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Thread: Two works by Poe decoded. Announcement!!

  1. #421
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    Besides "Maupeou 1688",another important alias of JFES/"Voltaire" is missing from the "official" list of *1688ers :

    Gaspard de Clermont-Tonnerre, né le 16 août 1688 à Dijon, Côte-d'Or - mort le 16 mars 1781, en l'hôtel Matignon, à Paris, est un noble, descendant de l'une des plus grandes familles du royaume — remontant au XIe siècle — et un militaire français du XVIIIe siècle, marquis de Cruzy et de Vauvillers (dit de Clermont-Tonnerre), puis duc de Clermont-Tonnerre — il est le premier duc de Clermont-Tonnerre — et pair de France, seigneur de Mangevel, comte d'Epinac, seigneur de Maugevel, de Champlâtreux, de Saintry, de Mazeline, de Mangevelle, de Pont du Bois, de Selles, premier baron, connétable et grand-maître héréditaire de Dauphiné, maréchal de France, puis doyen des maréchaux de France. .

    Comments to follow!

  2. #422
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    Documenting 10 distinguished JFES’s aka “Voltaire’s” French children

    1 conc late dec 1727 Pierre Michel HENNIN, Ecuyer Born 30 August 1728 - Magny-en-Vexin -95, Deceased 5 July 1807 - Paris -75, aged 78 years old. Résident du Roi de France à Genève -Suisse (1765-1778), inspecteur général des Domaines (1779), secrétaire du Conseil d'Etat honoraire), de l'Académie de Castel (01/1781)
    (Jan 1728 James *1688 returned to Bologna in January 1728 and was finally reunited with his wife)

    2 conc sept 1729 Augustin-Henri Cochin *12-05-1730 Mort 26-04-1784 Note :Fils d'Henri Cochin (1687-1747 his portrait is fake, created by s Ambroise Tardieu, né le 2 mars 1788 à Paris où il est mort le 17 janvier 1841, est un cartographe et graveur français.
    (Late Summer 1728 – Voltaire ends his exile in England)

    3. Con earjy May 1725 Jean Denis Cochin ((1 January 1726, in Paris – 3 June 1783, in Paris)) no parents mentioned*see3,4,5,6,7 common documentation after 7 *()

    4 conc mid May 1725 Frederick Henry Louis Prince of Prussia *18 January 1726-3 August 1802, son of King Frederick William I of Prussia *1688 and Princess Sophia Dorothea of Hanover
    5 conc April 1725 Emmanuel Frederick William Bernard (b. Weimar, 19 December 1725– d. Weimar, 11 June 1729).son of Ernest Augustus I, Duke of Saxe-Weimar (19 April 1688 – 19 January 1748), was a duke of Saxe-Weimar and, from 1741, of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach.*

    6 Con May 1725 Jean Denis Cochin ((1 January 1726, in Paris – 3 June 1783, in Paris))*

    7 conc mid May 1725 Frederick Henry Louis Prince of Prussia *18 January 1726-3 August 1802, son of King Frederick William I of Prussia *1688 and Princess Sophia Dorothea of Hanover,*

    *(25th April 1725 Voltaire's Hérode et Mariamne at Commedie Francaise. Mariamne,Heavily reworked, it opened at the Comédie-Française in April 1725 to a much-improved reception.[40] It was among the entertainments provided at the wedding of Louis XV and Marie Leszczyńska in September 1725.)

    8 conc may 1724 Emmanuel Frederick William Bernard (b. Weimar, 19 December 1725 – d. Weimar, 11 June 1729). son of Ernest_Augustus_I,_Duke_of_Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach*1688 *
    *(Le 3 juin 1724 Gaspard de Clermont-Tonnerre,( né le 16 août 1688), dans la chapelle du château de Versailles, il est reçu dans l'ordre du Saint-Esprit, dans la troisième promotion du règne de Louis XV.) ,

    9 conc april 1723 * 26th Dec. *Frédéric-Melchior baron de Grimm, fils d'un pasteur, naquit à Ratisbonne le 26 décembre 1723*.
    *(April 6th 1723 Marivaux *1688 creates his La Double Inconstance by the Comédie Italienne and Houdard de la Motte his Inès de Castro a parodie of Agnès de Chaillot
    Last edited by yanni; 03-26-2024 at 05:40 AM.

  3. #423
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    title in previous should read 9, not 10

  4. #424
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    Nr 10 !!!

