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Thread: The Search Within

  1. #106
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    This ‘Tamasha’ of lavish religious festivities leaves the poor baffled and the elite (intellectual) class simply spurns away. Instead of transforming the latter for serving the interests of the society, the disenchantment creates revulsion for religion, and the words of God, Divinity become unpalatable for them.
    In such a scenario, where is the scope of God/Divinity in their scheme of things and life style? But all is not lost. In India and Muslim countries, religions, faiths, sects etc. do play a dominant role in the lives of a majority of their people. Religions play very positive and strange roles. Some of these ancient religions are the soul diet of about 70 percent of the population of these countries. Their followers are linked to God through their religion. About 28 percent are catered by different faiths. Only the remaining 2 percent of the population, the cream (!) of the society, which controls more than 80 percent wealth/resources of the world, are away from God/faiths/sects. They are real rulers of the masses. This ruling class of the ‘intellectuals’ treats the 70 percent populace—which believes in God and happens to be deprived of the material wealth—the have-nots, as ignorant filthy beasts. Though their tolerance towards the ‘devout’ (the 20 percent), who are attached to some particular sects/Mathas, is somewhat mellowed, as this class is their immediate subordinate—the class of executives, which enforces the writ on behalf of the elite. They are placed in the category of the hypocrite. These hypocrites, though belonging to the special sects, do in fact trace their roots to the ‘mother’ religions. Both Sunny and Shia belong to their mother religion of Islam, and their Prophet is one and the same. Jews, Muslims and Christians, all belong to the same ancestry. Similarly in India too, all the major religions have emerged from the ‘mother’ religion, i.e., Sanathandharaman. Thus 90 percent populations of the world, in some way or the other do believe in God and their medium of commune with God is through a religion. But it may surprise many, except for Sanathandharaman; all other religions are the creation of their respective Masters. This was the only religion, which was entirely based on philosophical content, which totally relate to the eternal truth of God. That is why it was described as the Mother-Religion of all the religions. It was not created by any master. It does not preach any sectarian ‘philosophy’; neither is it a sect nor does it caters to one set of people. Through time immemorial, ancient masters nourished it with different schools of thoughts. It is the sign of maturity that its multifarious colors of thoughts—six schools of thought—cater to all categories of intellectual elevations. Its holistic approach satisfies the Godly urge of the ordinary masses. For the highly advanced there is Vedhaanthik philosophy, which is the unique contribution of Indian culture and spirituality, which has no parallel anywhere in the world, in Godly search and realization. Another unique feature is its anonymous aspect of origin. Not a single seer or sage claims about his contribution for any one of its branches of ‘thought’. Although countless saints contributed in making it the most perfect specimen of human ingenuity in the development of his thought in the quest of his origin and that of the ‘Originator.’ It is one religion, (Sanathandharman) which is the conglomerate of all kinds of philosophies, which the genius brains (wisdom) of ancient nameless master had churned out after life long austerities in their search for the Truth. It is the practical composite study of Truth, which is eternal and all pervasive. But to the chagrin of the real ‘thinkers’ this religion—rather the non-religion—has been relegated to yield way to the new breed of religions, because It did not boast of its origin from the name of a single or a series of masters. Nor did it speak in the language people liked. Its contributors were unknown. Its richness of ‘thought’ content is so complete and flawless, that no other religion on earth could add or contribute or devise any new ‘theory’, ‘thought’ or ‘revelation’, which was not already in Its repository. Being Indian, it does not entitle the little-self to sermonize, transform or even indirectly draw attention of the world, towards a particular religion. But, without an iota of doubt, it is not a religion like others. It does not trumpet any particular philosophy nor does it cater to any ethnic group. It is the Mother religion, that ‘contains’—in Its cosmic-prism—all other religions. It does not make followers, nor are its propagators entitled to teach sectarian ‘philosophies.’ This is the very reason that It has been put in the junkyard and so many other religions have mushroomed, each imitating—in poor tastes, of course—any of Its celestial philosophy of ‘thought’.
