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Thread: The Search Within

  1. #136
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    Thus we have two classes of believers: those who are away from ethical values and those who adhere to certain values.
    Each religion had its origin because of certain compulsions. The great Gautham Buddh revealed four noble truths, viz., sufferings exist: they arise from attachments: they cease when attachment to them ceases, and freedom comes by following eight fold paths. See, being a prince his outlook toward life and its vicissitudes was totally different. His sufferings arose from the fear of old age, physical desire and its final culmination. For him freedom or Nirvan was in the cessation of bodily sufferings. His eight fold path also related to the rightful use of the senses. All of these relate, again, to the body or its ‘mind’: The mind—conscious knowledge, which each body is embodied with! In order to achieve their ends, each master initiated a set of norms of conduct with regard to common ethics, which the masters expected their followers to observe and follow. These norms, more rightly, the commandments became religious ethics. Just as there are different types of people; their circumstances, and attitudes differing from place to place, there are also a variety of religions with as much coloration (philosophies). Although each master tried to give a cosmopolitan ‘look’ to his set of ‘values’, still their components being varied, differed with others in content, application and manifestation, i.e., symbolism. Thus all religions, though professing universality have, failed to produce a commonly acceptable set of universal values. They have also failed to sit at one common platform and speak in one voice, on all those issues, which are the basic ‘truths’ for each religion—the source of the origin of their ethical values. The cause for this lapse lies with the personal lives of their masters. They did not apply on themselves the values, which they themselves had ‘created’ but in return expected their followers to follow in earnest. Gautham Buddh and Mahavir were both renunciates, as such whatever they preached was not applicable to the worldly people, simply because their followers were not renunciates like them. The great Zen masters, Teethankars, Bhikshus and Popes, are the creation of their respective ‘systems,’ as were the great monasteries, Dhamas, Sangathan, Vatican. History is silent about any welfare schemes, undertaken by these ‘greats’, for the poor! We often hear such and such king spread the state adopted religions to far off lands, but in each case only oppression, suppression were exported to those lands; not peace or prosperity.
    Religions are, as stated earlier, the by-products of the senses—the mind, and they function within their orbits. Their mandates or doctrines are meant to regulate the function of the senses within normal limits. A discipline, whose scope is limited only to physical aspects, cannot be expected to yield results in area which it was never intended. Through religions one can never realize the Self. The general prescription, which each religion apply, viz., worshiping, singing the glory of God/masters’ names, Yog Sadhna (meditation) etc., are only physical and mental exercises, to exert control over the body and the mind. These have nothing to do with the Self-Realization or Divine- realization.
    The more i learn more i become aware of my ignorance
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  2. #137
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    By imbibing ethical values in our lives, we become civilized citizens. Religious codes, paths and rituals develop in us the faith of God, whereas meditation and self-enquiry/discrimination and wisdom, are spiritual medium, which lead the seeker to freedom, i.e., elevation of gross conscious to super-mind, higher-mind, illuminated-mind and finally to Over-Mind. The journeys’ end is the realization, that the Self in us is the same that pervades in all. The underlying unity in diversity!
    There are no ‘revelations’ which require rigorous religious Sadhna (spiritual exercise). Let us have a look at some the gems of wisdom of the ancient masters: Mind, though it appears to be the prisoner of the body (head), it reveals its real identity, when we are in the state of meditation. The body loses its identity in the mind, as the mind loses its existence in the cosmic-consciousness. In that conscious state, there exists no physical world or the mind, but only their resounding vibes—aura of awareness. This indicates our physical bodies possess subtle elements, which besides identifying with the physical self are of universal nature. Our masters studied this aspect of the mind (thought) and came out with three fundamentals, viz., AdhyathamVigyan (science of spirituality), Yog Vidhya (knowledge of the union with Self), and Para-Manongyan (parapsychology), which constitute the Indian metaphysical knowledge.
    The power of telepathy, to transport or receive thoughts, from one mind to another is also being recognized now. This subject has become a part of academic syllabus in many universities of the developed nations. Powered with these fundamentals, no power in the world can stop a ‘person’ from achieving his aim, provided his aim is for the good of the humanity. It is an accepted fact, when a ‘person’ is imbibed with the values; he always channels the course of his ‘powers’, acquired through the medium of these fundamentals, for the benefit of the humanity at large. These were the ‘persons’ who latter became Masters. They were suitably equipped with all the resultant ‘powers’, and the most essential of all the boons of Divinity—the Grace, which inspired them to re-establish the ‘Dharam’(Righteousness) — the universal code of conduct in the world. Although, with the downslide of the Dharam—the synonym of the Religion has also changed—but still in Its ‘duplicates’ we can find the most important commonalities, viz., acceptance of the existence of God: Institution of Sainthood: belief in Moksh (Liberation): ethics of morality: spirituality: love: truth: grace: belief in the ‘existence’ of the Self: Neshkaam seva—service to the needy without expecting any reward: following the righteous path and sacred ideals etc.
    All the great masters had realised the Truth/Divinity in consonance to the level of their respective enlightenment. That each had realised Divinity only to the extent, the Nature/Divinity/Supreme-Intelligence had revealed Itself! That is why the realization of Truth of each master is relative: a cause of utter confusion for the secular seekers.
    Nature has fitted the minds of each species with the knowledge, which is relevant to each. It is another matter, not a single brain of any species has been utilized, more than 7percent of its allotted capacity (in the case of Einstein it was 5.5percent). Even the small fraction of its utilization by the top of the creation—the man, has been the cause of upheaval in the equilibrium between the elements and the senses. This has been the greatest hurdle for the masters for not being able to bring about the transformation in the minds of their followers. There is not an iota of doubt, each master had experienced, realized and blossomed the Divinity latent in them, but Itsvibes could enlighten only the ‘acquired’ intellect,’ conscious knowledge and the wisdom, which each brain had acquired and disseminated! One can transmit only that, which is in ones’ possession. Acquired worldly knowledge is a mere data, but Divine realization is entirely Self centered, hence not transferable. Knowledge of natural sciences is acquired from external sources, but Divinity is Self-based and thus It has to be realized within ones’ Self only.