    18 Oct 1711 Luca Antonio Predieri (13 September 1688 – 3 January 1767) La virtù in trionfo o sia La Griselda (The triumph of virtue, or Griselda) dramma per musica in three acts, libretto by Tomaso Stanzani after Apostolo Zeno, premiered Bologna, Teatro Marsigli-Rossi, (score lost apart from the aria "Fa' di me ciò che ti piace" !!!)

    conc oct 1711 Jean-Jacques Rousseau (28 June 1712 – 2 July 1778)

  5. #425
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    In short, dear reader, what the above hieroglyphics claim is that the following 18th cent gentlemen were all sons and agents of James Francis Edward Stuart, the Old Pretender:

    Pierre Michel Hennin,

    Augustin Henri Cochin

    Jean Denis Cochin

    Frederick William Louis, prince of Prussia

    Frederick William Bernard, of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach

    Frederic Melchior Grimm

    Jean Jacques Rousseau

  6. #426
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    What about Gluck?

    En 1713, , Voltaire s’éprend d’Olympe Dunoyer (ou du Noyer), alias Pimpette. C'est très vite le grand amour

    [conc dec 1713 Princess Friederike Luise of Prussia (German: Friederike Luise von Preußen) (29 August 1714 – 4 February 1784) was a daughter of Frederick William I of Prussia*1688 and Sophia Dorothea of Hanover and Margravine of Brandenburg-Ansbach.

    (con early nov 1713( * July 1714 Christoph Willibald (Ritter von) Gluck (2 July 1714 – 15 November 1787) He was baptized Christophorus Willibaldus on 4 July 1714 in the village of Weidenwang (lower Bayern)

    In 1713 Alexander Gluck (father of composer) built a house in Erasbach and by 12 September had taken possession of it.[12]

    6th Dece 1713, jeune secrétaire d’ambassade à La Haye , Voltaire’s*1688 first fully dated letter to mademoiselle Dunoyer, followed by a volley to same 10th, 13th, 16th, 19th, 28th (says left Haye is in Rotterdam going to Paris for new year, hopes she has not sent him a letter to his fathers adress.)

    le 21 décembre 1713 Marivaux *1688 pour les deux derniers livres des Effets surprenants etc etc

    My records register Gluck over 100 times , ie he was heavily promoted by his father jFE Stuart aka “Voltaire”!

  7. #427
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    What about Charles Nicholas Cochin the Elder?

    His modest biography,, wants him born 1688 temping us to suspect he was yet another Cochin ie James Francis Edward Stiuart , even if his alleged profession, engraving, does not support our case, forcing us to look deeper:

    13 juillet Le traité d'Utrecht (le second) fut signé dans la même ville le 13 juillet entre l'Espagne et la Grande-Bretagne

    July 13 1713 – The Treaty of Portsmouth brings an end to Queen Anne's War.

    En 1713, jeune(!!!) secrétaire d’ambassade à La Haye,Voltaire s’éprend d’Olympe Dunoyer (ou du Noyer), alias Pimpette. C’est très vite le grand amour. La mère de cette jeune fille, une huguenote française exilée en Hollande, haïssant la monarchie française, va porter plainte à l’ambassadeur. Furieux, craignant un scandale, celui-ci renvoie Voltaire en France

    27 July 1713 born Princess Sophie Charlotte of Brandenburg-Bayreuth (Sophie Charlotte Albertine; 27 July 1713 con late nov 1712 – 2 March 1747), was a German noblewoman member of the House of Hohenzollern and by marriage Duchess of Saxe-Weimar and Saxe-Eisenach.Born in Weferlingen, she was the fourth of five children born from the marriage of George Frederick Charles, Margrave of Brandenburg-Bayreuth (*19 June 1688 at Obersulzbürg Castle, near Mühlhausen , +– 17 May 1735 in Bayreuth), was a German prince, member of the House of Hohenzollern, nominal Margrave of Brandenburg-Bayreuth-Kulmbach (1708–35) and Margrave of Brandenburg-Bayreuth (1726–35). and Princess Dorothea of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Beck

    On a trip to Paris, Oxford’s political ally—Lord Bolingbroke—had attended the opera and been seen sitting in a box near the Pretender*1688, news which quickly got back to London and caused outrage.