    The more i learn more i become aware of my ignorance
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  2. #107
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    No religion, which is the ‘creation’ of one master, one philosophy and catering to one ethnical group of people, can ever claim to be secular and complete in it-self. Like an individual mind, until it comprehends its cosmic vision—Consciousness can never be perfected. That is, its elevation to wisdom and bliss state is not complete. It is a wonderful fact, not a single Master of celestial stature established an order (religion) because anyone in that state of ‘Being’ is absolved of individuality and in Him ‘exists’ only the universal-Being. Would a Universal Being ever need to establish a sectarian order or for that matter a religion? In Bhaarath there were only two such perfect Beings viz., Sri Ram and Sri Krshan. Neither of them established an order, nor was any religion established on their names, during their life- time and even after their mortal departure from this world! They are still worshipped as Avathaars: Their statues are installed in the temples and worshipped, but no religion is named after their names. Both of them exhibited complete Comprehension—Awareness, as such there was no need for them or their devotees to compartmentalize their Universality in minor and narrow ‘philosophies’.
    It is a matter of pride that Indian culture and spirituality had reached to such celestial heights, many civilizations blossomed from it: much before the Chinese or Greek ‘thought’ took birth and the West was still passing through its barbarian age. Sindhu-ghatti, Harrapan, Gangetic and Saraswati-Nadhi civilizations were some of the prime cultural amalgamations, which produced some of the finest brains in the Indian philosophy. This country did not believe in eulogizing individual prodigies but in producing a hybrid of composite ‘philosophy’ that represented every section of the society. Individual ingenuity was not promoted but there was always a system, a code of conduct to guide and give direction to the society, so that it did not deviate from its main purpose of pursuing the realization of the Supreme—Truth. It did not pursue only the God-realization, but in the process had transgressed the intervening elevations of: Dharam (Righteousness), Arth (Wealth), Kaam (Fulfillment of Desire) and finally the Moksh. The last, Moksh was not the attainment of some celestial boon, but the consequential liberation from worldly attachments, after having enjoyed the fruits of wealth through the righteous means.
    In Indian culture, all the streams of disciplines, namely, education (through gurukul system): code of conduct (through morality, subscribing to Sage Manus’Manusimrithi and Dharam Sasthra): justice (by following Nyaya Sasthra of Sage Gautham): grammar (through Sage Pannini), mental sciences (based on Sage Bharadhwaj), medicinal science (saint Charaks’ Samhitha), surgical science (saint Susruth): all supplemented only one theme i.e. realization of Truth by adopting only the rightful means. Both ends and means were important. Means were based on morality and end was the attainment of perfection, the culmination of human intellect to the level of wisdom, where there is the realization of one God and the brotherhood of man and of his divinity.
    The more i learn more i become aware of my ignorance
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  3. #108
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    Today philosophy is no more a science of truth but a mere subject of study. It is taught as a theory like any other subject. It has lost its original shine of ‘Illumination, Self realization, Enlightenment’ and relegated to junkyard like its ‘object’—the Truth. Presently there are religions, sects, faiths, which proclaim the ownership of God as their ‘property.’ Now guru is considered above God, as He being invisible and guru being His ‘representative’ on earth is, their sole ‘Object.’ The poor God is not even the ‘subject’, as It has become only the ‘Manthar’ (word) of the guru. The followers are required to enchant the ‘mantra’ and worship the form of the guru (in meditation). What a down degradation of the Religion and its ‘Object.’ Now mantra (word) is the religion and the guru the God. It is not only the travesty of Truth but a ridiculous mockery of Its study (philosophy).