    The more i learn more i become aware of my ignorance
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  3. #138
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    However the wayward procedures (Sadhna) adopted in Its realization, do promote certain powers, viz., telepathy, para-psychology and Yogic power (knowledge). It is these powers, which are used through the medium of ‘thought,’ to influence the minds of others. There have been many individual instances of transformation, with the use of these powers. Mahatma Buddha and sage Naradh brought transformation of character in the lives of Angulimala and Rathnakar (sage Vaalmeeki) respectively. But en-mass transformation of the followers, especially in the spiritual path is a far cry. Similarly transference/delegation or passing on, the ‘divine’ powers; such as Omnipresence, Omnipotence, and Omniscient etc. to disciples is an illusion. These divine powers are known as ‘Kalaas’(Qualities/powers) in Sanskrit and are sixteen in all. These are found in abundance in the Masters of yore. However the maximum of these any Master could attain, were only eight. Only Lord Krishna is known to have possessed all the sixteen. Even He could not effect any change in the lives of His ‘opponents,’ then how can we presume, the Masters with lesser powers had the authority to pass on the potency of these powers to their disciples/followers! Whatever they achieved or attained in the field of spirituality, came after rigorous of life long Sadhna. Only thereafter could they get some degree of enlightenment/salvation/nirvana etc. in their individual selves. Then how could they delegate that ‘enlightenment,’ illumination to others? Was it so, the progenies of the Avathaars would had been the first and direct beneficiaries by inheritance. But the facts are adverse/otherwise.
    Divine powers can be manifested by divine persons in direct proportion to their gradation of elevation. Only in very rare cases like Swami Vivekanandh, an earnest seeker can experience the influence of these powers in the proximity of the great masters. Not every one, without sufficient preparation or Sadhna, can have these divine glimpses. So forget about the automatic or willful transference of Divine powers from Guru to disciple. It is only a convention (Parampara) to perpetuate inherited linage of an egoistic guru to enliven his name, at least among his would be, imaginary followers. Otherwise who would have kept alive the names of ancient masters, who literally had nothing new to say, add or improvise the already existing schools of thoughts! Because the realization of Truth/Reality/Self/God, does not come through a particular thought/Sadhna/ritual/mode of worship or by adopting any special way or mode of life! Even agnostic can realize/elevate/attain celestial heights/depths of the Self, provided one is serious enough. Therefore religions are not, essentially necessary or indispensable in the quest for Self-realization. Then what is it, that leads an earnest seeker to realize his own Self (Aathma), so as to know or become aware of Para-Brahaman-ParamAathman (God-Truth-Reality)?
    The more i learn more i become aware of my ignorance
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  4. #139
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    Introducing ‘Self’. Before going to the subject directly, let us have a quick look at the steps of the ladder of proverbial ‘elevation’ that unravels gradually the portals of the Self, which lies encased with the self-imposed impositions (not of Maaya) by the effects of the so-called theory (pattern) of ‘selection’.
    Each individual mind has, in its repository a data-bank, which its gross conscious has derived from the ephemeral world, through its senses. This ‘data bank’ decides the future mindset and the resultant course of its future pattern, not only of an individual’s future life, but his likely reactions, reflections in their minute details, which are destined to happen. The knowledge bank decides an individual minds’ destiny. It has in it those components—gross knowledge—the intelligence, genetic codes, messages, i.e., genealogical, inherited memories, which are the potential future history-charts (Janampatri) of an individual. At every moment in life, the mind prompts an individual to dance on its preset tunes. The momentary events, at any given stage in life, are merely the result of its past stored memories. Each moment—that is gone—becomes a memory in its memory chambers. Thus the genetic codes plus the data acquired through the interaction of the senses with the society, Nature and its creations are the buildings blocks of our lives. The only scope, left for ‘free-will’ is, of its power of imagination to enforce its writ, whenever, wherever applied. But this requires a will power of greater magnitude that is capable to overshadow the influences of extra-sensory powers, viz. intuition, telepathy, auto-suggestion, and even OBE (out-of-body-experience). The OBE is not a myth. It is as real as the body-mind-intellect trilogy.
    It is essential to understand the difference between mind and the brain. (Already discussed elsewhere). The brain is the storehouse (memory chambers), which are arranged strictly subject wise, with each chamber containing the interlinked cells which relate to one particular subject. As is the number of subjects (aspects) in Nature, so is the number of memory-chambers in the brain. The mind is the screen of conscious-intelligence, which is the reflection of the ‘activated’ memory-cells in the chambers. As only a fraction of our memory is activated, at any given time, so our awareness of the latent knowledge is very limited. Moreover the brain is a biological organ, whereas the mind is the subtle aspect, not only of the individual entity but also that of the entire Nature, as it is tooled with those cosmic wave particles, whose conscious state is Universal! The mind—unlike the brain, which is grown of the body--is the conscious (memory) of the ‘impregnated-Seed’ itself. But its infirmity is that it is lifeless! There is some invisible power that makes it conscious. Being not conscious it derives its consciousness from a power, which is more invisible (subtle) than it! In the Brahmand too, gross matter (including its subtle particles)is infinitesimal part of Nature—perhaps not more than 10percent, the remaining 90 percent void is not vacuum, but filled with more subtle substances, which are yet unknown! The reflections of the ‘dark’ (subtle/casual) elements are directly transmitted to our minds, because like mind they too are subtle in nature. That is why the mind has the power to ‘transport’ itself to those invisible areas, where man made tools cannot penetrate. To the surprise of the ‘intellectual’, the startling theories like, the existence of black holes, dark matter, anti-particle etc. are not based on scientific inventions! These are purely based on mathematical equations, which again are conjectures of imagination! Still these cosmological theories are accepted by a majority of the scientific fraternity—which believes in the science of ‘facts’—even if their veracity is still doubtful. Not that their importance is lessened, simply because of their non-testability! But these ‘theories’ follow a system which conform to the disciplines of physical sciences. In the past, many such theories like, “Earth is round, it revolves round the sun” etc., later proved to be factual. But at the time, such statements were considered as ‘sacrilegious’ by the Church.
