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Thread: Genesis to Deuteronomy, a weekly study

  1. #31
    Registered User JacobBenAvraham's Avatar
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    Moses speaks on OBEDIENCE to the second generation (DEUT 7:12-11:25)

    PARASHA: EKEV (as a result)

    DEUT 7:12-11:25...............ISAIAH 49:14-51:3.....................ROM 8:31-39

    This study starts out with Moshe exhorting his people, "IF" you hearken to these judgments and keep, and do them......" This is a conditional promise.....He will love thee and bless thee, and multiply thee...... We see the blessings from obedience, but on the other hand, curses will follow disobedience. What are "judgments" one asks? There are various meanings in Hebrew, but one is the outcome of our correctly applying the Torah commandments in our interrelationships between our God and our fellow man.

    Moshe is speaking to the second generation of Israelites. These people were only children and in their teenage years when they left Egypt, and 40 years have gone by, perhaps some have just a scant memory of all that YHVH did, so Moshe is reminding them, since they are about to enter "Eretz C'anaan" they must not forget, and they must obey and love the LORD, since the evidence of Adonai's caring for them has been witnessed by all. Moshe mentioned all the things that YHVH did to protect them and care for them in the past 40 years.

    BUT.....he also reminds them that they were NOT chosen because they are or were a specially righteous people, Oh no, he says they are "stiff necked" but because the other nations were evil, Yet Adonai loved them and still does, "unconditionally", as He loves us all, unconditionally. Even though we do evil, and sin, he still loves us and showed his love on Calvary's cross. Yet as a father loves his children, when we rebel and sin, YHVH will chastise us, and yea, he will suffer, just as Israel suffered and was punished for rebelling
    yet His love did not and does not falter. Moshe reminds the people of their rebellion and how they "provoked" the anger of Adonai, "Remember and forget not how thou provokedst the LORD thy God to wrath........(vs 7) That should be a lesson for us all, how the evil are punished and destroyed

    10:12 "And now Israel (includes us all) what doeth YHVH they God require of thee, but the fear the LORD thy God, to walk in all his ways, to love Him, to serve him with all thy heart and soul, to keep the commandments of the LORD thy God"

    When we see this verse, we see the word "fear" the LORD, it is a "fear" related to respect as one respects a king, a leader, not a fear related to terror, and IF we FEAR the LORD, Then...we will WANT to follow his WAYS. What are His ways? All the mitzvoth that are recorded in the Torah, but most important, the recognition that OUR WAYS are sinful, and that we come to a saving knowledge of Yeshua HaMashiach, so that we are re-united in fellowship with our heavenly Father through YESHUA. Then, we will have the desire to serve HIM and walk in his WAYS, the ways of Torah, the LIVING Torah, who is Yeshua.

    10:16 "Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart"........Moshe's words reflect the importance of "Spiritual circumcision" vs "physical circumcision". Not that physical circumcision is not important, it is for health sake for males, yet "spiritual circumcision" means a "spiritual conversion" it means being "born again" and rebel no more. Remember that "flesh and blood" can not inherit the Kingdom of God, only the Spirit can,
    So we must be "born again" to inherit the Kingdom,
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    ISAIAH 49:14-51:3

    "But Zion said, the LORD hath forsaken me, and has forgotten me" this thought was in the minds of the Israelites because of all the chastisement , of all the bad things happening because of Israel's rebellion. YET God has promised to protect and preserve his people, and we read that the nations around Israel will receive the remnant.(49:22) The Israelites were dispersed to many countries of the diaspora, to Germany and East Europe (Ashkenazim)
    to Spain, North Africa and middle east (Sephardim) and to Africa (Falashim) and of course, later on, do to immigration, to the USA, Mexico, Central and South America. In spite of the persecution and pogroms, Ha Am Y'hudi lives on and will live and be blessed for ever, and the promise of Abraham still is in effect; "I will bless those who bless thee, and curse those who curse thee" The nations that bless Israel, and uphold Israel, will indeed be blessed.
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    ROM 8:31-39

    "What shall we say then, if God be for us, who can be against us?" We can see this from the time of Noah, Moshe, and throughout history, If Ha Satan is against us, then YHVH stepped in and came to earth as a human, and gave his life for us all, being our sin atonement, He gave us YESHUAH through YESHUA HA BEN, Ben Adonai, Ben David, Ben Adam, even though we go through tribulation, suffering, and even death, our eternal life is secure, what is then our earthly life, just a vapor, a passing thing, we are here today and gone tomorrow, yet FOR EVER with the KING OF KINGS and LORD of Lords.

    Shabbat Shalom. rabbi Ben Avraham

  2. #32
    Registered User JacobBenAvraham's Avatar
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    Parasha Re'eh (see) BLESSINGS OR CURSES? DEUT 11;26-16:17

    Parasha: Re'eh (See)

    DEUT 11:26-16:17...................ISAIAH 54:11-55:5.........1 JOHN 4:1-6

    Moshe is in his final days, and he offers Israel either blessings or curses. Blessings if they follow Adonai's mitzvoth, or curses if not. When we look at the world today, we see the exact same situation. God has set down his standards, his commandments, and it is up to us to obey or disobey, either harvest blessings or reap the curses. This is a conditional covenant, ALL covenants are based on conditions. Even our salvation (Yeshuah) is based on a condition, the condition being if we come with a contrite heart and repent of our sins and accept Yeshua as Mashiach, and be "born again".

    This Parasha also speaks of "a prescribed place of worship" Moshe warns his people that they can not just worship in any way they want, nor in any place, there is a prescribed manner and way, and place. The place (back then) was the Mishkan (tabernacle) and the way, was by bringing their sacrifices to the Levite priests. "Where the LORD sets his name" was where people could worship. Back then, it was at the tabernacle and later on, the temple...NOW.. he has set HIS name in every believer through the Ruach HaKodesh, (Holy Spirit) Scripture says that where two or more are gathered together in HIS name, that HE would be in the midst. Such a wide difference between now and then.

    The local body of believers (Ha Kehilah or Kehilot (plural) ) is where the LORD puts his name also, and this is where we receive our spiritual food every week, on the Sabbath and on Sundays for church goers. We need this getting together for fellowship, praise, and learning Torah, and having lunch together afterwards.

    Beware of false gods (12:29) A false god is anything that comes between our relationship with Messiah Yeshua, be it money, work, pleasure, sports, etc, not that those things are evil in themselves, but CAN he a hindrance in our relationship with God, if allowed to dominate our time and our lives, then...they become as gods. Watch out and beware!!

    In 12:15 Moshe talks about slaughtering meat and eating it, like the gazelle and deer, both the clean and the unclean alike. Some people get confused and think that Moshe is talking about clean and unclean meats, Yet if we look closely, he is talking about "people" being "clean" and "unclean" an "unclean" person could be someone who just buried a relative, the person had to pick up the corpse and bury it, or a person might have been picking up fire wood and accidently, touched a dead snake, or something similar, that person would be "unclean" until the evening, but that person could still slaughter and BBQ meat.