    Bhaarath was, and still is the land of God, where He is worshipped, revered, studied and discussed in every Indian home. Aptly this country is called the soul-guru of the rest of the world. But the British’ rule has been a palpable culprit in the erosion of values of life of about 20 percent of its population. This percentage could further be graded into two categories, as the ‘New Feudal (NF=2 percent) and the ‘enforcer’ (the ‘elite’, the executives class=18 percent). The latter also include the ‘Nethas’ (leaders). The remaining 80 percent is the work-force. At the global level the average is 30:70. The 2 percent ‘NF’ of the society, which rules the roost, is simply not bothered about the positive/negative aspects of human values. This class is above the law, above the conscience (it does not exist for them), or anything that relates to society and the nation, because it is these people who make or destroy societies, nations, rules and writs. It is these people who are the conscience-keepers of the society, because conscience is that, what they define as. The hierarchy merely enforces their writ. They have no conscience of their own. Whatever these brainless, tamed beasts possess as wealth and knowledge (data) is at the pleasure of the ‘NF’. They follow and execute the orders of their masters, just for few a crumbs of illegal gratification in return of their services. They belong to the ‘tamasic’, the lowest aspect of the mind, though their placement in society is that of ‘Rajasic class of ‘Karamyogis.’as these people have either raised themselves or are the ‘pick’ from the remaining 80 percent of the ‘have-nots,’ their roots are, thereby still embedded with the Mother tree—the Indian culture.
    On the contrary their life and ‘messages’ are producing palatial mansions and not examples of pure living. They are trying to ‘live’ their ‘devout’ theories, not by precept but in the language their followers understand. The Guru as well as the followers are least interested in God or ‘enlightenment’ as these are taboo for the autocratic enzymes. Had these Gurus been genuinely groomed, and they might had the welfare of the society as their first priority, and the ‘enforcer’ class would have been able to influence their master ‘elite’ class (NF) and converted it to the same ideal. What is the wealth for and what purpose does the riches of the world serve? After all the wealth of the ephemeral world and the artificial one created by its money genius is not meant to be hoarded in the bank vaults and be wasted in the construction of palatial palaces/ashrams/deras or to support lavish and luscious lifestyle of their inhabitants.
    God is not a case history even, for this 20-30 percent segment of the society. For them money is God and power is their preserve.
    Now let us have a closer look at the spiritual facet of these Gurus. Some of them may be genuine, but in one aspect all of them are classed in the same category. All build palatial mansions with the donations received from their followers: all are alluring people with tempting slogans and misguided promises so as to convert them to their ‘faiths’: All are ‘granting’ Naam-Dhaan (Guru-mantra)—a five word ‘passport’ to heaven: All are establishing their separate identities with distinct sectarian symbols. These willful and sectarian ‘acts’ are creating divisions in the already divided universal society. Not satisfied with these acts of commission in the guise of spiritualism, these elements are enacting the most seditious emotional infringement. Like all sectarian religions, even some genuine masters have been indulging in faith conversion of their followers. Swami Vivekanandh, Sri Prabhupadh, Swami Yoganandh, Osho and Mahesh yogi: all are revered names in spiritual hierarchy. They not only converted foreigners to their respective faiths—or whatever name they give to their ‘missions’—but changed the names of their devotees. Their American and European disciples were given Indian names. Why?
    The more i learn more i become aware of my ignorance
    Awareness of ignorance is wisdom

  4. #109
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    Our Gurus who are engaged in the business of spiritualism, even if completely genuine, they have not been fair to their professed ‘philosophies’! Vedhaanth does not preach sectarian ritualism of name conversion and faith conversion. Philosophy that acclaims all souls belongs to one supreme Soul, has no place for those elements which preach distinction of individuality, in however fine or sophisticated manner it might be.