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  5. #140
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    These types of ‘theories’ are the result of the probing powers of ‘insight’ of the mind, of which very few are aware. Others call them super-natural/occult powers or miracles. It would be quite reasonable to assume that neutrinos, whose source is unknown, have the unique power to pass through the solid mass—even through our bodies and leave their affects and the impressions they carry from the alien bodies. Our mind, which is universal in nature, if it already is not possessed of these sub-particles, at least it has the power to ‘grasp’ (be aware) the fact of their being conscious. It is not a hypothetical statement, but a fact, whichever object our mind’s rays—which are conscious— traverse they grasp its knowledge. Then why would it not be aware of the ‘conscious’ (memory) of the neutrinos? There may be countless such types of sub-particles, which could be even more subtle than these, existing in the deeper regions of the cosmos. Whether these regions are extra-terrestrial, interstellar, OBE, ethereal or astral; all are within the writ of Nature and its creations. Their vibrations travel throughout the space, through their carrier agency—the particle. When these particles are not in activated state and are stationary, even then they emit radiations. The carrier particles of these radiations are subtle, as they are still in non-formative state and are classed in the Casual state. Each particle, whether of radiation or of vibration, carries with it the intelligence (memory) of that element (seed), from where it originates! Human brain is now pioneering to decode the ‘intelligence’ of some of these particles, which come from nearer objects in the space. But all this ‘intelligence’ is in formative theoretical state.
    All discoveries of natural laws have been made by the imaginative minds of the geniuses. And the fruits of these discoveries have been translated into inventions in few cases only. The process of ‘discovery’ always goes through the same routine. Firstly, there is the discovery of a law (aspect) of Nature; only thereafter comes the role of inventors for replicating a role model. It is the mind, which first probes the far off galaxies and unravels the theories of gravity, classical theory of relativity, red shift, strings, black hole, dark/non/anti-matter and scores of other celestial one’s and then grapples with equations. Whether it is the mind, via its subtle radiations, reaching out to farthest galaxies or the astral regions and grasping their ‘intelligence’ or is it vice versa: But as the latest studies indicate, neither the mind has to ‘go’ out, nor the object has to be physically brought within the parameters of the brain. The mind has not to travel without, for the acquisition of the knowledge/intelligence or to have their ‘feel’; nor need subtle particles to leave their impressions! Why?
    Because the mind is already equipped with ‘knowledge/intelligence’ that is permeating the Brahmand (cosmos)! Otherwise it would not be able to decode the ‘knowledge/intelligence’ inherent in the subtle particles. No discovery has been ‘made’, as a result of the university degrees or the knowledge acquired from there. Otherwise our universities would be producing a nursery of geniuses in thousands. It is always the extension of ‘thought’, with deep imagination, that the latent intelligence is activated (surfaced) and reflected in the intelligence field of each individual mind.
    It is common knowledge that great discoveries (thoughts) were sourced from intuitions or sudden flashes in the mind. Prof. Hawking is a classic example. Sitting immobilized with motor neuron disease, he is probing the far off galaxies. Discoveries are made, firstly in the mind, by the illumination of intelligence, which lies latent. Intelligence is the discriminated genesis of three types of knowledge, viz., inherited, acquired through scholarship or the modern system of information technology, and lastly through the subtle MIS of Nature. Whereas human communicate using information technology, Nature has its unique system of MIS, through its carrier frequencies of varieties of ‘waves’ whose basic components remain the ingenuous subtle particles. That is why the cosmic intelligence is pervading in the entire Brahmand, anytime, at any place, simultaneously. But human intelligence is confined only within an individual’s mind (brain) and its system of transmitting is possible only through technical means or from mouth to mouth (sound). Though in both cases, their storage system of intelligence is the same, i.e., in vibrations, whether in cells or in particles, but their transmission system from one object to another is vastly different.
    The more i learn more i become aware of my ignorance
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  6. #141
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    So much of data, information, knowledge, intelligence in each brain, creates an individuality, which is commonly identified as individual ‘mind’ or the ‘self.’ As there being no connectivity between the individual mind (self) and the cosmic-mind (Self), both remain separated. Even the individual mind of each entity is a very limited version of its true self. As the major part of each minds’ intelligence remains latent, only a tiny conscious is active at any given time.
    Our conscious knowledge (awareness) of our own intelligence is very limited; as a result, we are a very concise/constricted model of our true self. There is a wall of great dimension of ignorance (inactivated memory) between our present conscious (awareness) self and the true Self, that represent the totality of intelligence. Thus in attempting to know our Self, without first knowing our self (mind) is like probing galactic regions, while being ignorant of the solar family, of which earth planet is a member. There is absolutely no difference between the conscious mind (self) and the known worldly existence for an intelligent mind, which grasps the ‘knowledge’ like a gourmet devours the food.
    Such simple facts have been confused by the proactive religious masters of the day, that any intelligent person spurns the very idea of spiritual quest and keeps away from their august company. Even the quality of the ‘material’ made available to him for study, is of very superfluous nature. Rather he is more confused than being enlightened on the subject, in a scientific manner. Science offers knowledge with proven theories, instead of proffering self-contradictory numerous versions of the same One philosophy/thought whose fundamental principle has already been role-modeled in the daily life’s’ usage, by its practitioners. Scientific knowledge which has been converted into technology has, made our lives so comfortable. There is no sphere left where modern technology has not made inroads, unfolding the mysteries of Nature, and making accessible to us not only their knowledge, but even enlivening our lives through television and internet.
