Vampirious eddies form in living river
swirling vortexes that will deliver
removing life force, from human host
If it cannot escape,it will be toast!

While we remain flowing in the river
of life,all will be well,little strife.

But if we are caught up in a eddy
a deadly twister,the vampires
fangs will leave more than
a blister.

The swirling motion of the eddy
acts like a vampire sucking out
our life blood,energy gone,hopes
are smashed, if we cannot escape
life will crash.

When our life is in circling motion
that's the clue we are out of the ocean
we are caught in an eddy, repeating
mistakes,we need to act fast, and get
back in the flow, before the vampires
deals us a deadly blow.

Hope you all sleep well tonight!!!
Warmest regards Michael.