    The end aim of philosophers, saints, prophets, messengers and the Maharishis is to attain and realize the Ultimate-Reality—God. Any distinction, variation from the main path, is a willful dereliction. So many separate paths to one goal, enunciated by our classic masters, create confusion in the minds of the discerning genuine seekers. Each master has ‘revealed’ a different view of the Grand-Vision/Glimpse of his realization. There is not a single instance of a master, who has had His total and complete ‘vision’ and could live to narrate that ‘vision’ in human language—comprehensible to laymen and intellectuals alike. Alas it was never to be, as it was never intended to, by the Powers be! The scientists, cosmologists discover only that part of the Nature which it intends to reveal. The Nature reveals itself layer by layer. Or we can put it this way that scientific advancement (evolution) is a progressive process. It cannot jump from Stone Age to stem cell cloning in a jiffy. It took the human race thousands of years to evolve its intelligence to the present state of conscious.
    Coming back to the present nursery of Gurus and the mental trauma their followers go through is a case of emotional cheating and blackmail. Heavens are promised but the followers are left as spiritual paupers after filling the havens of the master. It is other matter that they are compelled to shun even the name of God in the remaining part of their lives. The foggy spiritual voyage pushes them toward their worldly masters—New Feudal, whom they happily enjoin to exploit the ‘have-nots’—the real connoisseurs of the ancient but the eternal cultural heritage, which is the true legacy of humanity; which distinguishes it from animal fraternity.
    The ‘NF’ and the ‘elite’ classes are—like their material conscience raising Gurus—are the modern ‘conscience-masters’ of the world. The modern society is ruled by money, and money is power—the absolute power. Though religion seeps in the blood of the have-nots, but their gut-power is controlled by the have-all—NF! The religion might still be playing a dominant role in their lives but its reins are in the hands of the ‘chosen-ones’—the NF. The religious rituals, symbolism, cast, creed and the ‘dialectic’ divisions have over ran finer aspects of human values and in their place a new creed of hypocritical baser material values have taken over. Whereas the ancient human values which still preserve their potency, blossom the theistic innate nature of ‘divine’ in human beings, the present cult of money power has made their a senseless robotic ‘intellect’ which has wrought havoc and destruction, as in the case of imbalance in the natures’ elements. As we advance in spiritualism, we realize that no one is a complete theist, as none believes in the omnipresence of God and the ‘divine aspect (incarnation) of man as Avathaars. Similarly the atheists are not fully non-believer, because every thinking mind is ever engaged in the enquiry of his origin, creation and the Creator—if there is One.
    Man is ‘divine’ is the realization of the wise. But the wise have their limitations, in the sense; their benefit of the ‘realisation’ is passed on, only to a select few. Hence their ‘message’ is lost in the cacophony of beasts—due to the negative tendencies which lurk in the minds of the ‘chosen few.’
    The more i learn more i become aware of my ignorance
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  5. #110
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    Each age has an object: a purpose: aims and a priority. To achieve that it has its own set of ‘values’ which give proper direction to meet the aim. The human mind is appropriately equipped ‘intellectually’ to dispense accordingly. Each age has its scientific discoveries and inventions. Religion too was a part of our lives, though in different colors and phases. The inevitable fact of life-death is the harbinger of fear that immediately creates in us the urge to find ways to vanquish death. That brings on the need, in the societal mind to devise a system, which not only is the mediator between life and death but a supreme tool in the hands of the rulers. When religion is used as tool to rule over the ‘conscience’ of the man, it becomes the weapon of the system, which would produces only demonic, not noble forces. The same religions when applied, not as the vanquisher of fear and destruction, but as the real conscience of humanity, it creates harmony in society and its inhabitants deport as angels.