    Now contrast this, with the shallow sermonic high profile theories/thoughts of the masters who have (miss-) created so many synonyms of the one Religion—that of God— which was universally acceptable. But to the consternation of the followers, not two ‘thoughts’ produce the same tune, even though these, supposedly, originate from the same source!
    One simple factor is ignored that our ancient masters had, so thoroughly, mastered the fundamental Truth: there is hardly any scope of its being misinterpreted by any enlightened mind. That is why the intellectuals simply switch off their minds to the wailing of the immature masters. We hear so much of their ravings against materialism and technological advancement—while themselves bathing in their sensuality, that our primary urge for higher enquiry of the mind is stilled, whereas it’s primary nature is to enquire and gain knowledge of the objective existence.
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  7. #142
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    Our ancestors developed two ways of quest: One of inward (Nivrithi) is, the inner spirit, the other is of worldliness (Pravrithi).The inward quest leads to the ultimate realization of the Self. The second the eternal one is, of worldliness, is known through the scientific application by discovering the Nature and consequentially mastering it with tools of (its) invention. Realization of the Self was also based on scientifically applied procedures. In the process, fivefold Marg- pathways of Yog were devised, viz., Karamyog (life of action), Rajasic Yog (life of sensuality and thereafter exerting control over senses), Bhakthiyog (path of devotion) Thyaagyog (complete renunciation/detachment from worldly life), Jnaanyog (wisdom, i.e., knowledge of Brahman) and finally the Anandh Yog (Supreme Bliss). All the five are inter alia inter-related and complementary to each other. Those who could not reach the final state of inner journey, i.e., Bliss, were those who had misdirected their ‘knowledge’—achieved by going through the first and the second stages of Karamyog and Rajyog—in mastering the Nature to the extent their ‘powers’ permitted!
    Of the 195 Sutras contained in Patanjali Yog Darshan, more than 55 of these teach a disciple the ways to have control over Nature. Even in those days there was no dearth of evil genius who, applied these powers for evil purposes, like the use of technology for destructive purposes. Any quest, whether inward or outward, is to know ourselves, i.e., the point of our origin or that of the Creation! As both of these events happened some billions of years ago; we shall have to find some means to go in the past to trace the history of that ‘event’. Would the traces be still there, somewhere in the centre of the universe or tucked away in some remote corner of the Creation, if at all we are able to reach that ‘point’ of the event somehow? The impressions of the original ‘event’ would still be stored intact in space, in the form of radiations and vibrations, caused at that point of time, as reactions, reflections and the resound that never ‘dies’. Our space stations have not been able to catch them as these are not, as yet adequately equipped to, monitor these highly subtle particles, which are the ‘history’ books of original impressions. Presently our fastest mode of communication with/from inter-galactic regions is via light rays, whose speed is very slow considering the distances involved. That is why; there are still many a stars in our own galaxy whose light has not reached our planet. The other reason is, we are not technically advanced enough to be aware i.e. decode or receive those radiations or vibrations, which are much faster and subtle than light. The present scenario is very depressing, as with our present means, it would take us billions of light years to travel to far off galaxies at the speed of light. But nature is not equipped in the way we perceive. As we advance in science and technology, our perceptional levels are also expanding correspondingly. Nature is so perfectly structured in every branch of cosmic design, whatever advanced means we might develop, Nature would ‘reveal’ to us its wonderful creations, which are far more advanced and had been in existence, much before us or since time immemorial.
    The more i learn more i become aware of my ignorance
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  8. #143
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    We think that we invented fibre optic, but the root system of plants is an excellent system of optical fiber. The genius of man will never surpass that of Nature, for we are equipped with a tool—that is behind mans’ inventing/discovering genius—the Intelligence, which is a gift of Nature! We falsely assume it as our ingenuity and knowledge, with which we acquire it. All types of knowledge and its source, the intelligence, originate from Nature or its worldly replicate—the ‘existence’. And whatever exists it, has origin (creation) and whatever is created or manifested, emits vibration and radiation. In these vibration/radiation is, stored the memory (intelligence) of the origin of Creation in the form of sound, which is conscious. And needless to repeat, sound always carries the images of its source. Subtle entities like particles emit radiation. More subtle the particle, more subtle its radiations! As soon as these particles assume a form, and manifest then worldly existence, their projections transmit vibrations. It is these radiations /vibes, which contain the intelligence of the objective world. It is because of the intelligence, worldly existence, comes into being: That the material is the creation of intelligence, not the vice versa!
    We discharge laws of Nature with the help of technology. These laws of Nature (objective world), are nothing but the intelligence (memory) of the material world. Simply put: seed is not the cause, but it is its memory (intelligence) that manifest the tree of (out of) the seed. Merely by understanding the laws of Nature we won’t be able to solve the riddle of Nature. As by their understanding, we come to know only the effects, but not the cause. Memory is pure data, a potent data, which though being self-sustaining is, devoid of consciousness. The role of intelligence is okay if the goal of search is the ephemeral world only! It can sustain it-self in its sphere, but cannot extend or enlighten those which are not the cause of its creation. That is, intelligence is the understanding {awareness} power that, can help us in knowing its manifestation but not the Brahmand, wherein it exists or subsumes!
    Big- bang was not the cause of Creation, but its starting point only. It could be, the Original Seed (Cosmic Seed) which burst for blooming and the later evolutionary chain of development was merely the unfurling of a design of the memory/intelligence contained in the original Seed! But what activated the ‘memory’ in that seed? Even in biological world, organic seeds get consciousness (life) at a predetermined time, which is not a part of intelligence of that Seed. An amoeba is just a piece of meat till it gets its conscious, exactly on the 72nd day of its conception. This ‘conscious’ does not come from genetic codes, which contain only the data of memory of an individual seed. The consciousness prevailing in each cell is not related to the human intelligence.
    Cosmic-Intelligence is simply the knowledge, understanding, awareness of the objective world. It is only its ‘memory’ which could replicate, recreate, duplicate, but not the original Cause of Creation! It is Consciousness that encompasses and permeates the entire worldly existence. Existence exists in Consciousness. And consciousness is Divine.