    Chap 14 deals with physical food, Moshe reviews YHVH's kosher menu which was first mentioned in Leviticus 11. Reading the list speaks for itself, some people ask, why only fish with fins and scales can we eat? but I love lobster, crawdads, cat fish nuggets, steamed clams, crabs, and butter fried shrimp. One thing these sea creatures have in common is that they are bottom feeders, they eat the dead and decaying corpses of other marine life, they are "marine cockroaches" so just like you would never think of eating a cockroach, that is what you are eating when you eat those sea creatures. What are "clean birds?" They are the birds that DONT eat blood, the other birds mentioned in this chapter are scavengers, they eat dead and decaying animals, what are examples of clean birds? well, the ones that eat grains, like chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys, etc. (ever hear of a Thanksgiving vulture?)

    Mitzvah concerning tithes. Before, the people tithed their first born animals, and the first of their crops, yes, they COULD eat of those together with the Levite priests, yet we today tithe our income, and we usually give ALL of our income tithe to our local church or our local synagogue, because, the local church/synagogue is an organization that needs up-keep, maintenance, bills paid, etc, just like any other organization, but God uses HIS people to do it, with our tithes and offerings.

    Three main high Holy Days are mentioned in chapter 16. the PASSOVER, the FEAST OF WEEKS, (Shavuot/Pentecost) and the FEAST OF TABERNACLES (sukkot). Why are these so important? they all point to Messiah Yeshua. In Passover, YESHUA is the Unleavened Bread, the Bread of Life, the sacrifice lamb, who took on our sins with BITTERNESS, In Shavuot, we see the giving of the Torah on Sinai, Yeshua is the Living Torah, the LIVING WORD, also, the coming of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) who is GOD living in every born again believer, and the FEAST OF TABERNACLES which celebrates GOD coming to live among us through YESHUA HaMASHIACH, In the Millennial Kingdom, we will travel to Yerushalayim during these Festivals.

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    ISAIAH 54:11-55:5

    The Prophet comforts Israel, even though they are being punished for disobedience, for unbelief, yet in the future, Israel WILL be comforted, during the Millennial kingdom, they will be blessed in ALL ways, treated like royalty, ...and their RIGHTEOUSNESS, their YESHUAH is from ME, says the prophet, Yeshua HaMashiach is their righteousness and their salvation, and HE is OURS as well. Are we not part of the Commonwealth of Israel?
    joined to HIS people HIS nation, like the grafted-in Olive branches. Come to the waters and drink, it is free, the Living Water who is Yeshua is free, free to accept, and freely given is his gift of eternal life, to all who believe in HIM.

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    I JOHN 4:1-5

    Test the spirits, says the apostle Yochanan, How do we know that God speaks through some people/ministers/ or so called "prophets"? What do they believe about Yeshua? Did he come in the flesh, to reveal who God is? did he come as part of Elohim? as Echad? Did he come as "God made flesh" if yes, then the person is of God, if no, then the person is NOT of God, couldn't be any easier understood.

    Shabbat Shalom.................Rabbi Ben Avraham

  3. #33
    Registered User JacobBenAvraham's Avatar
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    Parasha SHOFTIM (judges) DEUT 16:18-21:9 the importance of righteousness

    PARASHA: SHOFTIM (judges)

    DEUT 16:18-21:9......................ISAIAH 51:12-52:12.....................JOHN 11:1-57

    This Parasha starts out with; "Appoint judges and officers within all your gates.....they shall judge the people with righteous right-ruling"

    And so it was back then, that Moshe appointed judges and officers to help him rule the nation of Israel. We remember back when the Israelites came out of Egypt and arrived at Sinai, that Yitro, Moshe's Father-in-law came up with that same suggestion, that he might appoint elders to help judge the nation. Here Adonai is giving this as a commandment.

    A nation can not be ruled by one person, it is a "team effort" to rule a nation, a group of people, or even a church or synagogue.

    "Righteous, right-ruling" are the key words DO NOT DISTORT RIGHT-RULING, unfortunately, we have rulers that do exactly that! they bend the rule, corrupt governments

    bring disorder to churches and synagogues, teach falsehoods, we have crooked people in government offices, both in state and federal, and they do much harm, yet also we have good and righteous people in those offices, that try to make a difference, those who stand up to God's WORD. We must always pray that those people are elected to those offices as judges, officers, etc..


    One might ask why twice the word "righteousness?" any purpose? perhaps to make emphasis, we can also say one must pursue righteous ends through righteous means,

    we must do what is right and correct to achieve whatever goal we have in mind. Not like the man who sees a very poor man that needs a car to get to a new job, so the man sees that his neighbor has two cars, so, he steals one of them to give to the poor man, so that the poor man can get to his job and support his family. Well, he might have had a righteous thought in mind, but went about it in a very "unrighteous" way. (he could have asked the neighbor to donate one car, or, give the poor man bus fare)

    The Parasha also tells a king to "make a copy of the Torah, to read it and study it, and live by it". A very good commandment, if all leaders were led by God's Word, there would be NO corruption. Yet many leaders are led by the ways of the world and by the flesh, and ignore God's WORD, and reject his LIVING WORD.

    We also learn that the Levites were cared for by the rest of the congregation, they received the grain offerings and the animal offerings so that they might live well, since they are serving YHVH. So we must remember YHVH's servants today that live to serve HIM, and live to teach his word. Those that live to teach the WORD should be maintained by God's people. Unfortunately, many pastors, preachers, rabbis, have to have secular jobs as well because the people do not give, especially in third world countries.

    18:18 "I shall raise up for them a Prophet like you out of the midst of their brothers and I shall put my words in His mouth, and He shall speak to them ALL that I command Him"

    Did Yeshua come from Israel? Yes, did he come from the tribe of Y'hudah? Yes, Did Adonai put HIS words in the mouth of YESHUA? Yes! Did Yeshua speak forth the Words of the Father? Yes, could this verse be speaking about someone else? I would say not.

    YHVH spoke his words and Moshe and his other servants wrote them down, and we have the whole written word today to learn from and live by. Baruch HaShem Yeshua-Adonai!

