Conversation Between Lokasenna and qimissung

9 Visitor Messages

  1. I'm not quite finished yet! I'm within a few weeks of submitting my thesis, but I'm very nearly there. A week or two of solid work to polish up the full draft, and it'll be ready to go to my supervisor for a final read-through. I hope there won't be too much 'Oh God, it's horrible - do it again!' from him, and then it goes to my external - meaning three months of waiting nervously until the viva. The title is 'The Whirling Wheel: The Male Construction of Empowered Female Identity in Old Norse Myth and Legend' - or, as I usually try to explain it, it's not so much about what powers the supernatural women of the Old Norse universe have, but what powers the men THINK they have. I've been working on it for three-and-a-half years now (as well as lots of other things, of course), so I do rather feel like a prisoner coming to the end of my sentence!
  2. Hi Lokasenna, While visiting your page I couldn't help noticing Petrarch's Love's message. Congratulations, indeed on finishing your doctorate. What's in in, exactly? And may I ask what your thesis is on? And how many years have you been working on this? I've been here since 2008, and ever since I've known you (such as it is) you've been at school.
  3. And, belatedly, Merry Christmas to you as well!
  4. Merry Christmas, Lokasenna!
  5. Hey Loskasenna. Would you consider entering the Subject Poetry Contest? The subject is "...the letter in his pocket."
  6. Thanks!
  7. Welcome to the forum!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9