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  1. Tower of Strength

    Don't know if anyone remembers The Mission UK, a spin-off Sisters of Mercy band from the 1980s. They have a song called "Tower Of Strength" that gives me shivers - it reminds me of God. Plus the music/rhythm is super-catchy:

    You raise me up
    When I'm on the floor
    You see me through
    When I'm lonely and scared
    And I'm feeling true to the written word
    And you're true to me
    And still I need more
    It would tear me apart
  2. Foxgloves

    by , 06-08-2007 at 08:43 AM (Away with the Fairies- The Travel Diary of an Irish WebFairy)

    For the last year or two i've been growning some Foxgloves. It was quite time consuming as i'd grown them from seed and i was afraid they wouldnt grow because i didnt have very much time to look after them. Once they were big enough to be planted in the soil my dad was kind enough to take care of them for me and keeped them nicely watered.
    This year they flowered. And because i'm so proud of them ...
  3. What have I to say?

    by , 06-08-2007 at 08:07 AM (Barmy Blue's Bland Blog)
    What have I to say today?
    Nothing much.

    In my planning so far;
    The first Anne Bonny and Grace O’Malley now have ships to their names and I’ve had the first Anne Bonny married to the first Jack Rackham. Davy Jones was the first pirate lord to die (under suspicious circumstances) and his wife (he had a wife) Died during childbirth two months after. The child also died and its death too was suspicious. It’s widely believed that the first Jack Rackham had something to do
  4. The Birthday Itself

    On Monday June 4th at 11 pm I'm loose from AAA Dispatch and it's a 15 minute drive home to dreary Fairborn where my dog Onyx always looks out the living room window when he hears the car pull in the driveway. We rent our home on the corner next to a Dairy Mart (with a field in between) that gets robbed twice a year. They overcharge for candy bars (79 cents) but the family owners are friendly enough.

    Now I'm in pre-birthday blues. Spoiler warnings: Shallowness ahead.