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    ISAIAH 51:12-52:12

    YHVH speaks through his prophet and says "And I have put my words in your mouth and with the shadow of my hand, I have covered you, to plant the heavens, and lay the foundations of the earth, and to say to Zion, "Atah Ami" (you are my people). But wait a minute, didn't Deut 18:18 say that too? and God is speaking to the prophet Isaiah. But Isaiah was a prophet of God, and God DID put HIS words in HIS mouth as well. BUT..Did Isaiah plant the heavens? and lay the foundations of the earth? Those he did NOT! but he still was God's voice to a wayward Israel, only YESHUA planted the heavens and the foundations of the earth as ELOHIM. Isaiah was part of Am Israel, yet the people BELONG to Adonai-Elohim. 52:6 "Therefore My people shall know MY NAME, for I AM the one who is speaking. Our God has many names, and his most Holy name, Y-H-V-H or some might say Y-H-W-H, and in the future, ALL will know his most HOLY name, KNOW, meaning TO UNDERSTAND the meaning behind it.
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    JOHN 11:1-57

    We see the beautiful story of Lazarus, in the Hebrew "Elazar" who was sick, died, and given life again by Yeshua. We see in both these names, are two of the most important names of God, YAH and EL, YAH (behold the hand/arm of the LORD) and EL (The powerful God who leads) Yeshua lifted up his voice and we can imagine him extending his hand, pointing to the tomb and commanding, "Elazar, Urah VaTze'ah" (Lazarus, come forth) And so in the future, all those who are dead in HIM will arise and forever, BE with HIM in HaShamayim, in the Heavens and enjoy eternity.

    Shabbat Shalom................rabbi Ben Avraham

  4. #34
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    Parasha KI TETSE (When you go out) DEUT 21:10-25:19

    PARASHA: KiTeste (when you go out)

    DEUT 21:10-25:19................ISAIAH 54:1-10...............MATT 5:27-30

    This Parasha starts with..."when you go out to war against your enemies....and you see a beautiful woman among the captives....." well, some commandments were for the Israelite community thousands of years ago, a soldier could take a captive woman for himself, and marry her, with, one could imagine, the end result, the BIG picture, is that the woman would worship YHVH as her ONLY God and LORD, and accept the Torah way of life, through the influence of her husband, but today, we can not expect a soldier to go overseas and bring back a captive woman to make her his wife, kind of dangerous I would say, he might get a female terrorist, a "Talibaness" and end up with a "knife-in-the-back"
    not to mention the cultural and religious difference, as well as language.

    21:15 "If a man has two wives, one loved and the other unloved......" read through verse 17, It was never Adonai's perfect will for a man to have more than one wife, only if the wife dies, he could marry again. But it was part of the middle east culture to have multiple wives, Jacob, being an example, had many problems, preferring two sons over the others, Yosef and Benjamyn, being the sons of his beloved Rachel, caused family strife, this commandment is teaching us to "treat all of our family as equals, not preferring one son or daughter over another, and especially when giving out inheritance, sharing equally is the best way. if a father has $10,000, and three sons and two daughters, each one gets $2,000 when pop dies, no questions asked.

    21:18 "If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son......." (read through verse 21) There has never been recorded in Torah, nor in the Talmud a case of "stoning a rebellious son" yet this was written down as a deterrent , a precaution, to those who "would think" of rebelling against his parents, this commandment kept children in line, (more than we can say for today) when children will rise up a kill their parents. No wonder you never hear of "Israelite gangs" (I don't know about today though, I hope not)

    21:22 "If a man has committed a sin deserving of death, and he is put to death, and you hang him on a tree......." (read through verse 23) It does not say "to kill him from the tree" like the Roman crucifixions, this was a cruel death, the death sentences in ancient Israel were carried out either by stoning or by the sword, after the sentence was carried out, the person was hanged on a tree for public display, BUT TAKEN DOWN AND BURIED before sundown. When Messiah Yeshua was crucified, he was TAKEN DOWN AND PLACED IN THE TOMB before sundown, yet he still received our curse and sin penalty while hanging from the cross by the nails, He received our CURSE and we received hisRIGHTEOUSNESS

    22:1 "You shall not see your brother's ox or his sheep going astray, and hide yourself from them...." (read through verse 4). These animals were Israel's livelihood back then, if they went astray, YOU were to notify your neighbor and say, "hey, your goat is in my yard, come get it" not take it in and have a "roast goat night" today the world's philosophy is "Finder's keepers, losers weepers" not so with God, and as born again believers, we need to walk in HIS ways, and return lost things (those which can be identified as belonging to so-and-so) to the rightful owners, be it a hammer, saw, cat, dog, Burmese python, wallet with money still intact, etc (just be careful with the python, pick it up with gloves, behind the neck) and say "Hey, come get yo snake dude"

    22:5 "A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man...." thousands of years ago in Israel, men and women wore similar clothing, being a long, flowing tunic tied with a cloth or leather belt, and a poncho like outer coat which was the tallit. But women's tunics were of finer fabric, maybe linen with feminine designs, while the mens' were of coarser material. Today we have both men and women wearing, say, "blue jeans and slacks" yet even today, women's slacks/pants are still different in design.

    22:6-7 "If a bird's nest happens to be before you....." Well, a common case in fact is the "hen-house" situation, no one would think of trying to get a hen's eggs while the hen is on her nest, not happening dude! or you will get "pecked" This is showing concern for the animal, while a hen can have more eggs, if a woman has children, and terrorists break in and kill her kids in front of her eyes, this will create a real emotional and psychological trauma. yet if she is in another county, and someone calls her to say, "Hey, terrorist killed your kids" I am sure that she will still be affected, but not as severe as if seeing them killed in front of her.

    22:8-9 When you build a new house.....Common sense, to build a fence on the roof so that no one will fall off, middle east houses had flat roofs, where people could go to in summer evenings and relax, those are still the best kind of houses, If I were to design my own house, mine would have a flat roof with stairs going up to it, and a parapet around it of course. "You shall not sow your vineyard with different kinds of seeds" makes sense, a vineyard is for grapes, not for grapes, wheat, corn , etc, these others would take essential minerals and chemicals from the soil which the grapes would need otherwise.

    22:10 "You shall not plow with an ox and a donkey together" another mitzvah which makes perfect "horse" sense, the two animals are a "mis-match" one is stronger than the other, they will cause problem one with the other, and work will be affected, they are "un-equally yoked" just like a marriage between a believer and an un-believer. An ox should plow with another ox, a donkey with another donkey, etc... a believer with another believer

    22:11 "you shall not wear a garment of mixed sorts....." wool will shrink when washed while linen will not, and the garment will be ruined, same as "being un-equally yoked" If Mr. Wool marries Miss Linen, trouble will ensue.

    22:12 "You shall make tassels on the four corners of the clothing with which you cover yourselves" These are the Tzitzits which are worn as an undergarment, or tied on the belt loops, Yes, this is still for today, reminds us of the commandments of Adonai.