    Till now scientists have been considering Divinity/Spirituality as the alien subjects, but recent studies have begun to change this mind set. It has now been established that Divinity is as much part of our biological self as other elements. Though our ancient had established, without an iota of doubt, Its existence in our physical self, i.e., the body, the scientific fraternity was not ready to accept the veracity of these findings (revelations)!
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    Awareness of ignorance is wisdom

  9. #144
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    Our wise masters stressed upon the importance of inner enquiry/journey. It was described by various terminologies, viz., Inward journey, Realisation of the Self, Nirvikalp Samadhi(advance state of meditation), Nirvan, Enlightenmentetc. For the attainment of these goals (or goal), as many ways were prescribed, viz. Meditation, Sadhna, five fold path of Yoga, Transcendental Meditation, Hadh-Yog etc. The purpose was to control the senses and finally the mind. All of these methodologies seemed so insurmountable, as an impression was created in the minds of the seekers that renunciation (Sanyaas) is a ‘must’ to achieve the goal. These assumptions were the concoctions of the ignorant minds, as for the realization of the Truth, it does not require one to disassociate from the active life and turn into a vegetable (recluse).
    The parasitic class is scorned upon in our country, as a majority among the mendicants are nor genuine but masquerading as such, due to compulsions of poverty. Poverty and parasitical tendency has created a mass industry of ‘begging’. Not that there is a dearth of genuine ascetics! Our spiritual history is replete with thousands of names, which are affixed with sacred intonations. Our rich culture and spiritual linage is a legacy par-excellence. That is why our land is known as the mother of spiritualism. All ancient religions are the streams, tracing their origin from the oldest Religion, Sanathandharaman; the religion of God. It was a perfect science of the realization of God, perfected by the nameless masters, leaving no scope for posterity, to improve upon. It was, still is, a complete science. Difficulties arose later with the advent of the science of matter. As all those religions, which were the creations of individual entities and were thus identified with their personalities, did not stand up to the scrutiny of the scientific minds. The fault lies not with subject—of Self-Realisation, but with our lack of knowledge/understanding.
    Even today all enquiring minds ask questions, answer to which our present masters are unable to provide! The science of matter, wants to know the science of non-matter, i.e. spiritualism. The creations want to know the source of its creation! Very logical question! If we are the master of our subject, we should provide true understanding of the subject, but should not take refuse in non descriptive jargon. Simple matters have been made very complex, simply because of our lack of grasp on the subject. After all what is meant by going inward or inward journey and thus realizing the Self, from therein, i.e. our inner-self? Let us too have a look at the inner set up and it’s functioning, in a simple and short cut way!
    For an intellectual the inner-self is the mind. To understand its functional aspect, we have to go back to its invisible state through its projections. Speech (sound) is its direct projection through the body. Speech ‘comes’ from a thought, which is sourced from desire. The desire originates from emotion or feeling, whose composition is impulses. These impulses are the conglomeration of electromagnetic vibrations of various frequencies.
    The more i learn more i become aware of my ignorance
    Awareness of ignorance is wisdom

  10. #145
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    Recent studies at the University of California, Los Angeles, claim that the whole universe, rather the multiverse, at quantum level, is a conglomeration of electro-magnetic vibration of various frequencies. Our body has also been found to be an electrical system exhibiting two types of electromagnetic fields. While the internal organs such as the brain, the nervous system and the heart emit low frequency electrical impulses of AC type, the outer shell, our skin, exhibit a higher frequency of electrical field. The outer energy field radiates a luminous ‘aura’ which engulfs the whole body from top to toe and acts as screen against onslaught of unfavorable vibrations. For the prayer to be heard, they should be broadcast on thought fields of very high frequency—which is possible only when thoughts are surcharged with emotions—to facilitate their passage through the auric field, finally to reach out to and resonate with the higher frequencies of the Cosmic Intelligence. If on the other hand, our prayers lack intensity, that is, if they ride low frequency thought waves, they cannot get across the auric field and therefore remain unanswered”.
    It means that there is Cosmic Intelligence beyond our mind (human intelligence) and our minds are very much part of that Intelligence. But firstly we have to understand the individual Self, before attempting to go beyond the subjective mind.
    Our mind is our self. But this mind is constantly changing; our awareness capability goes on expanding too. Understanding our mind, which is extending its boundaries of awareness by activating its latent knowledge to the optimum level by decoding its electrical impulses, wherein it is stored; the self that emerges is that, which is generally accepted by the atheist fraternity as the true version of the Self. Anyway, having realised this ‘accepted’ version of the self—individual mind/intelligence, our next logical step, going beyond the boundaries of our mind, and realize the Cosmic-Mind, becomes an easy task
    In fact, mind is not an individual entity. It is only the physical self that superimpose and identifies itself as the mind, which is not even the reflection of its original self. Being cosmic in reality and nature, even the physical self (mind) roams the cosmos and its creations. So there is nothing beyond it! Hypothetically speaking, beyond the individual mind, there is only the cosmic mind.
    This Vedhaanthik version has now found allies in the team of d’Aquili and Newberg. Andrew Newberg is a professor at the University of Pennsylvania (USA). He specializes in a new emerging theory of biological link of the brain with spirituality (religion), now famously known as science of neurotheology. He has proved this theory with new evidence, duly supported with practical demonstration that our brains are already hard-wired to believe in God, because religious feelings in human rise more from experience than from thought.
