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Thread: Truth in religion

  1. #16
    Haribol Acharya blazeofglory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by transcender View Post
    Hi fellow travelers.

    I started researching the origins of religions and became disappointed with the results I found. Per se: That truthfulness and rationality in religions are only the truths that can be substantiated by science or those that cannot be proven to be incorrect. I believe that spiritual transcendence and spiritual interaction, if one believes this to be an actuality, could only be possible between the spiritual existence and the "spirit" of man. Supernatural acts performed by physical or spiritual beings in the physical universe are not capable of existing or transpiring.

    Your thoughts hereon are appreciated.
    These ideas have been debated already enough

    “Those who seek to satisfy the mind of man by hampering it with ceremonies and music and affecting charity and devotion have lost their original nature””

    “If water derives lucidity from stillness, how much more the faculties of the mind! The mind of the sage, being in repose, becomes the mirror of the universe, the speculum of all creation.

  2. #17
    Original Poster Buh4Bee's Avatar
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    I have to agree

  3. #18
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    Religion is a man made concept, while faith, belief and love are all natural personal abilities. Avoid Religion, avoid it at all costs. A Relationship is a much better term for ones spiritual beliefs.

    Religion just brings up to many questions and debates. To many people saying they are right and you are wrong, religion is a money pit, and has caused many wars and fights. To believe in Jesus Christ, or who ever you Believe in is your own personal choice, its a relationship, a love that becomes established. Its a personal thing, a personal feeling.
    "And the lamp-light o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor;
    And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor
    Shall be lifted - nevermore!"
    -Edgar Allan Poe, The Raven

  4. #19
    Haribol Acharya blazeofglory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DesireKnowledge View Post
    Religion is a man made concept, while faith, belief and love are all natural personal abilities. Avoid Religion, avoid it at all costs. A Relationship is a much better term for ones spiritual beliefs.

    Religion just brings up to many questions and debates. To many people saying they are right and you are wrong, religion is a money pit, and has caused many wars and fights. To believe in Jesus Christ, or who ever you Believe in is your own personal choice, its a relationship, a love that becomes established. Its a personal thing, a personal feeling.
    Rightly said and of course I subscribe to all these ideas whole heartedly without reservations

    “Those who seek to satisfy the mind of man by hampering it with ceremonies and music and affecting charity and devotion have lost their original nature””

    “If water derives lucidity from stillness, how much more the faculties of the mind! The mind of the sage, being in repose, becomes the mirror of the universe, the speculum of all creation.

  5. #20
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    Cool connect with god

    you can unite with the god through the yoga learn more about yoga
    Yoga is a way of life, an art of righteous living or an integrated system for the benefit of the body, mind and inner spirit. This art originated, was perfected and practiced in India thousands of years ago. The references to yoga are available in 'Upanishads' and 'Puranas' composed by Indian Aryans in the later Vedic and post- Vedic period. The main credit for systematizing yoga goes to Patanjali who wrote 'Yoga Sutra', two thousand Years ago. He described the principles of the full eight fold yogic discipline. He composed the treatise in brief code words known as 'Sutras'. 'Yoga Sutra' is the most important basic text on Yoga. yoga retreat It is through this basic treatise that the essential message of yoga spread throughout the world.

  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by transcender View Post
    Hi fellow travelers.

    I started researching the origins of religions and became disappointed with the results I found. Per se: That truthfulness and rationality in religions are only the truths that can be substantiated by science or those that cannot be proven to be incorrect. I believe that spiritual transcendence and spiritual interaction, if one believes this to be an actuality, could only be possible between the spiritual existence and the "spirit" of man. Supernatural acts performed by physical or spiritual beings in the physical universe are not capable of existing or transpiring.

    Your thoughts hereon are appreciated.

    Perhaps there´s one conflict with this kind of thinking. Wait. I´ll write some kind of answer little bit later, ok?

  7. #22
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    I just posted a blog about this subject as surely the topic is one of the great fundamentals. I'm not going to cut and paste but the title is "Pedagogy, Physics and Religion." I hope at least to some it answers this question to some degree.
    Dignity and majesty I have seen but once, as it stood in chains, at midnight, in a dungeon in an obscure village of Missouri. Parley P. Pratt

  8. #23
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    Milan kundera explains religious situation in his book L'Art du Roman, 1986. When people wanted to be God, God took a step behind from his place, where he had controlled life and given meaning to everything. Now; When there´s no final judge, who clearly defines what is wrong and right, anything can be glorified as a value. Also when God is missing, there was another thing; Solid truth was destroyed into smaller relative truths, and people divide them. (Now we have Catholics there, Islam here, etc.) Now modern novel and philosophy was born; They want to collect those missing parts again in one, full picture.