    But please, a few might comment and say "But we're not under the law anymore" most people in Christendom misunderstand this idea, the word "law" comes from the latin "Legis" which means "something legal, or legalism" but the original word is "Torah" which means "teaching and instruction" (from Adonai in this case) This word has been mistranslated in our bibles, "Are we not all under God's teaching and instruction through His Holy Writ?" I think we would all agree to YES, we are under and follow, (or should follow) his teaching. but change the word and mis-translate it into LAW, everyone suddenly says NO, because the original meaning is lost

    Chap 23 deals with those who are excluded from the congregation of Israel, those who were illegitimate children, Ammonites, Moabites, etc, BUT today, we WELCOME into the congregation, into the "Kehilah" those who decide to follow Yeshua and who are born-again, and the only real, true members of God's family are those who are BORN AGAIN, not that a lost person can not come into the congregation, yes, they can visit, yet to be a member, a member of "Kehilah Elohim" the congregation of Elohim, HIS called out congregation, church, assembly, one must be BORN AGAIN, trusting YESHUA/JESUS as Savior and LORD.
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    ISAIAH 54:1-10

    " For a mere moment I have forsaken you, But with great mercies, I will gather you..."
    YHVH comforts Israel like a father comforts his children, yes, children will be chastised, and will endure punishment, in Israel's case, thrown out of the land, and cast into nations
    BUT...they will be gathered...and they have been gathered, the nation of ISRAEL is real and is the place of the ingathering. As disobedient children, we will be chastened by the LORD
    and it will seem at times that we have been forsaken. Yeshua cried out "Eli Eli, Lamah Sabachtani?" My God, why have you forsaken me?" it was because of our sin that the Father turned away from the Son, yet, not for ever, BUT,. a few hours later, after the sin debt was paid, Fellowship was rejoined, and the temple curtain ripped in two, making way for ALL of us to go unto YHVH through the Blood of Yeshua.

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    MATTHEW 5:27-30

    Yeshua is not changing the Torah commandment on adultery, he is explaining it to the fullest. Sin is entertained in the mind, and through the body, it is fulfilled, so while it is still in the mind, rebuke it in Yeshua's name, or if you can, avoid the situation,

    Shabbat Shalom................Rabbi Ben Avraham

  5. #35
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    Ki Tetse (a last minute thought on Deut 22:1) on......finding lost things

    DEUTERONOMY 22:1 (A last minute thought)

    Wanted to add this last thought to Parasha "Ki Tetse". People lose things all the time, sometimes, the lost items are recovered by the person who lost them, at other times, someone else finds a lost item, and if the person is following Torah, the person will return the item to the person who lost it,

    It is one thing to lose a material thing, be it a valuable item or a sentimental item, but many people will lose something more valuable than a material thing, Some people will lose their faith. Perhaps when tragedy strikes, death comes to a loved one, etc, some will say, "I can not worship a God that does __________!!! (fill in the blank) some will lose their faith little by little, because of the cares of the world, the distractions, they will stop going to church or synagogue, stop reading their bibles, develop a disinterest in spiritual things,
    developing an "I could care less" attitude.

    If we know someone like that, we must step in and try to help that person "find" their faith again, we should try to "return to that person, their lost faith" perhaps just through listening to that person's story, being a friend, even sharing scripture if the person will allow it, maybe sharing verses in scripture with a different light, perhaps, allowing the person to understand more deeply.

    Who knows, the person might return to their faith with even more virtue, but we have to try, lost faith can be found again, because it is inside of a person, not on the street somewhere

    Rabbi Ben AVraham

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    Parasha KI TAVO (when you come in) DEUT 26:1-29:9

    PARASHA "KI TAVO" (when you come in)

    DEUT 26:1-29:9.....................ISAIAH 60:1-22.......................JOHN 113:1-15:27

    In this Parasha study, we see that Moshe is "again" reminding Israel to be "faithful" in "obedience" to the commandments. He does not tire in telling the people all the "pros" and "against" , the "positive side" and the "negative side" of "obedience and disobedience"

    We can also relate this to a father who dearly loves his children, and warns them of disobedience, and the results of such, but also reminds them of the rewards that come with obedience. Now, who wouldn't want blessings instead of curses. We could say that only someone insane would say "I would rather have the curses instead of blessings"
    or "I would prefer drought instead of rain" or "I would rather run from my enemies"
    But the way Israel acted after the death of Moshe, shows exactly that! through influence of ungodly nations, Israel turned away from Elohim, from following HIS commandments.

    We can also imagine a husband who marries a wife and loves her, and shows her the right way to walk, and how that they can have a wonderful life together, "stay with me" he tells her, "don't go after other men, they will just bring you down and ruin our relationship" the bride says "Yes, I will love only you" yet no sooner are they married, that the wife does exactly the opposite, the husband has no choice but to punish the wife, yet he still loves her, and wants her to come back to him. So God is with ALL his people, both native born Israelites, Israel that lives in other nations, those who have joined the commonwealth of Israel, through a "born again" relationship with "Yeshua" which is the goal of "ALL" of Israel (or should be) the wish that the Father bestows upon ALL "B'ei Adam" (children of Adam)

    Moshe reminds his people about the tithes. This is very important, ALL things belong to YHVH, HE is owner of ALL. He made the world and everything in it, He allows US to use HIS things, and all HE wants back is 10%. Not much. Here Moshe mentions tithes of the agricultural increase, since that and cattle were the income in those days for Israel. We on the other hand, work and receive money, but also, doesn't our TIME belong to him? Does HE not give us TALENT through the Spiritual gifts? as well as material things? So, should our time and talent also be tithed to YHVH? I would say yes.

    On "Har Gerizim" and on "Har Ebal" were announced the blessings and curses, so that when the people looked upon those mountains, they would be reminded of them, Kind of like when a child looks at a fishing rod and reel, he might be reminded that "Pop takes me fishing when I am good, and do my chores" but also, hanging next to the rod and reel, hangs a thick leather belt, which reminds the child that "Pop will give me a good whippin if I misbehave and neglect my chores"

    "Cursed is the one who makes the blind to wander off the road"( 27:18)

    Yes, it would be cruel to misguide a blind person, but worse if the person is spiritually blind and we do nothing to correct the errors and lead them in the Yeshua's way, in the way of Torah. So many erroneous doctrines floating around, making those who want to see straight, see crooked, get off the path, we need to set them on the right path again, not by force, but by love.

    Even though YHVH has sent his people out of the land, into other nations, the people are returning to the land, the land is being blessed, Adonai has NOT forgotten HIS people, just as a father can not forget his son, The curses happened just as the LORD said they would, but Israel is still Israel, he promised they would be like the "dust of the earth" and like the "stars of heaven" The dust is TRAMPLED UPON, like the Jewish people have been, throughout the ages, yet dust CAN NOT BE DESTROYED, neither can "HaAm Yehudi"
    The stars shine, just like the "Living Torah" was given to Israel as a gift to them and to the nations, to point the way to Elohim, the living Torah is spelled Y-E-S-H-U-A (the out-
    stretched arm of the LORD that received the nail, the all consuming fire that was seen by all) the SALVATION of YHVH. is always "IF" ye obey the voice of the LORD thy God.......THEN...blessings will follow, and "IF" you chose NOT to obey.......THEN...curses will follow, it is still this way, still conditional. "IF" you chose to repent and accept Yeshua/Jesus as LORD and Savior, THEN you will be saved, "IF" you chose to ignore and reject the free gift of Salvation (Yeshuah) from God, THEN....condemnation for all eternity will follow, strong words, but the truth.
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    ISAIAH 60:1-22