    10 August 1713 Active as a copperplate engraver by 1707, on 10 August 1713 Horthemels married another engraver, Charles-Nicolas Cochin the Elder.[1] (*1688)

    (conc late dec 1712 Maximilian) In Paris on 14 May 1711, Emmanuel Ignatius *1688 married with Charlotte (17 March 1688 - 17 March 1769), daughter of Louis II, Count de Mailly-Nesle.[2][3] They had two sons, who died in infancy:[4] Charles Nicholas (14 February 1712 - 1 July 1712) and Maximilian (29 August 1713 - 1714).

    17 August 1713 Bolingbroke discharged as Secretary of State for the Northern Department In office as from 21 September 1710–

    Montesquie On the death of his father in 1713 he returned to La Brède to manage the estates he inherited, and in 1715 he married Jeanne de Lartigue, a practicing Protestant, with whom he had a son and two daughters.

    le 10 avril 1714 Gaspard de Clermont-Tonnerre, (né le 16 août 1688 à Dijon, Côte-d'Or - mort le 16 mars 1781, en l'hôtel Matignon, à Paris, Le 10 avril 1714, il épouse à Paris Antoinette de Saint-Germain Potier de Novion (1685-27 août 1754 ; fille de Louis-Nicolas et d'Antoinette Le Comte de Montauglan)2, avec laquelle il a quatre enfants

    conc june 1714 *February 22 1715, born Charles-Nicolas Cochin the younger (d. 1790)

    On 26 June 1714 Lockhart wrote to Maule concerning the recent proclamation of a reward for the capture of the Pretender*1688

    Conclusion: Engraving is a rewarding art.

  8. #428
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    more Cochinade ?

    In August 1722, the miseries the Bastille firmly behind him, Voltaire embarked for Holland, with a view to finding a Dutch publisher for the Henriade. He did not travel alone. With him was the delicious Marie-Marguerite de Rupelmonde, a pretty, pleasure-loving young widow in her early thirties, who conveniently had business of her husband's to settle in Holland.Madame Rupelmonde's religious scruples - only increased by Voltaire's unseemly ridicule of a Mass they attended in Brussels prompted her companion to pen the daringly deistic Epître à Uranie. in which the vengeful Christian god is abandoned in favour of a more comforting and forgiving "Father". Rupelmonde (Marie-Marguerite de Tourzel d’Alègre, marquise de) (1688-1752), dame du palais de la reine (1725-1741) http://www.chateauversailles-recherc...nnaire&ref=114

    7 octobre 1722 Voltaire in Halle (62. — À MADAME LA PRÉSIDENTE DE BERNIÈRES[1].)

    “Neuf ans plus tard il revient dans la capitale pour préparer une édition de La Henriade qui avortera. Cette fois, ses impressions se précisent. La lettre qu'il adresse le 7 octobre 1722 à madame de Bernières est un magnifique éloge des Provinces-Unies, pays où tout le monde travaille, où tout le monde, modeste dans sa mise, l'est aussi dans ses habitudes et ses pensées. C'est le pays de la tolérance et dup. ‘Je m'accoutume tout à fait à me passer de Paris’ conclut-il.”

    conc late oct 1722 Marie Hélène COCHIN Born 27 June 1723 - Paris, 75 Deceased 2 March 1772 - Paris, 75, aged 48 years old Épouse de Montpezat , daughter of Henri COCHIN 1687-

  9. #429
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    Czech musicologists will certainly be pleased to learn that their Josef Mysliveček, born in Prague 9 March 1737 was the son of King Frederick William ,aka Luca Antonio Predieri , Voltaire etc, all born 1688, all aliases of James Francis Edward Stuart The Old Pretender ,

    as follows:

    conc june 1736 born in Prague Josef Mysliveček (9 March 1737 – 4 February 1781

    17/ 7/ 1736 Friedrich Wilhelm I *1688 i beförderte Hans_Heinrich_von_Katte am 17. Juli 1736 zum General der Kavallerie.

    26/7/1736 Cesare in Egitto Predieri Luca Antonio (1688-1767) Holešov Prague

  10. #430
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    Johann Gottlieb Ziegler’s (*1688) , family gathering:

    November 3 , 1760– Seven Years' War – Battle of Torgau: In another extremely hard battle, Frederick the Great, (son of Frederick William I. *1688) defeats Daun's Austrians, who withdraw across the Elbe..