    “They are born in the brain in a moment of spiritual connection, as real to brain as any perception of “ordinary” physical reality. According to him ‘higher reality’ exists in human brain. And mystic trances, oneness with world, feeling of holiness, during deep meditation or in contemplative prayers, are brain function. Newberg based his theory on the research carried out by the late Eugene d’Aquili, a psychiatrist and anthropologist. They teamed up in early 1990 and refined and tested their theory on Tibetan Buddhists and Christian nuns engaged in deep meditation and contemplative prayers. They used an imagery technology called SPECT scanning to map the brains of their subjects. The scans photographed blood flow—indicating levels of neural activity—in each subjects’ brain at the moment that person had reached an intense spiritual peak. The left parietal lobe—called the orientation association area—is responsible for drawing a line between the physical self and the rest of the existence, a task that requires a constant stream of neural information flowing in from the senses. The scans revealed, during peak moments of meditation and prayer, the neural flow was markedly reduced. As the orientation area was deprived of information need to draw the line between the self and the world—the scientists believed—the subjects would experience a sense of limitless awareness melting into infinite space.”
    Reaching this state of mystical union with God (Catholic), interconnectedness (Buddhist), non existence (Islam mystic), ever existing-nonexistence (Buddhist) or radiation of Brahman etc., true reality reveals itself, as it is: as soon as the physical self is pushed aside during meditation, Newberg’s scans further revealed, there may exist two realities. In one reality, awareness reaches the mind through the filter of the self. In the other, the self is swept aside and the mind’s awareness grows broader and more unified.”
    ─Source: Speaking Tree. Spirituality.
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  11. #146
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    The above research indicates that our hard disc of brain is already genetically wired with the existence of cosmic-mind—Reality of one Brahman. And it is not some mystical or fabled reality but a biological fact. That is why there has been so much stress on “die-mind”, “control of mind/master-mind”, conquering the mind, as the prerequisite for the Self-Realisation.
    The physical self—individual mind is, just a curser pointing to the big void of Brahman, the Cosmic-Body of the Supreme-Para-Brahman. In our holy scriptures, there is always a scope for higher realities. If there is the individual mind, there also is the higher mind i.e. manas-para; for Vidhya, there is para-vidhya; for Aathman, there is Param-Aathman; beyond Brahman there is Para-Brahman. Why? The answer to such queries has been simplified by the above referred research. The discovery that the “divine” experience of bliss or mergence with Supra-Consciousness, or with the rest of the existence, is no more the celestial subject, but a physical reality, would bring about revolutionary changes in the conceptual reality ofthe ‘spirit/Aathman’. Before Pathanjali, the study of spiritual subjects was confined within the Ashrams (hermitages) and its realisation (specialization) was limited to only few Rishis, who had spent their lifetime in penance, contemplation and meditation. This subject was also completely disassociated from ‘matter’, organic or biological aspect of the Nature. Pathanjali, through Yog transformed the former subject into a science, which became a general discipline of the curriculum. Through its application, by bringing about complete co-ordination between body-mind-intellect, matter-energy-spirit, a complete union with the Infinite Reality i.e. Existence was established. The Vedhaanth was the science of eternal spirit/Aathman, which illumes the Self/Supreme-Self, could only be mastered by the few! As its realisation was through learning of Jnaanam (wisdom) only! But Pathanjali made it possible to achieve same level of enlightenment, through the medium of body and mind. These two were within the domains (bodies) of all and thus accessible to all. His way of enlightenment was through the body (mind being its component), whereas Vedhaanth required top class intelligence, of both matter and spirit.
    (For the record: Yog science was not discovered by Pathanjali; it was in vogue in this country since centuries before he was born).
    However this methodology was discarded by the later generations of Gurus, as it initialed discipline of body and mind. Thus Vedhaanthik(Vedantic) study and its practice was replaced with the Puranic stories (sage Vyaas wrote 18 Purana/books of mythology)—which were mythological tales, with Upanishads content, meant only for the consumption of the masses—which later came to be known and worshiped as sacred scriptures and became part of the religious study.
    Now after a lapse of 2500 years since Pathanjali, the duo of d’Aquili and Newberg has done something, which on the surface looks innocuous, but their discovery has opened the way for the liquidation of a multi-billions industry of religious mockery. There may not be an immediate impact, but certainly orthodox mind-set of people will go through a sea change and revert back to the well established truth of Vedhaanthik philosophy, which is not only universal in outlook but a practicable realisation.
    Last edited by little-self; 03-15-2018 at 01:50 AM.
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  12. #147
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    Now once the secret, sacred and mystical rigmarole of religious bigotry is being taken over from the high profile and well entrenched God- men who, to the peril of innocent people, had made Adhyathmik Vidhya (knowledge of the Self) a subject that was buttressed and cloaked under their bejeweled garments and within the edifices of bricks and mortars, erudition and difficult to understand religious texts! It had been made the subject of God and Godmen, and of their revelations (hallucinations) and philosophies (religions): A subject of God and His Godmen, holy Angels and Satan, religions and sects, castes and creeds, Gurus and disciples, Naam (Word) and Dhaan (religious donations)!
    Now all of this hypocrisy has been swept aside like dust and till this far, the most sought after and highly acclaimed, so-called ‘revelations’, have been proved to be rotten material worth to be dumped in the garbage bins. Only by a few scans of the brain, the subject that was considered so mystical, has been taken away from the domains of the religious masters and has become a subject of biology! It is a big leap from non-matter to matter, from ‘spirit’ to matter. Now religion, as it observed today is no more a subject of scriptural knowledge but, has become a science like physic and chemistry. Goodbye pseudo voodoo masters! Welcome to old (or the new!) eternal-Religion of cosmic dimension.