    The Ruach HaKodesh speaks through Yeshayahu saying "Arise, Shine, for our LIGHT has come" ...,.... "darkness shall cover the earth".........".The Gentiles will come to your LIGHT"
    Great symbolism here. the LIGHT is YESHUA! even though spiritual darkness covers the earth, making people insensitive to the Torah of YHVH, many having an "I don't care about God nor religion" attitude, still many are receiving Yeshua and being "born again" the original meaning of the word "Gentile" (Goy) was "heathen, idol worshipping nations" now many who before worshiped idols, many who were part of pagan cults and religions, are turning to "Ha Or Elohim v'Or HaOlam" (the Light of God and the Light of the World.
    The Gematria for OR (light) is 207, 2 (covenant) 0 (eternity) since a "zero" has no beginning nor end, 7 (perfection) the eternal covenant of perfection. Added horizontally 2+0+7 = 9
    9 is reminds us of EMET,(441) 4+4+1=9 which is TRUTH, describes who Yeshua is.
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    JOHN 13:1-15:27

    "Ani ha derecho, ha emet, v'ha Chai" (I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life) three of the many titles of Yeshua, who also said "I AM the LIGHT of the world" IF we follow the LIGHT we will stay on the path, which is the WAY, and know the TRUTH which gives us eternal LIFE. but always the conditional "IF" . We ALL have a choice, what will YOU choose? better yet, WHO will you choose?

    Shabbat Shalom........rabbi Ben Avraham

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    Returning to GOD? what does it mean? (Teshuvah) DEUT 29:10-30:20

    PARASHA: "NITSAVIM" (you are standing)

    DEUT: 29:10-30:20...............ISAIAH 61:10-63:9...................JOHN 16:1-17:26

    This Parasha always precedes Yom Teruah (Rosh HaShannah) which this year begins this Sunday evening. We read that Moshe is announcing to the people that "Elohim is about to make a covenant relationship with them, and make them HIS PEOPLE, HIS NATION, HIS CHOSEN ONES. yet he still warns them about the curses, and turning away from HIS Way, from the ways of His Torah.

    He addresses ALL who are there, all members of "Kehilah Yisrael" (The community of Israel) from the big shots, big boss guys, all the way to the simplest "blue collar workers" this is for ALL, no matter how important you are, ALL are included, even the Egyptians that followed the Israelites out of Egypt, they are now part of this great community that is about to bear the name of AM YISRAEL. the name "Yisrael" comes from the word "Yetzer" which means "Straight to" in this case "straight to EL" (God).

    (29:14) "I make this covenant and this oath , not with you alone, but with him who stands here today and with him who is NOT here with us today". These are very interesting words, we know who was there way back then, but who wasn't there way back then? who is Moshe talking about? Have any idea of the WHO? Give up? well.... I T ' S YOU!!!!, or rather it is US! all of us who are alive and reading this Parasha on line today. Where were we all back then? We were bodiless souls, up there in heaven awaiting bodies. Maybe packed away in a "soul box" awaiting HaShem's perfect timing for our coming to earth to dwell in human bodies. My soul was sent into this body back in 1953, and my body continued to develop inside mom until I came out into this world in February, 1954. So, Moshe was talking about me, as well as all of you.

    Chap 30 deals with "Returning to God". Which is the topic and theme of Yom Teruah, the verb "to return" in Hebrew is "Shuv" and from that word comes "Teshuvah" which in English is "repentance" so when we "repent of our sins" we are "returning" to God, while we are in the stage of innocence, which is when we are babies, we are considered blameless in the eyes of God, but as we get older, the sin nature becomes active and we rebel, and we need to come to a point when we realize that "we are lost" and we are "rebels" and that we need to "return" to YHVH, through accepting the one time sacrifice of Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ) and be "born again" it is then that we enter into and become part of the great "commonwealth of Israel" But even still, the sin nature is still there, and it will rear up its ugly head, and we need to "Shuv" ourselves back to God, Yom Teruah is a time of reflecting on our spiritual life and where we have gone astray in our relationship with God, in keeping or not keeping his Mitzvoth, (commandments)

    We will receive blessing upon returning to God, yet if we keep away from "turning back" will reap destruction, and endure the curses (some people call it "bad luck") So let's "turn back" do "Teshuvah" and return to "Abba"
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    ISAIAH 61:10-63:9

    The Prophet Yeshayahu looks toward YESHUA! and says in vs 10; "I will greatly rejoice in YHVH, My soul will be joyful in my God (Eli) For he has clothed me with the garments of YESHUAH. He has covered me with the robe of TZEDAKAH (righteousness)"

    In both cases, "Yeshua our Messiah" is our spiritual garment, and we can rejoice that He terminated the curse of sin and death . And we are covered with HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS
    so YHVH looks at us all as if we never sinned. We have been made "Tzadikim" (righteous ones) through YESHUA HA MASHIACH (Jesus our Messiah)
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    JOHN 16:1-17:26

    "The Ruach Ha Kodesh is coming" was the message of Yeshua before he left the earth. NO, the disciples would not be alone, the "Comforter" would come. The good thing about the Holy Spirit is that before the Spirit came on Shavuot (Pentecost) the Spirit of God only rested on a few chosen, like the Prophets, and Yeshua, could only be in one place at a time, yet with the Holy Spirit, HE is with ALL OF US, at the same time, and lives INSIDE OF EVERY BELIEVER,. and so scripture admonishes us not to "grieve" the Holy Spirit, doing things in our bodies that are against Torah. We read and study the Torah, and YHVH speaks to us through the RUACH! We can thank Adonai that He sent the Ruach HaKodesh to be with us, inside us forever.

    Shabbat Shalom v'hag Sameach Yom Teruah..............rabbi Ben Avraham

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    Parasha "VaYELECH" (and he went) Moses prepares for death DEUT 31:1-30

    PARASHA: "VaYELECH" (and he went)

    DEUT 31:1-30....................... ..ISAIAH 55:6-56:8....................... ..JOHN 20:1-51

    Torah: Deut 31:1-30;

    We could call this Parasha "Passing the baton" Moshe is in his last days, YHVH has already told him that he is going to die, and so, with that, he needs to prepare the next leader who will lead "Am Yisrael" into the Promised Land, C'anaan. Joshua, whose name in Hebrew is "Yehoshuah" which is a form of "Yeshua" whose name bears the Tetragrammaton (YHVH) HE will lead the people to their promised "Eretz Shalom" .