    9 November 1760 Ziegler, Christian Gottlieb (b Pulsnitz, Saxony, 25 March 1702; d after 1760). German composer and theorist. He was a son of the Pulsnitz schoolmaster and organist, Johann Gottlieb Ziegler*1688 . He learnt music from his father until he was 13; in 1715 he studied at the Halle orphanage, and in 1720 embarked on three years of theological study at Halle University while continuing his musical studies with his uncle, Johann Gotthilf Ziegler. As a member of the Halle collegium musicum he composed, according to Gerber, seveeral cantatas, overtures, concertos and trios and arranged their performance. In 1723 he was in Dresden, profiting from contact with J.D. Heinichen, S. L. Weiss, Christian Pezold and J.G. Pisendel(*1688), and above all learning from Heinichen and Pezold much about music (according to Walther). In 1724 he returned to Halle and embarked on a three-year course in law; after that he went to Quedlinburg as court organist, becoming organist of St Benedikti in 1730. An unpublished treatise, Der wohlinformierte Generalbassist, is mentioned by Walther and Gerber as having been written between 1728 and 1731, and the New York Public Library has a manuscript Anleitung zur musicalischen Composition, written in Quedlinburg in 1739. His only surviving musical work is a cantata Kommt herzu (A-Wn), written for birthday celebrations for Princess Amalia of Prussia at the Quedlinburg convent on 9 November 1760.

    Princess Anna Amalia of Prussia (9 November 1723 – 30 March 1787) was an early modern German composer and music curator, daughter of Frederick William I *1688
    Last edited by yanni; 03-31-2024 at 06:06 AM. Reason: *i688 pisendel

  11. #431
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    By the summer of 1701, King James*1688 was seriously ill(!!!), and had been away from Saint Germain seeking medical treatment, accompanied by his wife. However, in June the two returned home for the birthdays of their two children.

    conc july 1701 Christian Gottlieb Ziegler (b Pulsnitz, Saxony, *25 March 1702; d after 1760, son of *1688

  12. #432
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    .......and another:

    Fall 1716 Eté 1716. Voltaire*1688 est à Sullly-sur Loire où il est frappé d'exil. Du chateau de Sully, il écrit à la marquise de Mimeure :Il serait délicieux pour moi de rester à Sully s'il m'était possible d'en sortir. M. le duc de Sully est le plus aimable des hommes et celui à qui j'ai le plus d'obligation

    conc oct 1716 Johann Wenzel Anton Stamitz (Czech: Jan Václav Antonín Stamic; 18 June 1717 – 27 March 1757) was a Bohemian composer and violinist. His two surviving sons, Carl and Anton Stamitz, were composers of the Mannheim school, of which Johann is considered the founding father. His music is stylistically transitional between the Baroque and Classical periods.

    conc early nov 1716 William Ernest (b. Weimar, 4 July 1717 – d. Halle, 8 June 1719), Hereditary Prince of Saxe-Weimar.son of Ernst August I* April 1688 and
    conc early nov 1716 *4 July 1717 Wilhelmine Auguste (b. Weimar, 4 July 1717 – d. Weimar, 9 December 1752), twin of Wilhelm Ernst. Daughter of Ernst August I *April 1688

  13. #433
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    RE François-Marie Arouet (French: [fʁɑ̃swa maʁi aʁwɛ]; 21 November 1694 – 30 May 1778) (Wikipedia)

    Discoveries announced as above , confirming more or less Voltaire's birth year (1688 instead of 1694), raise questions such as "Why? and "who says so?

    Particularly because current version of Wikipedia , does have a #1 footnote (283 in total, most by R.Pearson"*1743 ), this #1 does not "function" ie does not guide readers to any part of the article's text!!!!

  14. #434
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    Algarotti, son of "voltaire"etc aka JFEStuart

    Marivaux*1688 : le 14 avril 1712 pour trois livres des Effets surprenants de la sympathie, le 11 mai 1713 pour La Voiture embourbée et le 21 décembre 1713 pour les deux derniers livres des Effets surprenantsntenelle apporte à un écrivain alors inconnu (Marivaux*1688) . Censeur de la Chancellerie, le secrétaire de l’Académie des sciences choisissait sans doute, avec l’abbé Bignon en charge de la Librairie, les manuscrits soumis à son « approbation ». Or il en signa pour les premières productions de Marivaux*1688 : le 14 avril 1712 pour trois livres des Effets surprenants de la sympathie, le 11 mai 1713 pour La Voiture embourbée et le 21 décembre 1713 pour les deux derniers livres des Effets surprenants.

