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  1. Sid The Vulture

    Sid the Vulture
    The Serengeti

    HRH The Duke of Edinburgh
    Buck House

    24th June 2010

    Dear Phil,

    As my most prestigious sponsor I must thank you for all you are doing for me. I hope Liz and the Kids are doing well.

    Well, things have been a bit quiet round here lately. This morning I watched the sun come up, sat hopefully in a tree for 4 hours and when ...
  2. Guatemala 2010

    I feel kind of tactless and rude for posting this up on my blog, but as explained in the proceeding letter - I did not plan on going and as such instead of mailing this out to the friends on LitNet that I mailed it to last year, I've decided to post it this way. Should you feel interested in aiding me, please send me a private message for details on address information. - Thank you so much guys for putting up with me! I love you lots!!

    -------------------------------------------- ...
  3. Mary Magdelene Church is 900 years old this year.

    As I was cycling back to the office today from my teaching venue, I remembered that my wife had mentioned something about the church being 900 years old this year. It’s only up the road from where I teach, so I decided to take a short detour and have a look.

    (As you can see, I still have my England flag proudly upon my bike. I think I'll keep it on until the next European ...
  4. a little jot last night...

    by , 06-28-2010 at 05:41 PM (No Limits on Imagination!)
    Quote Originally Posted by blazeofglory View Post
    Beautiful, you stirred the moment and this proves now you have the craft to write poetry most of us are not endowed with. Poetry must pop up effortlessly, a jot down; to rephrase your own terms and you had the gift the one that is rare in this world of machinery minds. You can transport your reader to the serenity of mountains that make us forget this rat race for a while and get drunk in a dreamy world that snares us or enchants into a world that is half real

    When you really ...
  5. Summer Project #2

    I also posted this in a thread in the General Chat forum. But I think it's a pretty good stand-alone blog too, so I put it here as well.

    Summer Project #2

    This summer I planned build a landscaping-block planter to, primarily, hide some unsightly septic vents in our yard. This project is now, more or less, complete. (The "more or less" means that we still have to add some plants, but the major construction is done).

    First I needed my toolbox ...