    Moshe starts out with his age, We can say "Happy Birthday Moshe" and hope we have one humongous cake with 120 candles. We can divide Moshe's 120 years in three parts, the first 40 were spent as a youth, and Prince of Egypt, a soldier in Pharaoh's Army, he lived a life of royalty, the next 40 years he lived as a "shepherd of sheep" going through the "school of hard knocks" from riches to, well, maybe not rags, but he was humbled, G-d used him and his experience in Egypt to lead sheep, and to know the desert of Madian, since, he would return. the final 40 years he was a shepherd/leader of a few million human sheep with an attitude. If we take note, his "real" purpose did not start until he was 80 years old! Where will we be at 80? if we last that long. the letter "m" is "MEM" in Hebrew
    and has the numeric value of 40! Moshe's name starts with "M" it symbolizes "trials and testings" it also symbolizes "water, the masses, and chaos"

    Well, did not Moshe part the "Waters" of the Red Sea? bring "living waters" out of the Rock? which symbolizes Yeshua? did he not lead the "Masses" of Israel? did he not turn a people who lived in "chaos" under Egyptian rule, into a "People of the Torah?" But it was really our living GOD, our "Aveinu Malkeinu" who did all this THROUGH his chosen Prophet, just as He works through YOU AND ME, to carry out his will and his ministry.

    It is sad to think of death, I am sure Moshe wanted to keep on living, but he accepted his fate. How do we think of death? it will come to us sooner of later. Romans says, "It is appointed unto man once to die, and after this, the judgment" we, like those before us, are just "visitors" on this planet called "earth" a perfect "house" for man, animals, and plants, that mankind messed up. Some worship "death" others prefer not to think about it, others prepare for it ahead of time, for me, I prefer not to think about it, just live every day to the fullest, and when it comes, it comes. Physical death is just the doorway that opens to the "rest of our life" that which will NEVER end, for the believer, it will be a blessing, for those who are lost, it will be the "eternal curse" and no second chances.

    Moshe ordered that the Torah be read at the end of every seven years! (31:9) This is to remind the people of God's precious word, so that they will remember, I am sure that this would take several weeks, or even months to read through and discuss. Do we study and review God's Word once every seven years? I hope not, I hope we do it every year, little by little, every week, so we are constantly reminded of his mitzvoth, of the words of Yeshua, that were written down by his talmidim.

    Moshe also predicts Israel's rebellion and perdition, a sad note to die under, thank God for the remnant that remained faithful, for those who looked forward to the coming of Yeshua
    for those chosen prophets who remained faithful to their calling, let us also remain faithful to our calling, what ever it may be.
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    Haf Torah: ISAIAH 55:6-56:8

    Yeshayahu Ha Navi writes, through the Ruach Elohim, "Seek YHVH while HE may be found, Call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way. and the unrighteous man his thoughts, let him return to YHVH...."

    One may think and wonder, "Is there a time when the LORD can NOT be found?" is there a time when he is NOT near?" While we know that Adonai is always with us, and sees all, knows all, He knows what every human is doing 100% of the time. There might be a time when a lost person pushes the LORD away to such an extent that in time, that person will not WANT to search for HIM, even when common sense tells a person to call upon the LORD, that person will not WANT to do it, Spiritually, his or her heart will be hardened to such an extent, that "searching for God" will not even pass through that person's mind. Even though we know He is as near as prayer, for a hardened soul, being near is too far away.

    This verse is perfect for this time of year, for Rosh Ha Shanna, for Yom Kippur, a time of "Teshuvah" from the verb "shuv" (To turn) to turn from our sins and evil ways, make a 180 degree turn around and head for G-d, with a repentant heart, to make amends, to forgive those who we have held a grudge against, As we turn in repentance, HE will turn his face towards us also
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    Brit HaDashah: JOHN 20:1-31

    Yochanan writes of the "empty tomb" which was proof that the Prophets were right, and death was conquered by life, there were many witnesses, who gave their lives for their testimony, do you think they would have died for a lie? The ROCK who was placed in a tomb of rock, is our ROCK OF AGES. Either we can fall upon him..............or HE will fall upon us!

    Shabbat Shalom..................rabbi Ben Avraham

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    Parasha "HaAzinu" (give ear) DEUT 32:1-51 (Moses' farewell address)

    PARASHA: "HaAZINU" (give ear)

    DEUT: 32:1-52..........................2 SAM 22:1-51.......................JOHN 20:1-31

    Moshe speaks to the people through the Ruach HaKodesh, the ultimate plea, his final words before going the way of all men, physical death.

    He asks both "Heaven and earth" to be witnesses to his song, to his speech. We can imagine all the angels in Heaven listening, and those that are present with him, He describes Adonai as The ROCK, (HaTzur) we have come to recognize this word as describing God as the "Rock of Ages" No wonder that YHVH got angry at Moshe when he struck the rock so many years prior, the rock that gave forth water when the people were thirsty, the rock symbolized "Yeshua" who gave forth "living water" Yeshua gave up his life and was crucified ONCE not TWICE, Moshe was told to SPEAK to the Rock, yet he let his anger get the better of him, and struck the Rock, which misrepresented who God was, and still is, the God who came to earth in human form to lay up his life as a ransom for our sins, ONCE and ONCE only. YESHUA is the solid ROCK who gives us eternal life, which is like LIVING WATER.

    Moshe calls for repentance, for TESHUVAH, He tells the people that they have abandoned their God, going after other gods, the LORD will punish his people, yet, He will not abandon his people, he will stir them to jealousy, He will reach out to the nations outside of Israel, and those of the surrounding nations, who come to recognize Mashiach will become part of Israel, they will join the great Commonwealth of Israel, and become ONE with Israel, like an olive branch that is grafted into another olive tree, will become ONE with that new tree, so we are ONE with Messiah Yeshua.

    Perhaps Moshe is sad, since he knows the future of his people, yet they will continue to be God's chosen, he ends telling the people "set your hearts on all the words which I testify among you today, which you shall command your children to be careful to observe all the words of this Torah"

    We should heed this command, to observe all the words of the Torah, to observe, do, put into action, and Love the LORD your God, and trust in HIS YESHUAH! as our righteousness, and our salvation.
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    2 SAM 22:1-51

    As Moshe sang about the ROCK of his YESHUAH (salvation) David also sings about YHVH being his ROCK , when He delivered him from Saul and his enemies,

    "I will call upon YHVH who is worthy to be praised" in times of trouble, who else can we call on? only the ROCK of ISRAEL (HaTzur Yisrael)
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    JOHN 20:1-31

    The empty tomb! Yeshua, who is the ROCK OF AGES, was buried in a tomb made of rock, with a round Rock door as a covering, yet the ROCK of Ages, moved the rock, which could not keep HIM in, We serve a risen Savior, a redeemer, the Solid ROCK who set us free from the captivity of sin.

    Rabbi Ben Avraham

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    Parasha SUKKOT (Numbers 29:12-16; John 7:2-39) "looking at the Feast of Tabernacles"


    NUMBERS 29:12-16................ZECH 14:1-21...................JOHN 7:2-39

    Adonai speaks to Moshe saying; "On the 15th day of the 7th month, you shall have a holy shall keep a feast to YHVH seven days...........

    This is one of the pilgrimage feasts, one of the "Yamim Moedim" these are the special times when all families go up to Yerushalayim to worship Adonai. Passover, Shavuot, and The Feast of Tabernacles.

