I don’t often have much conversation with clerks in stores, but yesterday evening, the check out clerk in a CVS apologized for the inflation. I briefly explained that it wasn’t his fault, that it is due to policy for the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department. He then said that CVS sometimes raises prices in anticipation of price hikes. We spent a while trying to get each other to change his mind. He had a set of facts, and I know the underlying reasons, so neither of us changed ...
Debtors love inflation. The more they owe, the more inflation they want. That is because inflated dollars cost less, so the debtors can repay the same nominal amount for a lower value. That works whether you are a real estate developer or the U.S.A. The U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve Bank have been encouraging high inflation for a long time, so that the Treasury can pay off bonds with cheaper dollars. If inflation is running at average rate of 2.68% per annum, thirty year bonds can be paid ...
Updated 04-16-2019 at 05:05 PM by PeterL (clarity)