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Thread: Corunavirus Journal

  1. #46
    On the road, but not! Danik 2016's Avatar
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    About Covid-19 tests.

    In Brazil, we have about four or five different types of tests. Each of them seems to cover one determinate moment of the illness. There is mainly the test, were they take a drop of blood out of oneīs finger to confirm if one has already acquired antibodies against Covid. Then there is the viral test that verifies if there is a current infection.

    Testing here is still irregularly applied. How is it in your countries?
    "I seemed to have sensed also from an early age that some of my experiences as a reader would change me more as a person than would many an event in the world where I sat and read. "
    Gerald Murnane, Tamarisk Row

  2. #47
    A User, but Registered! tonywalt's Avatar
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    Corona quickly became and will remain a proxy for the global political divide - one, that those of us in the West are very very very (3 verys) aware.

    In full transparency: I avoid the topic, because if you disagree with what is the mainstream media and social media view is - you will get browbeaten or probably patronised.
    Last edited by tonywalt; 07-03-2020 at 01:17 PM.

  3. #48
    On the road, but not! Danik 2016's Avatar
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    "In full transparency: I avoid the topic, because if you disagree with what is the mainstream media and social media view is - you will get browbeaten or probably patronised."

    I see, Tony. Indeed the views about it are still conflicting. It goes from people that still believe, that the pandemics are an invention to people, who have lost several family members to it.
    "I seemed to have sensed also from an early age that some of my experiences as a reader would change me more as a person than would many an event in the world where I sat and read. "
    Gerald Murnane, Tamarisk Row

  4. #49
    Registered User tailor STATELY's Avatar
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    Covid-19 testing is really mind-boggling out here in Gold Country, USA. First, we need to have everybody tested (face the facts, Jack)... but some politicians say no for Heavens-know-why, and there still are not enough test kits for e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e to get tested. I was lucky (twice)... let me explain:

    Monday, late evening last, I get a weird dry cough episode and start to feel short of breath... paranoia sets in. OK, taking friend to doctor's appt. Tuesday where we both go for checkups. On Tuesday wheel him into the clinic and I'm asked to go back outside and call the very same office I just wheeled my friend in to make arrangements for someone to see me outside... ooooo kkkkkk. 45 minutes or so? (I fell asleep in SUV) my friend is wheeled out and bundled into SUV waking me up. Hazmat Susan, not her real name, in gown and mask and face-shield asks me a few questions, takes temperature, BP, and swabs my throat, then deftly breaks the stick that the swab is attached to and places it into a vial... "your results will be ready in 5-8 working days, please self quarantine appropriately"...

    That's not going to fly, my dear... my wife has one kidney and COPD (past smoker) and asthma and I (informally) care for a 75 year-old man who has a history of heart/stroke/etc. So I'm a bit perturbed... so's my Daughter... ver-ry perturbed. Since my daughter's husband works at a nearby hospital (not a caregiver) I get advised to go to the ER at a hospital the next day so hopefully I'll get quicker results. Wife stays at sister's house for the night and I can't sleep a wink.

    Arrive at the ER reception entrance Wednesday after 10 am and talk to receptionist about what's up and then asked to wait... 10 minutes later see the triage nurse: BP 170ish, shortness of breath, and lungs "feel" tight, yes: 6'4" (1.95 m) too many pounds, soreness in mouth... then taken inside the ER proper and given a room and asked to take off outside shirt only (important to note) and put funky gown on with opening facing the rear. I do so and sit on the exam gurney. Not too long later a bevy of caregivers, one by one for the most part all entering through a side door (???) not the front entrance, attend me including one young lady I recognized from church in the past (I didn't let on I knew her keeping things professional). More vitals, Q & A's... and then a nurse comes in to "swab" my nose. It felt as bad as one would expect a pithed frog might feel before oblivion... a long deep probe forced up into the nether reaches of the nasal sinus, twice, once for each nostril. Again, sample placed into vial to be analyzed.

    It was explained to me that they had a 3-tier approach to test results: Tier 1 gets test results quickly (usually the same day), Tier 2 less quickly, Tier 3... not a clue. But this is all predicated on whether they even have enough reagent to test anyone who isn't full-blown covidating (my nonce word). They don't tell me which tier I fall in at the moment because that's not up to them (sigh).

    So I'm allowed to take a short nap with the lights down low and then wakened and whisked away on the gurney through the crowded corridors to get chest x-rays: one facing apparatus, one side-ways to the apparatus. I didn't hear Parker giggling but I'm sure she did... technician asks me if I'm wearing a pen (oops!); so I unclip Parker from my garment and set her down nearby and get another set: one facing apparatus, one side-ways to the apparatus.

    Another short wait and I'm told x-rays fine (Parker notwithstanding), BP down to a more reasonable 140 (still high), and please self-quarantine until tests results come in... grrr.

    Get the test results that evening from the ER pharmacy (woohoo!)... negative !!! So wife gets to come home and life looks so much brighter all of a sudden. Only one problem, I still have a tightness in my lungs and shortness of breath - so I'm just taking it a little easier than usual (I'm usually quite chill anyway) and will forgo 2-picnics on Saturday and a few other "things" as needed.

    The end ?

    Still waiting for test results from Tuesday...