    Sukkot or the "Feast of Tabernacles" symbolizes the "coming to earth by God himself to dwell among mankind. YHVH came to the Mishkan (first tabernacle) which was erected in the desert, per instructions by YHVH to Moshe, and God came down in fire and smoke, and dwelt among the "B'nei Israel" (Children of Israel) during the day, his presence was seen as a cloud, and at night, by a pillar of fire. His awesome presence in the Shekinah, was above the mercy seat in the "Aron Ha Kodesh" (the Ark of the Covenant) which was inside the "Holy of Holies" He was there to live and fellowship with his people.

    YHVH "tabernacled" among mankind the second time, 1500 years later, in a small town called "Beit Lechem" (House of Bread) normally known as "Bethlehem" during this time of year. The December 25th date was an invention by Constantine, and it is completely pagan. Yeshua came to heal, the teach the Torah, and to set man free from the bondage of sin. He came as a humble servant, healer, and Torah teacher. Yes, he is king but did not claim his crown, not at the first coming, the claim of Kingship will be at the second coming.

    The third time God tabernacled among mankind was at Shavuot (Pentecost) 50 days after Passover, when He came in the form of the Holy Spirit, "Ha Ruach HaKodesh" He reveals himself through his spirit to all of us, and He lives inside us through his Spirit, in all of us who have accepted HIM as LORD and Savior,

    The fourth coming will be when He comes in the clouds again and sets up his kingdom on this earth, and will live and reign one thousand years, and we will reign with Him, Then He will claim his kingship and put away sin. This will be a glorious time.

    in the Torah, we see the sacrifices related to this time of Sukkot, the sacrifices of a bull, one ram, and seven lambs, with fine flour mixed with oil. The image of Messiah Yeshua is in all of these items, The bull symbolizing the "strength" of almighty "El Shaddai" the power of "Elohim" and the ram that "Took the place of Isaac" Isaac symbolizing us, and the ram, symbolizing Yeshua, and the seven lambs, "7" the perfect number and the lambs the "Lamb of God" which taketh away the sins of the world. The flour the "Bread of Life" and the oil, the "Ruach Ha Kodesh" (the Holy Spirit)

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    ZECHARIAH 14:1-21

    The prophet is looking at the future, when Messiah Yeshua comes to earth, and ALL nations will "go up" to Yerushalayim every year to celebrate the "Feast of Tabernacles"
    after the time of fighting, and peace is restored, and we will rejoice in this millennium,
    The chapter starts out on a sad note, war, destruction, but in the end, Salvation, and peace, this will be a great time to be on earth.

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    JOHN 7:2-39

    Yeshua went up to the Feast of Tabernacles, and he taught in the temple for all to hear, He taught truth, and many believed when they heard. He revealed the purpose of his being there, to reveal the Father's will, on the 8th day, "Hoshanah Raba" when the priests bring up water from the pool of Siloam, he said; "If any one thirsts, let him come to me and drink" He was talking about spiritual water, one of Yeshua's titles is "Mayim Chayim" (Living Water) and he still is the living water, to who ever wishes to drink from the well of Salvation "Beer Yeshuah" the "Well of Yeshua!"

    Hag Sameach Sukkot

    Rabbi Ben Avraham

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    Starting the cycle over again, "B'reisheet" (in the beginning) GEN 1:1-6:8

    "Simchat Torah" means "Joy of the Torah" or "Bible Happiness" this happens during the 8th day of Sukkot, normally known as "Shemini Atzeret". It is a time to complete the Torah reading cycle, and to start over again reading from Genesis. This year, "Shemini Atzeret" came on Oct 24th, We should be overjoyed that we have God's Word in our midst, there are some countries where the bible is outlawed, and it used to be in communist countries, those found with bibles were imprisoned, I think we can count it joy because Adonai gave us HIS word through his selected writers, writers from diverse positions in society and diverse professions. He came to earth in person as YESHUA to fulfill the prophets and to explain the Torah, no wonder one of his names is "The Living WORD"
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    PARASHA: "B'reisheet" (in the beginning)

    GENESIS 1:1-6:8...............ISAIAH 42:5-43:10.................MATTHEW 1:1-2:23

    We begin the journey all over again, the Torah is a continuous cycle of study, We end Deuteronomy reading about the power of Elohim, in bringing judgement to Egypt, through Moshe, his servant, and now we see the same power of Elohim, in creation,
    The first 7 words are; "B'reisheet Bara Elohim...ET...hashamayim v'et haAretz. (In the beginning, Elohim created the Heavens and the earth" "7" words in the original Hebrew, the perfect number "7" and it we put a stick under the word ET and attach three branches on each side leading to the other words, we form a "Menorah" which is the symbol of Israel. We see in the "beginning", but the beginning of what? one can say, the "beginning of time itself" "time" is for a finite world, from the author of time who lives in the "infinite" dimension. YHVH who is timeless, gave "time" to mankind, we have the coming into being "Space" (the heavens) "time" (in the beginning) and "matter" (the earth) Mankind crosses over into the dimension of eternity when death knocks at the door.
    YHVH made a perfect "house" for mankind, "planet earth" the letter "B" in B'reisheet, symbolizes "house" in Hebrew, a perfect house for perfect man, until man chose to disobey YHVH's command NOT to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. (no, it wasn't the woman's fault, it was BOTH their fault, but Adam was Eve's leader, and Adam should have stopped her, but he didn't).
    We see a "perfect" world of harmony disintegrate and head toward disorder (the second law of thermodynamics) to such an extent that YHVH decides to destroy the once perfect earth, saving one family of faithful humans, Noah and his family. Genesis mentions that the "B'nei Elohim" (sons of God) came into the "daughters of men" Many believe that these "B'nei Elohim" were the fallen angels, and through procreation in an abnormal form, mutants were born, the word "giants" in Geneses is the word "nephalim" in Hebrew which means "fallen" this could hint to the "fallen angels" Yes, there were tall giant humans as a result of unholy cohabitation (fallen angels in human form with earthly women) archeology has proven this.
    Yet YHVH promised a "seed" to the woman, the "seed" that would crush the head of the serpent (Satan) and that "seed" is YESHUA/JESUS. who took upon himself the sins of the world, died a sinner's death, to give us eternal salvation through faith. Have you trusted in Yeshua/Jesus as YOUR LORD and Savior?
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    ISAIAH 42:5-43:10
    "I YHVH have called You in righteousness and will hold your hand; I will keep you and give you as a covenant to the people, as a LIGHT to the goyim (gentiles) to open blind eyes...."
    The prophet is speaking about YESHUA, who is righteous, and is our "covenant" to trust and believe in. He is OR (light) who has shown the way to eternal life through a personal relationship in HIM, the "gentiles" were those who believed in "many gods" those of the nations outside of Israel, and now, many of those nations have rejected their false gods and have come to trust in Yeshua. "Blind eyes have been opened" not only physically, but spiritually, Yeshua healed many blind people, but his WORD opens our eyes to the truth.
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    MATTHEW 1:1-2:23
    We see in these verses, the genealogy and the birth of Messiah Yeshua, who came to earth around the time of Sukkot (October) who was born with the purpose of teaching, making clear the Torah, the heal the sick, open blind eyes, make the lame walk, and to pay the price of our sin, with HIS death, to give us eternal LIFE, through trusting in HIM as Savior and LORD.