    The single most negative factor, which proves to be fatal, in moldings the intellectual ‘field’ of humanity, is the real power-broker who wields uninhibited power over the lives and livelihood of the masses. These power-brokers are the real influencing force, which sways the very thinking process/trend of a generation. Accompanying them gladly are the ‘conscience-raising’—Gurus. The material masters govern the lives of the masses, whereas the Gurudom rules their conscience. Both the classes join together to have complete sway over the bodies and the minds of the have-nots. It is these elements who create the genes of atheism. Atheism is not the denial of Existence, but the state of ‘nihilism’ in the minds of the intellectuals. It is these intellectuals who have been, and still are, corrupting the minds of the laymen. Being themselves devoid of the human values, they are filling the tender minds of the under-privileged innocent people, with values which are measured with money and power. Nothing is wrong with money or power, if these are the fruitful outcome of the five celestial values (Truth, Righteousness, Love, Peace and Non-violence) in the human heart. When the fields of heart are well prepared and groomed with pure seeds of ‘thought’, there is no scope for any admixture of inferior varieties of thoughts in the blossomed crop of the intellect. A mind, which is already nourished on the finest of the finest qualities of human values is, not a befitting ground for crap harvest. The mind which is susceptible to idiot box, even as a toddler, and being exposed to violence, murders, sex, war and later in the adolescent age, in the name of knowledge, mammoth ‘data’ is stored in their already overly impression(-ed) brains—they are not to be expected to produce works of art, beauty and harmony! These brains devoid of values shall destroy values with ruinous gadgets, which generate only crude energy, power and charged pleasures. When few of these ‘brains’, get deflected by the saner elements they are faced with disenchantment, as like in childhood, their brains are again exposed to the irrelevant logic of the ‘masters’
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  6. #111
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    In ancient times, the ‘intellectual’ class used to have very positive and sublime effects on the brains of their followers. Ancient masters were a class ‘unique’. The products of their academies/Ashrams were the ideal rulers, as they had the attitude of ‘service’ i.e., serving the society selflessly. Similarly the New Feudal and the governing (enforcer) class under them, emulating the rulers served the masses with compassion and dispensed justice by sharing their ordeals. The masters produced quality stuff and history is full of tales, when rulers sacrificed their lives by adhering to truth and righteousness.
    Now the masters have been relegated to the governance class, and the real masters of the world polity are the NF and the intellectuals: the elite and their think tanks. Ancient civilizations flourished, not as the result of material progress alone! Material prosperity was considered secondary to noble qualities—a natural outcome of honest living within the disciplines of human values, rigorously applied to every aspect of life. More than the religions, it was the ‘philosophy’ that ruled the mind. Philosophy was not merely a subject; not even the ‘treatise’ of the religions. It was the science of Truth, which could be attained by following its attributive values, viz., righteousness, peace, love and non-violence. Like Nature is composed of five elements, human life is additionally composed of these (five) values. Both, elements and values are intrinsically valid and permeate their creations. A slight imbalance in their harmonious coordination can bring about incalculable damage in their respective spheres of influence.
    Old masters had no quarrel over religious digressions, as they did not belong to any particular religions. They all adhered to the universal Religion, which preached brotherhood of man and fatherhood of God that brooked no dissension.
    Religions, in their narrow forms, came into existence only on the personalization of the ‘truth’, by its compartmentalization into different theologies.
    God and Its Being: Divinity and Its Existence: Soul and Its Bliss (Realization): were disintegrated in the wordy duels. God/Divinity comes down to Incarnate as ‘Avathaars’ (God in human form). But now a days it is fashion for every seer, saint and guru to call themselves as Bhagavan—the synonym of God, and put themselves much above the celestial ‘divinity’ of the Avathaars. Bhagavans, Godmen, Gurus, and Maharishis: just imagine to what low level of mental depravity, the class of ‘gurus’ has degenerated that even persons who are still doused in sensual perversity, are proclaiming themselves to be ‘That’—from whose Truth they are poles apart!
    Human values are the attributes of conscience, which is the reflection of Aathma, in individual Jeevis (Self). But our sectarian masters have devalued the stature of these values and equated them with the mental tendencies. Instead of raising our-self to the Self (Aathma), we have lowered the level of consciousness/conscience to gross-intellect level. That is, from Cosmic-Consciousness to individual (body) conscious—the individual mind. In minds’ conscious, only nature exists. And nature is the field of the scientific research. All modern religions being the product of mind—which is neither conscience nor the Aathma—which is only the reflection of nature, nothing else
    The more i learn more i become aware of my ignorance
    Awareness of ignorance is wisdom

  7. #112
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    Nice! I enjoy your messages, little-self!