    From a previous post... a poem?:

    E - E

    Educated fleas ?
    Glory Hanna ! I just know
    love makin's not our
    pandemic questions' reflection
    ... social trepidation
    Upheaval: vague weariness
    Xanadu yearnings... zombie
    apocalypse by cracky !
    Don't even !!!

    "Doctor on Covid-19 task force briefings: 'Stop screwing around' "...


    Ta ! (short for tarradiddle),

    who am I but a stitch in time
    what if I were to bare my soul
    would you see me origami


  5. #50
    On the road, but not! Danik 2016's Avatar
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    Sorry, tailor, that must have been a stress for you and your family. As you first wrote about your test, I thought, they were just sampling in your part of the country, as they have been doing here. They just test people randomly to get an idea how much infected the district is.

    It also mustnīt have been very agreeable to encounter as patient a person you are used to meet in church.
    Anyway, the good news are, that not only the Covid exam was negative but also the X-ray. My father had tuberculosis and in his time all those modern exams didnīt exist. But he had a good doctor and reliable old X-ray.

    One thing treacherous Corona does to all of us, is leaving us permanently unsure. We have the feeling we might be infected even if we are not. All one can do is observe oneself. If your symptoms persist it would be good to go to the hospital again, preferably without your charge. But keep in mind that the infected people go there too.
    "I seemed to have sensed also from an early age that some of my experiences as a reader would change me more as a person than would many an event in the world where I sat and read. "
    Gerald Murnane, Tamarisk Row

  6. #51
    A User, but Registered! tonywalt's Avatar
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    Hang in there Tailor.

    I read your post Tailor, and have to say that what the lamestream media has done to people, to you - well it boils my blood. And I know other litnetters feel the same way. Turns out your fine. But the lamestream media has got you in a state that things can never be fine, not with all that Fear they are marketing. Damn shame.

    I hope this environment improves we can makes things as good as they really should be again.
    Last edited by tonywalt; 07-04-2020 at 11:32 AM.

  7. #52
    A User, but Registered! tonywalt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Danik 2016 View Post
    "In full transparency: I avoid the topic, because if you disagree with what is the mainstream media and social media view is - you will get browbeaten or probably patronised."

    I see, Tony. Indeed the views about it are still conflicting. It goes from people that still believe, that the pandemics are an invention to people, who have lost several family members to it.
    I was talking about the mainstream media and social media, both are with few exceptions are terrible sources of news. They have their own agenda, and I suspect it differs from most litnetters.
    Last edited by tonywalt; 07-04-2020 at 10:57 AM.

  8. #53
    On the road, but not! Danik 2016's Avatar
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    I avoid the social media, that is to say FB, Twitter, Instagram, etc. I prefer forums, where things are toned down and one has a better idea whom one is talking too.
    But I donīt avoid journalism. One has to know, what is going on, so as not to be surprised. Of course, one has to make choices which news can be believed.
    "I seemed to have sensed also from an early age that some of my experiences as a reader would change me more as a person than would many an event in the world where I sat and read. "
    Gerald Murnane, Tamarisk Row

  9. #54
    A User, but Registered! tonywalt's Avatar
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    Hopefully, we can move past the recent troubling troubles. I'll be sitting by the pool either way.
    Last edited by tonywalt; 07-04-2020 at 05:01 PM.

  10. #55
    On the road, but not! Danik 2016's Avatar
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    I am not sure if there is neutral media. But yes, letīs hope this will pass soon.

    (Litnet specially impossible today. Tried to answer you 3 or 4 times).
    "I seemed to have sensed also from an early age that some of my experiences as a reader would change me more as a person than would many an event in the world where I sat and read. "
    Gerald Murnane, Tamarisk Row

  11. #56
    A User, but Registered! tonywalt's Avatar
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    Yea it has been slow.

    #bewoke #question everything

  12. #57
    Registered User tailor STATELY's Avatar
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    Second test (actually the first test from last Tuesday)... negative.

    A giggle in a time of woe:
    An association of theme park operators in Japan has issued a new set of guidelines that ask people to not make loud noises or scream while at theme parks amid the coronavirus pandemic...
    ... roller coasters: what could go wrong ?

    Ta ! (short for tarradiddle),

    who am I but a stitch in time
    what if I were to bare my soul
    would you see me origami


  13. #58
    On the road, but not! Danik 2016's Avatar
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    Congrats, tailor, not only for the results of the tests, but also for living near a good hospital, that seems to be doing a good follow up. A priceless thing in these confused and confusing times.
    "I seemed to have sensed also from an early age that some of my experiences as a reader would change me more as a person than would many an event in the world where I sat and read. "
    Gerald Murnane, Tamarisk Row

  14. #59
    A User, but Registered! tonywalt's Avatar
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    Good news Tailor.

  15. #60
    On the road, but not! Danik 2016's Avatar
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    Good news for us all!

    Several of the international vacines are being tested here: the Oxford one, the Chinese one and the one from Pfizer (US and Germany I think). The mysterious Russian one is going to be tested in Paraná.
    The good news is that the testing age limit for the one from Oxford(which is at the most advanced stage) has been moved from 55 to 69 because of the good results.

    Ladies and Gentleman! Please keep visiting our site regularly. Itīs our way of knowing, that you are well.
    "I seemed to have sensed also from an early age that some of my experiences as a reader would change me more as a person than would many an event in the world where I sat and read. "
    Gerald Murnane, Tamarisk Row

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