To think that thinking was what he was gonna think about doing would prove you had circled around in your head enough times to end up back at the entrance: I welcome you.
Lovers bend their backs, stipend on the amount of crop you could yield, the Jupiter Rose that is; the item you smoked in those early days to get out of your potting mind. You would laugh for hours with friends and you would all share a beautiful amount of each other's mind. I wanted you that way, an unadulterated you!
'Lazarus Rise' you screamed in those early morning days when you saw a member of your family convulsing with pieces of regurgitating food coming out of their mouth like a dirty fountain that gave no wishes to those that chucked pennies fruitlessly. Blue! Blue! Blue! Shoo away! The sky rose and fell, back again to the days of a yesteryear, and you could claim you loved her so, but you know not the mind that produced those insane thoughts. A crazed solution to pain: painting of an oedipal state of mind, coming home empty handed from the long night of dealing whatever narcotic-like substances you contained in your backpack. Love being a shame, something you dealt in: solid faith in the system you misplaced! Oh heart of hearts, you screamed to me to be quiet, to stop the ramblings, to stop the self-known pretentious soliloquies, to end the references to the soul's endeavors. I wanted you to read me, and I hope it can be handled, whatever dose you need I will provide the constant stream. I am the modern bard, the stagnant water, and you are the listener of a grand dilemma reunion of tragedians and comedians on the outskirts of the field of humanity and the dastardly situation back at home is resolved so; by not being there. And he lighted a dark dream with some unknown light that would let him escape the troubling resounding of his own thoughts.
The smoke in the sky leaped about creating beautiful images, faces like Christ, and nailed hands that could reach out to you and attempt to hold your hand, and that would make you scream no doubt and no doubt you would have no doubt at that moment you are scared, and your skin will sink to the bone: the rightful place, and you will yell for your father, but he's there too and he has a melancholy smile that could rip your intestines within his teeth.
Your saddening smile was a waning moon and I was a little lady in a kimono in a dream w/ a curious mind for the white glow. Let the show last forever you thought, and I thought I wanted you in the front row.