  8. #113
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    Thanks Byron
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  9. #114
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    Here lies the anomaly, because mind being the replicate of nature, which is material in nature and the creation of gross energy and its allied elements, is the preserve of the physical sciences: Whereas the source of all religions is ‘conscience’—which is related to human beings, meaning, life— which is the true replicate/reflection of the Aathma. Thus most of the religions in vogue today, are full of crap and they needlessly try to delve in the secrets of nature. This ignominious failure on the part of the religionists has brought only contempt from the scientists/intellectuals. The scientific research is based on facts; as a result the Gurudom’s furrow in the latter’s field has only brought them ridicule. Each to its assigned role and harmonious cohesion, otherwise religions would be producing a more atheists than they can handle.
    The basic factor that puts off the intellectuals from the religion is their deeper understanding on the subject. They fully understand the finer nuances of each religion because they are better equipped with tools of the trade, which create the theological treatises on God. It is, of course, the ‘intellect, ‘which is the genesis of the mind. It should not be equated with the Supreme-Intelligence, the highest state of conscious (wisdom) —Divine - (Brahma)-Principal. Gross mind is an individual entity: it is nothing but the storehouse of knowledge/information/data of external world, received through the senses. In its dissemination, the intellectuals are more adept than the modern religiosity. That is why, in the minds’ jingoistic exercise, the latter are at disadvantage, than the former. This is the reason, religions have been usurped by the modern masters, who are mentally agile and are well conversant with the frustrations of the masses. They are equally at home with NF, as they also belong to the same group: enjoy and deport the same credentials, viz., name, fame, wealth and worldly comforts. They have no desire for ‘spirituality’ and have no ‘divine’ feelings (curiosity) in their minds, as they have become Bhogarajulu and Kararajulu (men of pleasure and desire), unlike the masters of ancient times, who were regarded as Thyagarajulu,Yogorajulu and Yathirajulu (masters of sacrifice, spirituality and renunciation).
    Minds’ existence is because of the acquired knowledge of nature and its creations. But values are born along with man, not before or after. Truth, righteousness, peace and love which constitute Aathmik feelings, and are thus eternal and are not subject to change. But fortunately, the mind whose existence is solely because of the ephemeral world, is the only medium through which these ‘values’ get expression and establish a homogenous culture, wherein, both divinity and nature:spirituality and materialism are complementary to each other. The Aathma is realized, when it is ‘known’: All have their origin from one Source, hence are One. Then how can we be separate from the Source and keep our distinct identities? That nature is separate, independent of Divinity, is an illusion, which our ignorance and lack of knowledge, force upon our minds to accept as ‘true’ Minds however brilliant in worldly/physically sciences should not be allowed to discriminate on Aathmik-Reality, as the later is not the subject of the ephemeral world, which could be taught, learnt or treated like other subjects. Not until one has sincerely tried by religiously following the spiritual syllabus as enunciated by the Realised-Ones, no intelligent brain should shut itself of Aathmik-Reality and put on itself the borrowed aphorism of atheisms, non-believers, agnosticism or even of being ‘theist’. Mind should be left open, like the open space to grasp awareness of all the hidden matter, black-matter/non-matter, secrets of casual particles, and even whatever lies beyond that. Mind is not a void, even in its original state, but full of invisible, indecipherable ‘knowledge’ like the vast void of the Brahmand, which encompasses the cosmos.
    The more i learn more i become aware of my ignorance
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  10. #115
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    Where do your quotes come from, little-self?

  11. #116
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    Source of all spiritual quotes is our ancient Indian sacred scriptures/Saints/Maharishis!