    It seems also, that we just can´t get rid of need of faith. I don´t want to be rude - no way. But if you have to know everything before believing, it makes life quite heavy, right? To me it does. I have been thinking these same things 18 years now, and this is the result. What i try to say, is that truth is not a house. It is a road. Road keeps going on. If you want to know everything, you will stuck - finally. This is the reason, why faith is needed. It is very clear, that world is full of different kind of religions. It makes very confusing feeling. We need security, but we just cant also say that; I want that this and that thing SHOULD be like this. If it is, i believe it, if it is not, i don´t. In restaurant you can eat the steak and leave the potatoes, but in life - marriage, frienship and even in beliefs it don´t work. This is just my point of view, and how i try to seek the truth.

    Note: This is just my way to think these things, and all feedback will be welcome!
    Last edited by JommiL; 10-21-2009 at 12:17 PM.

  9. #24
    Haribol Acharya blazeofglory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JommiL View Post

    Milan kundera explains religious situation in his book L'Art du Roman, 1986. When people wanted to be God, God took a step behind from his place, where he had controlled life and given meaning to everything. Now; When there´s no final judge, who clearly defines what is wrong and right, anything can be glorified as a value. Also when God is missing, there was another thing; Solid truth was destroyed into smaller relative truths, and people divide them. (Now we have Catholics there, Islam here, etc.) Now modern novel and philosophy was born; They want to collect those missing parts again in one, full picture.

    It seems also, that we just can´t get rid of need of faith. I don´t want to be rude - no way. But if you have to know everything before believing, it makes life quite heavy, right? To me it does. I have been thinking these same things 18 years now, and this is the result. What i try to say, is that truth is not a house. It is a road. Road keeps going on. If you want to know everything, you will stuck - finally. This is the reason, why faith is needed. It is very clear, that world is full of different kind of religions. It makes very confusing feeling. We need security, but we just cant also say that; I want that this and that thing SHOULD be like this. If it is, i believe it, if it is not, i don´t. In restaurant you can eat the steak and leave the potatoes, but in life - marriage, frienship and even in beliefs it don´t work. This is just my point of view, and how i try to seek the truth.

    Note: This is just my way to think these things, and all feedback will be welcome!
    In the Vedas there a word called Neti and Neti. This is with regard to truth. As you sad we cannot house truth. This is a road not a house. In the same way Neti means go on seeking and seeking, this is not the end.

    “Those who seek to satisfy the mind of man by hampering it with ceremonies and music and affecting charity and devotion have lost their original nature””

    “If water derives lucidity from stillness, how much more the faculties of the mind! The mind of the sage, being in repose, becomes the mirror of the universe, the speculum of all creation.

  10. #25
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    Red face Now The AYURVEDA

    Ayurveda is a holistic healing science which comprises of two words, Ayu and Veda. Ayu means life and Veda means knowledge or science. So the literal meaning of the word Ayurveda is the science of life. Ayurveda is a science dealing not only with treatment of some diseases but is a complete way of life. Read More
    "Ayurveda treats not just the ailment but the whole person and emphasizes prevention of disease to avoid the need for cure."
    Ayurvedic Medicine has become an increasingly accepted alternative medical treatment in America during the last two decades.
    Benefits of Ayurvedic Medicines
    * By using ayurvedic and herbal medicines you ensure physical and mental health without side effects. The natural ingredients of herbs help bring “arogya” to human body and mind. ("Arogya" means free from diseases). The chemicals used in preparing allopathy medicines have impact on mind as well. One should have allopathy medicine only when it is very necessary.
    * According to the original texts, the goal of Ayurveda is prevention as well as promotion of the body’s own capacity for maintenance and balance.
    * Ayurvedic treatment is non-invasive and non-toxic, so it can be used safely as an alternative therapy or alongside conventional therapies.
    * Ayurvedic physicians claim that their methods can also help stress-related, metabolic, and chronic conditions.
    * Ayurveda has been used to treat acne, allergies, asthma, anxiety, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, colds, colitis, constipation, depression, diabetes, flu, heart disease, hypertension, immune problems, inflammation, insomnia, nervous disorders, obesity, skin problems, and ulcers.

    Ayurvedic Terms Explained

    Dosha: In Ayurvedic philosophy, the five elements combine in pairs to form three dynamic forces or interactions called doshas. It is also known as the governing principles as every living things in nature is characterized by the dosha.

    Ayurvedic Facial: Purportedly, a "therapeutic skin care experience" that involves the use of "dosha-specific" products and a facial massage focusing on "marma points."

    Ayurvedic Nutrition (Ayurvedic Diet): Nutritional phase of Ayurveda. It involves eating according to (a) one's "body type" and (b) the "season." The alleged activity of the doshas--three "bodily humors," "dynamic forces," or "spirits that possess"--determines one's "body type." In Ayurveda, "body types" number seven, eight, or ten, and "seasons" traditionally number six. Each two-month season corresponds to a dosha; for example, the two seasons that correspond to the dosha named "Pitta" (see "Raktamoksha") constitute the period of mid-March through mid-July. But some proponents enumerate three seasons: summer (when pitta predominates), autumn, and winter (the season of kapha); or Vata season (fall and winter), Kapha season (spring), and Pitta season (summer). According to Ayurvedic theory, one should lessen one's intake of foods that increase ("aggravate") the ascendant dosha.


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