    This l.s. is not biased or nourishing any special prejudice for the masters, who originally founded religions, sects or propounded ‘philosophies’, which were the distorted versions of the ancient Truth, revealed in all Its aspects, through the ‘accepted’ six schools of thoughts. It is a well known fact that Aathma is also referred to as Consciousness (chethna). It has as many synonyms as are the number of religions/sects. The same Consciousness is reflected as conscience, intelligence, and mind (conscious), senses of perceptions, (Jnaan-indhiris and Karam-Indhiris). It discharges itself in individual Jeevi (person) at levels, on which person is functioning or is capable of functioning at the time. Not every one is virtuous, imaginative, passionate or a dynamo of energy (Karamyogi). Each individual perceives one’s surroundings in accordance with one’s conscious ability, i.e. the level at which the conscious is discharging at the moment! An individual cannot, simultaneously, discharge the functions of a laborer, a warrior, a businessman, and be an artist and a Wiseman. Our mental and physical abilities are in consonance to the level of function (activation) of the conscious. For a labor class, their perception of realities of life is different from others higher classes of society. Each level of conscious denotes different perception of reality. In simple terms: ‘reality’ for each person is, according to one’s knowledge, ability, intelligence and the will to discharge. Mere ability without the will (confidence) to discharge it does not merit one the fruits of that quality. In spiritual field also—not that there is any difference in the quality of consciousness of a worldly person and that of a spiritualist—the quality of conscious ‘supported’ by an individual, depends solely on the elevation of its illumination. The working (active) intelligence of a disciple is not at par with his master’s, just as the intelligence level of a student is, not at par with his teacher.
    Here we must understand the difference between the followers or devotees of religions/sects and the sadhak (seeker) of the spiritualism. The religious followers are learning the art of living a peaceful, God-fearing life, whereas the spiritualists are devoted solely in the pursuit of ‘realisation’ of God. The aims of the former are either for worldly hegemony or to acquire a perfect balance (equilibrium) in secular and spiritual lives. This is possible when there is complete harmony between the (5) senses and the (5) elements: They are engaged within the domain of their minds. The latter’s spiritual journey {inward} starts from the point of their mastery over the senses. Their starting point is the annihilation of the worldly mind, with the medium of Jnaan (wisdom/self inquiry).
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  13. #148
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    Today there are two different aspects of Reality. The scientists and the biologists have made the distinction between the matter and the ‘spirit/soul’: the dividing line between the two is, not that of ‘divinity’ but of ignorance on both sides. There are only two realities, one of individual mind and the other of cosmic-mind. The knowledge (understanding) of the former is individual-intelligence, whereas the wisdom of the latter is cosmic-intelligence. Basically both are one. The individual mind exists also in the latter. There is only one ‘Mind’ and one Intelligence! Only there are two different methods to understand It. One is worldly way (outward) —the method of worldly/material/physical sciences. To understand Nature, scientists try to understand its laws, with whose application, new technologies are invented to traverse its deep recesses and thus understand its mysteries. In modern language, we can call it the scientific way, to understand the working of the Nature, by discovering its laws. The second way is that of the spiritualist, called the inward way or journey. They have found: the entire existence does exist, in subtle reflection, in the deep recesses of our mind, as latent memory (intelligence)! They believe, perhaps rightly so, the material existence is merely its (minds’) projection. The real Existence is in the mind—individual and cosmic minds being One—external existence is its projection (manifestation) into material world.
    From the worldly point of view, no distinction should be made, as mind and spirit are very much apart from each other. (Are they?) The spirit or Aathma is individual consciousness, and the matter is not directly related to it. Its’ (Aathma) true representative (aspect) in the body, is mind: at physical level Aathma functions through the mind. The matter is the effect of the mind, as mind is the effect of the Aathma, as it originates from It.
    There is a direct relationship between the mind and the matter, as matter—the Samskaar (innate spiritual attainment), which are the harbinger/fore-runners of Samskruthi (culture). Material cause of intelligence (mind) —is the germination of ‘thought’ into projections. All thoughts originate from the mind, which are embedded there as Samskaar (refinements) is culture. The core of our ‘thought’ is our culture.
    Let us take it this way: A scientist gets hold of an idea, refines it in a formula and creates a role model to demonstrate its practicability. Edison invented electric light bulb, on Swan’s, who was the first to pass an electric current through carbon filament sealed inside a glass tube, creating the first electric light. Graham Bell discovered that sound vibrations (voice) could be transmitted electrically, hence telephone was invented. All the modern gadgetry is the objective manifestation of ‘ideas’/intuitions, glimpses ‘caught’ from the deep recesses of the mind, and deciphered (made into formulae) by the scientific brains.
    However, it is going to take a long-long time to manifest organic-living organism from (seemingly!) inorganic Intelligence. This is the basic difference between the manifestation of Nature and the man. Nature’s intelligence can create life from inert and inert out of the living! That, life manifest from matter and vice versa. But human intelligence has not been able to replicate this feat. We can produce computer which can perform the function of the human brain, but only to the extent of intelligence/data fed into them. It obeys the commands of human brain. But Natures’ computer, the human brain, can extend its ‘thought’ to the level of its originators. Human machines have various components, but human body is not assembled, but it grows like any other living organism, on its own model, which is the exact replicate of Its own mechanism. One is simply wonder-struck, as to how life manifest? Seed of life grows into different bodies, which are independent units, after having evolved into wonderful specimen of structural designs. Once a seed is placed (injected) in the womb, it grows to its size on its own, according to the genetic codes carried by the cells, in the form of memory (intelligence) pulses. Nature too evolves itself, according to the design, which is ensconced in its Intelligence, which permeates in all, as individual Self—the identification mark of each manifestation. Nature evolves according to a plan; its creations too manifest according to the plan. Its’ evolution plan is coded in Intelligence, which is the memory of its Original-Plan/Design.
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  14. #149
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    Intelligence could be called as Self of the Nature. Thus Intelligence being the Self of Nature, as Aathma (soul) is the Self of the individual. Or it can be put this way: Intelligence is the cause of Nature; individual-intelligence (soul) is the intelligent cause of life. Such an Intelligent wonder as Nature just cannot be there, without there being the Supreme-Intelligence at work. Similarly individual life as such, cannot come into being, because of a chance mating. Each manifestation in the Grand-Design of Nature is there, not just to fill up the space or to adorn scenery, but it is playing an active role in the scheme of Nature. There might be billions into billions of entities in the space, each manifested differently; even then their cause is the same, i.e., Intelligence. How Intelligence manifest in such a variety of ways, even while being diluted and segmented into so many manifestations, yet retaining Its’ originality, is the greatest wonder!