    The more i learn more i become aware of my ignorance
    Awareness of ignorance is wisdom

  12. #117
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    Religion and Religions
    The very name ‘religion’ immediately brings to our mind the pictures of palatial mansions, commonly called temples of God, high class priests in richly adorned costumes, performing endless rituals. Followers of each faith, attired in distinct ‘muftis,’ or supporting identity marks/symbols, going to temples for worship or prayers. There is a further distinction between the royal costumes of the priests and the followers of each religion/sect. In some cases, the priestly heads do not wear any attire at all. Each religion has a distinct theology and a set of systematic procedure of rituals. All are laced with custom made gadgetries. In some cases these may be missing but symbolic worship/prayer is ritualistically performed. There in no religion which has not its own ‘house’ of God; supporting distinguishing architectural designs. If all ‘houses’ of God are embossed in a bazaar, each displaying and selling their ‘special ‘wares, but the commodity for ‘sale’ is the same one God! Every shop would be decorated with different batons, advertising different tools of worship, and different sets of theologies. Each ‘shop’ is manned by strangely attired salesmen: Each is an architectural delight, very richly crafted with costly artifices: The shoppers, patronizing each ‘shop’ are also distinguishable and strangely identical in each group, by their common bearings: Each group is supporting different marks/symbols—mostly belonging to rural backgrounds or to the lower strata of society, which represent about 70-80percentage of the world population. Regardless of their being bereft of material riches, they move about in hustle and bustle, and their general demeanor is of merry making. They joyously laugh, dance and chant their respective Gods’/Gurus’ name and pay rich tribute, both in kind and cash, far beyond their means. Simply and poorly attired, they brim with happiness, for no ostensible reason, excepting their esteem devotion to the ‘object’ of their wayfaring. The sounds of bells atop each ‘shop’: rhythmic beating of the drums and numerous other musical instruments: high pitched and full throated singing of prayers: plus chanting of His name by millions of followers around the world: create an atmosphere of Divine bliss, whose vibrations bring soothing effects in the charred bodies and hearts of the have-nots.
    In contrast, few blocks (of mind) away, there is a posh colony of the NF’s. Each house is a fortress, imprisoning their masters in golden suites, fitted with expensive gadgetry available in the world, just for the comfort of their mindless, lifeless sacks (warders). Each mansion, though, seems to contain scores of suites, but strangely, each palace is inhibited by the loneliest people on earth. Even more than 80 percent wealth of the world, accumulated in that exclusive area is, not sufficient to invigorate their bodies with vibes of frivolity, gaiety and dance. There is deathly silence all around. These emotionally devoid people are totally immune to the feelings of inner joy, are wearing deathly masks, and would only be dispensing death and gloom with their wealth and power. Possessing all the conceivable wealth and comforts at their command, why don’t they vibrate with the zest for life and vigor, happiness and peace? Because happiness and peace are inner elements (Swabhav-Athmik feeling), whereas money and power can acquire only ephemeral pleasures!
    Realizing these impediments, in the way to happy and peaceful life, our ancient masters had charted out four ‘Purusharths’ (goal of life), viz., Dharam (righteousness), Arth (wealth), Kaam (desire/passion) and finally the ‘Moksh’ (liberation). Money/wealth and its enjoyment can yield best results, if these are undertaken with best motive, by adopting righteous means. Only then can we be librated from being overly obsessed with their indulgences and take the vicissitudes of life in normal way. In this way, the final goal in life is to be free from the very urge of ‘desire’/passion, and accept the function of the senses as normal. Acquisition of wealth by honest means: its judicious use for the betterment of humanity at large is not bad, but an asset in the building of a healthy society. Similarly passions should be discharged in the right direction, in furtherance of the mans’ march toward its destined course. Perfection, is not a ‘sin’ but a classic case of human endeavor, in controlling the lava of energy that lies dormant in man, ready to explode at the touch of a tiny desire
    The more i learn more i become aware of my ignorance
    Awareness of ignorance is wisdom

  13. #118
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    I've practised TM since the early 1960s, still do, and never regretted it. Sometimes I see the light, but other times I don't. Its a bit like that with meditation.