    conc April 1712 Francesco Algarotti (11 December 1712 – 3 May 1764) was an Italian polymath, philosopher, poet, essayist, anglophile, art critic and art collector. He was a man of broad knowledge, an expert in Newtonianism, architecture and opera. He was a friend of Frederick the Great and leading authors of his times: Voltaire, Jean-Baptiste de Boyer, Marquis d'Argens, Pierre-Louis de Maupertuis and the atheist Julien Offray de La Mettrie. Lord Chesterfield, Thomas Gray, George Lyttelton, Thomas Hollis, Metastasio, Benedict XIV and Heinrich von Brühl were among his correspondents.[1

    On 23 April 1712 Ormonde left Harwich for Rotterdam to lead the British troops taking part in the war.[34] Once there he allowed himself to be made the tool of the Tory ministry, whose policy was to carry on the war in the Netherlands while giving secret orders to Ormonde to take no active part in supporting their allies under Prince Eugene.[35

    28 April 1712 Louisa Maria sister of JFE Stuart died on 28 April (18 April, Old Style In April 1712, both James Francis Edward and his sister fell sick with smallpox. While the Old Pretender recovered, Louisa died and was buried with her father at the Church of the English Benedictines in Paris.[4]
    Kensington Palace, Middlesex

    William Legge, 1st Earl of Dartmouth, the British Secretary of State, wrote of the Princess's death:[7] The queen [Anne] shewed me a letter wrote in the king of France's *1688 own hand, upon the death of her sister; in which there was the highest character that ever was given to any princess of her age. Mr. Richard Hill came straight from the earl of Godolphin's... to me with the news, and said it was the worst that ever came to England. I asked him why he thought so. He said it had been happy if it had been her brother; for then the queen might have sent for her and married her to prince George, who could have no pretensions during her own life; which would have pleased every honest man in the kingdom, and made an end of all disputes for the future

    5 May 1712 settled in London Berriman *1688 was ordained deacon at Oxford by Bishop William Talbot, but continued in residence at the university till he was settled in London on 5 May 1712. He was curate at Allhallows, Thames Street in 1712. Berriman *1688 was ordained priest on 12 December 1712 by Philip Bisse, Bishop of Hereford (1667 – 6 September 1721). He was chosen lecturer of St. Michael's, Queenhithe, 22 July 1714.

    On 11 May 1712, Sempill (*1620 was the subject of a "declaration of nobility" by the exiled James Francis Edward Stuart, which recognised Semphill as the legitimate heir of his Lord Semphill ancestors and thereby created him Lord Sempill of Dykehead in the Jacobite peerage.[2] This was despite the title in the Peerage of Scotland remaining extant with Francis Sempill, 10th Lord Sempill as the holder.

    Francis Tenth Lord Sempill formerly Abercromby, Born 1685 (1688??)! in Renfrewshire Died Aug 1716 at about age 31 in Renfrewshire Scotlandmap

  15. #435
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    The one and only Sempill*1688:

    In March (1718) Shippen (30 July 1673 – 1 May 1743) wrote to the Old Pretender, James Francis Edward Stuart*1688 , informing him that all his wishes would be obeyed "with the utmost pleasure as well as fidelity".

    le 23 mars 1718 Maupeou*1688 ne fit pas une si mauvaise affaire puisque Ménars étant mort dès l'année suivante il prit possession de son mortier et se trouva ainsi, à trente ans, l'un des plus jeunes président de la Grand-Chambre.

    March 1718 Antonio Conti he returned to Paris, where he continued to play an active part in the intellectual life of the French capital and during that time began a verse translation of Jean Racine's Athalie and, with the help of the exiled politician Viscount Bolingbroke, continued his translation of Alexander Pope's *1688 The Rape of the Lock

    5 April 1718 Hugh Sempill *1688 promoted major on 5 April 1718.[2]

    11 avril 1718 Voltaire released from Bastille

    April 14, 1718 After 11 months, the Regency decided -not really- to show mercy to Arouet, releasing him on Holy Thursday, April 14, 1718. Arouet was placed on the 18th-century equivalent of house arrest for several more months, but was finally allowed free entry in and out of Paris,

    on November 18, 1718, the young man*1688 who had started to address himself as “Voltaire” had the first major success of his life: the staging of Oedipe at the Comédie Française.

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