    There is a serious food for thought to consider whether It has actually manifested and transformed/evolved into the objective world and its creations? Is It also subject to evolutionary cycle like its creations/manifestations or it is only the material/ephemeral world, which evolves from gross to subtle and vice versa?
    Both logic and reason rule out the proposition, that the Cause remains unaffected, whereas the Effect goes through evolution! Should it be concluded, Nature is its own Cause and what is caused because of it is subject to change?
    Nature (Intelligence) is composed of its bodies. These bodies manifest out of it. These are there because of It, but somehow have been evolved into the gross bodies! That Intelligence manifest/evolve out its material bodies. That It is its own Self, as well as, being, the individual-Self. If so, then the Efficient-Cause (Intelligence) is the material Effect also. Both sustain each other. Then it is also logical to assume, both have the one, single factor, binding them and that is Intelligence Itself.
    Whatever Intelligence manifests or whose cause of creation It is, nothing does exist which is not because of It or whose cause It was not: are all Its projections of ‘Thought’ ‘Will’ ‘Word’. Behind every spoken word is, an ‘idea/thought’ that transmits as word/language. Individual intelligence is the sum total of ones’ total knowledge, conscious or latent, as memory. The sum total of all the minds, including past and the future entities, constitutes only a fraction of the cosmic-mind. Because Creation, that moves around as cosmos is a mere fraction of the total matter, which exists in the Brahmand—Cosmos/Infinite space/Nature. The knowledge of Creation or of the ephemeral world is only the conscious awareness, also referred to as gross conscious. Awareness of this knowledge is science; the name given to the study of Nature.
    (This study has taught us that Intelligence is not merely the memory, since memory is devoid of the quality of improvisation. It has the quality of replication only. It is the Intelligence that is evolving the seed of life, from lower (gross) to higher categories of life, i.e., insentient to sentient; water life to human life (intelligence). Intelligence is the quality of awareness in the Seed of evolution. Conscious is the ‘knowledge’ i.e. the ingredients, the constituent factors that compose memory. (Already discussed elsewhere)
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  15. #150
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    Knowledge, memory and the conscious, which pervades therein as intelligence, relate only to the ephemeral world—Creation. Supra-Intelligence in which these all subsist is, the Constant-Integrated-Consciousness (C-I-C), referred to, also, as the pure-Intelligence. Both of these are one. When the ingredients of memory from Intelligence and conscious in ‘knowledge’ are removed or sieved, only then the state of Pure-Intelligence/Consciousness or C-I-C is attained.
    Pure-Intelligence is a state, which in fact is, not a state. It can aptly be described in spiritual language as, the stateless/causeless state. In that condition—at all if attained in deep meditation—body-mind-intelligence-wisdom simply do not exist. But while remaining/living in the body, how it is possible for the individual intelligence, or for that matter, even Intelligence, to be not part of the body? An element that exists in the body cannot be above the body! To solve this riddle, there is no better way, than to tackle it, head on! So much has been written about the marvels of meditation, then why not try it ourselves and have the first hand experience!
    Meditation is a biological reality, purely related to physical state of the mind. There is absolutely no super-natural involved as made out by the commercial market of the so-called Yogic/spiritual masters. Relax the body, relax the body muscles, relax the mind and there you are! As simple as that! Yes, it is as simple as that! But the only snag is to reach this condition of mind is that one has to adopt ones’ body and mind to the prescribed regimentation. Only body and mind discipline is called for, not the regimens of rites and rituals, so assiduously practiced by the religions!
    No movements in the body, no tense muscles and no thought in the mind. Just lie down and relax. Soon we realize that stilling of body is easy, but stilling the mind is just not possible. However hard we try, it has the most nagging habit of always recalculating, remembering, recalling and reflecting. The very composition of mind is ideas and thoughts. After long practice and Sadhna(spiritual practice), it might be possible for some to still the mind, but even so, it has not been eliminated but only suppressed or subdued. Only by applying its own tool, the ‘thought’, can it be vanquished! Only a Jnani(wise), equipped with a high degree of sense of discrimination, can he out-thought its repository of slate thoughts. But his mind has to be of cosmic dimension. While studying the mind, we find, the moment we get aware of all the data, the stored knowledge of the universe or of its creations, immediately we realize, there is no mind/thought in existence!
    Meditation is not merely, stilling the mind, but its complete elimination. It is thus the process of mastering the senses and their master, the mind. The senses can be controlled, only by denying them their life line of ‘contact’, attachment and attraction with the material objects. The main object of meditation is, to de-compose the mind and divert/extend its subtle conscious/awareness towards Universal Mind/Awareness. Till so far, there is no call for spirituality or Divinity, as the mission of the seeker is purely of self-enquiry of the inner knowledge of both, conscious and latent (memory/intelligence).
    As soon as the sadhak(seeker) becomes aware of his/her total conscious knowledge, he has known the individual-self. Reaching that state of ones’ optimum level of intelligence, the subject automatically decomposes the individual-mind (self) and merges in the universal consciousness, which is his real Mind—ever Conscious, ever Aware. This is the Self, which is referred to as Cosmic-Mind etc. etc.
    The end of individual mind is the Self. The end (totality, including subtle matter) of cosmic/universal mind is Brahman. In practical experience, we find, when individual mind is eliminated or is merged in, then only the cosmic-mind exists. In deep meditation, these results are spontaneous and definite. However, in case gross matter is/has been injected in lump sum quantity, the resultant reflection of the cosmic-mind would be tainted, hence not clear. Its three qualities of O’s (omnipresent etc.) would be limited in essence and scope! As the mirror, so the reflection! The sphere (scope) of the Self (or self) becomes larger, with the degree of the purity of mind! When the mind has transcended body-mind-intellect trinity, its Intelligence (Existence) reigns in the ephemeral world. Having transcended the ephemeral world, Its’ enlightenment expands to the subtle matter.
    The more i learn more i become aware of my ignorance
    Awareness of ignorance is wisdom

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