  14. #119
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    Persistent efforts bring fruit....wishing u well
    The more i learn more i become aware of my ignorance
    Awareness of ignorance is wisdom

  15. #120
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    Feb 2017
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    Considering the socio-religious and political conditions prevailing in those times, the above ascribed ‘means’ were understandable. There used to be (monarchy) system of governance. Population in each kingdom, used to be in thousands only. Education was imparted in ashrams or in academies, run by ‘masters’ who had mastered proper control over their senses and were thus living exemplary lives, which were the personification of values. No fee was charged from the pupils. The king of the time patronized these ashrams/academies. Princes and poor pupils were treated alike. These institutes were very few and catered mostly to the nobility—the elite (Rulers/NF). Only those pupils from lower strata got admittance, who were exceptionally brilliant. Under the circumstances, the populace/elite had only one king. They had to serve and follow only one master—the king. However to the good fortune of the people, the king as well as the preceptors, who also belonged to the same institutions, used to be of impeccable character. Thus they lived to the aspiration of their people and followers. In the classical, as well as the checkered history of Bhaarath, very few kings of dubious character, find mention. That is why so much prominence is given to the few villains whenever such character played havoc, the Divinity had to Re-Incarnate on earth to vanquish these demons and cleanse the society of their negative vibrations!
    The general lives of the citizenry were so simple and pure, that these few freaks (satanic characters) of Nature were enough of a cause, for the peace loving people, to clamor for divine intervention to get rid of them. Often these Incarnations happened to be the kings of the time. In each case the ‘king’ had to face only a small number of ‘demons’.
    The preceptor too had to teach only a few students. As the king and the preceptor had their schooling from the same Ashram/Academia, and thus lived together in the same environment and regimen, right from childhood to puberty; therefore they possessed and displayed high quality of life. Populations being meager, both were easily accessible and their lives were closely watched. Following the four Purusharths (goals) of life and imbibing the human values was, not by necessity but a regimentation which each citizen was obliged to follow and discharge. These became their very life breaths. Wherever there was deviation of any one of these virtues, reprisal was swift and terminal. Even kings and preceptors were not spared. That is why our ‘mythology’ is full of ‘tales’ of victory of Divine-Forces over evil forces: Thus evil was rare and was never tolerated. Like cancer its growth was uprooted along with the roots.
    With the passage of time, new territories were discovered; conquered and new social orders were established. The rest is history. No need to repeat.
    New orders, systems, ethical values, emerge according to the requirements of the times. To lament that old values have been diluted; ideal system of governance—Raamraj, has been forgotten is a misstatement: since values and ethics do not change with the changing times (scenarios). Social orders, systems of governance, and even religions are the product of the time. In this changing world nothing is static, but subject to the laws of change. Also nothing new is born, only the permutation and transformation of the old is taking place. Whether the present ‘systems’ are good or bad, only present set of values in vogue, will decide! Old values, systems; which were good in those times, cannot be expected to last forever and remain indispensable for all times to come. But who is going to set the parameters of discrimination, for testing their veracity or viability? Who is going to decide, what is good for the people?
    The present scenario depicts a bizarre picture. There are about two hundred countries, constituting the present world. Each country supports different systems for different disciplines. In any given country, there are, even, sub-systems making it well neigh impossible to have a composite picture of that country. Then what could offer a reasonably homogeneous view of each country? Is it their system of governance: education: per capita income: standard of living: scientific advancement: judiciary or the law and order conditions? All these factors are of institutionalized nature, hence cannot be relied upon to assess the real worth of a country. The worth of a country is not determined by the either it’s GDP or the standard of living; which are but the by-products of material progress.
    The more i learn more i become aware of my ignorance
    Awareness of ignorance is wisdom

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