! Having just completed mine last year, I know how fantastic it is to finish up and reflect on all you've accomplished and learned. Not to mention the fun of putting Dr. before your name. Or do you have an ON title you'll use instead?
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About Lokasenna

Basic Information

Date of Birth
January 26
About Lokasenna
Favorite Author:
That's an unfair question!
Favorite Book:
Probably the Elder Edda (if that can be termed a book?)
Ehyeh asher ehyeh! :)
In a lurid pink building...
Reading, writing, procrastinating, thinking...
(Un)professional academic.


"I should only believe in a God that would know how to dance. And when I saw my devil, I found him serious, thorough, profound, solemn: he was the spirit of gravity- through him all things fall. Not by wrath, but by laughter, do we slay. Come, let us slay the spirit of gravity!" - Nietzsche


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03-27-2016 08:57 AM
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06-12-2018 10:40 AM
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    ésprit de l’escalier

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My eyes do decieve me...

by Lokasenna on 06-16-2010 at 02:53 PM
Can anyone understand these things? It seems so farcical – that man can be so inventive, so creative, and yet a slave to the physical self! Is it perhaps because my mind so often conjures up mighty vistas of the imagination, never needing banal sight, that my eyes have wasted so? The sheer power of inherent wonderment is often enough; why then am I still so reliant on these weak orbs? Can human craft beget nothing more profound than flimsy plastic plates and tender wires to keep me truly in this

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If not to heaven, then hand in hand to hell?

by Lokasenna on 10-06-2009 at 02:50 PM
A few thoughts on the debt we owe to Hell.

Satan was the first democrat. In all creation, he was the first to rebel against hegemony and tyranny - indeed, the great hegemony! Of God Himself! The ineffable plan was exposed, a declaration in a world were disagreement and discord had never previously appeared, and Satan took it upon himself to disagree. How revolutionary - how human! Power to the masses, not just the One! The first ever example of something so important: not just discord,

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What the hand dare seize the fire?

by Lokasenna on 04-22-2009 at 11:27 AM
Out, out, brief candle!

Ah yes, the flickering flame, such a symbol of ourselves, and of our world. Almost every religion attributes some symbolic meaning to this item, representing some form of synergy with a higher power to our mutual improvement - bringing, as it were, illumination to our personal darkness.

But is it an accurate representation of our situation? Is our existence, our personal reality, a flame? A single burst of energy in an otherwise eternal darkness?

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Cause Célèbre

by Lokasenna on 03-31-2009 at 10:51 AM
With Madonna attempting to use her 'fame' to adopt yet another African child, and being aghast at the media coverage of this event, its time I climbed on to my soapbox once more, and have a rant about modern celebrity culture:

'Celebrity' is such an odious term, and a repellent idea, at least in its modern application. Everywhere I walk, its soulless stink surrounds me. All men are not equal - this I freely acknowledge - but the distinction is not a meritocratic one. Rather, it is

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We Humans.

by Lokasenna on 03-27-2009 at 03:40 PM
What are we? We humans! Elements and chemicals, atoms and molecules that move in such wondrous concert, such harmony. Yet my clothes move in concert with me - are they not me? There is no special property that differentiates the molecules in my skin from those in my shirt - yet I feel no pain if my shirt is torn. What are those molecules to me? We are such closeted ideas, so entirely cut off from the world around us, and yet we think we see! The irony! How do we justify calling ourselves alive,

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