    Shabbat Shalom......rabbi Ben Avraham

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    Parasha NOACH (GEN 6:9-11:32) Noah and his faithfulness keep him afloat


    GENESIS: 6:9-11:32................ISAIAH 54:1-55:5......................MATTHEW 3:1-4:25

    This Parasha starts out on both good and bad notes. The world is really in turmoil, violence and evil has permeated the world, caused by sin, demonic entities on earth, yet inspite of all this, ONE PERSON and his family remain RIGHTEOUS, and separate themselves from the lost world. "Noach and family". It says that "Noah walked with God"
    the word "Halach" is "walk" it is a spiritual/faith walk and not a physical action. In spite of the world corruption, Noach and his family remained true to YHVH, probably through the influence of Enoch, Methuselah, and to those who knew Adam, and learned from his mistake and repentance.

    The world will be destroyed by a flood of waters, YHVH tells Noach, yet HE will preserve him and his family in a boat, an "Ark" which will be made to just float on water, no rudder is needed, because the "Yad Elohim" (the hand of G-d) will guide it through the flood waters until it reaches safety. There is so much to teach in this, that only a few paragraphs will not suffice.

    But we a correlation between Yeshua and Noach, and the Ark. The ark was a "boat of safety, Noach and his family went "through" the judgement of the world, yet was "saved" the 40 days and 40 nights is significant, the number "40" is the number of "judgement, trials, and testings. Our "ark" of safety is "Yeshua" Moshe was saved as a baby in a small "Ark" made of reeds and made waterproof with pitch, and was set on the Nile and arrived to safety near the palace.

    Noach was a "just and righteous" man in HIS generation, he was a "Tzadik" it must have been a scary world, full of evil men, dinosaurs, and giants, yet Noach remained fathful to Elohim. The ark carried the primary animal "kinds" 7 pairs of clean animals and a pair of unclean animals, and enough food to last a year. Yes, there were dinosaurs on the ark, the smaller ones, probably infants, or yearlings.

    The flood waters came, but not before YHVH had shut the door. (6:16) He and his family were IN and the lost were OUT, the age of grace had ended, and now judegment would begin. The flood waters destroyed the earth that was originally made, with only 8 survivors. Mr and Mrs. Noach (wife; Naamah, daughter of Enoch) according to rabbinic stories, and sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and their wives, and with those people, after the flood, the world was repopulated, yet sin persisted, so, man learned nothing from the flood.
    The world received the present languages when the people were divided at the building of "Bavel" after the flood. Interesting to note that the ark came to land on Mt Ararat, during the time of Sukkot, (the 7th month) which means, YHVH tabernacles with us, YHVH did not forget Noach and his family, HE was with them, and he is with us too, through the Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit)
    (this is really cutting this parasha short, there is much to say and would be so much to write, I ask, when do I finish, so I am trying to hit on some main points,)
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    ISAIAH 54:1-55:5

    Interesting verses for childless women, "do not dispare" YHVH is your husband. "YHVH Tzeva'ot Shemo" (the LORD of hosts is HIS name) many women think it is disgrace not to have children, yet even now, the LORD comforts them, I will have mercy on you! says YHVH and even the barren, (Sarah, Hannah, Rachel, etc) had children. .We have all been made to be "B'nei Elohim" (children of God) through Yeshua our redeemer.
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    MATTHEW 3-4

    As Noach went through the water in an ark, Yochanan the Baptist got into the water and baptized those who would come to repentence, here the water symbolizes death and rebirth, while the flood waters symoblized destruction and judgement, the dove, which Noach released brought back an olive leaf, which symbolizes "Shalom" (peace) the dove took off again, flew away and didn't return to Noach. Well, where did it go? Here, it came down when Yeshua was baptised in the Jordan river, again, symbolizing "Yeshua Shalom"
    "Yeshua, who came in peace, to teach the Torah, to heal, and to die for our sins, fullfill the will of the Father

    Shabbat Shalom....rabbi Ben Avraham

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    The Call of Abraham (Parasha LECH-LECHA "go forth) GEN 12:1-17:27

    Parasha: Lech-Lecha (go forth) The call of Abraham

    GENESIS 12-1-17:27.......................ISAIAH 40:27-41:16........................MATTHEW 5:1-48

    There are many interesting topics in this Parasha study, so, I have selected just a few to go over. Abraham had already left Ur with his father, and were already living in Haran, but YHVH still called him, to continue "Westward". "Go out from your father's house, to a land that I will show you". He was chosen, perhaps Abraham had a searching mind, a willing spirit to know the "true God" of the universe. The sages tell stories of Abram sitting at the feet of Shem, listening to stories of the flood, and the "true God" who destroyed the earth and saved just eight, perhaps we can reason that Abram wanted to know this God personally. we can only assume.

    Abraham took the step of faith, answered God's calling, He took his wife Sarai, and his nephew Lot (a mistake) and crossed over the Euphrates River, then went south to Canaan. We call Abraham an IVRIT, a "Hebrew" one who "crosses over" in this sense, the crossing point was the Euphrates River, He left the pagan lifestyle of idolatry behind in UR, decided to trust God and be the "blessing" of future generations. Though he and Sarai were childless, he still trusted in the promises of YHVH.
    and he and Sarah became a blessing, He is the father as we all know, of the Hebrew people, later on, becoming known as "B'nei Yisrael" (Children of Israel). Yet he had to take that step of faith, step out in faith, go to a new land that he didn't know and trust YHVH for his needs.

    There was a time when we were in the world, and didn't know Yeshua as Messiah, yet we, like Abraham, took a step of faith, which led us to a righteous relationship with our God, through a personal relationship with Yeshua, being "born again" we "crossed over" from the land of "death in sin" to the new land of "Life in Yeshua"

    Abraham and Melech-Tzadik: (12:18) Here we find that Abraham has responded to rescue his nephew Lot, who was "Sodom bound"
    Interesting, we have learned that Lot took small steps which led to almost disaster. He pitched his tents "toward Sodom" and finally made it "into Sodom" ( I wonder what became of his sheep and flocks, can't keep them inside the city) If we play with sin, we finally get "bit" One can see a rattle snake from afar, then get nearer, and nearer, until it raises its head and "strikes". Yet Abraham rescues his nephew from capture by the kings, we then see "Melech-Tzadik" (Righteous King)

    He is "Melech Salem" (King of Salem) which was the ancient name for "Yerushalayim" "Salem" is similar to "Shalom" we see a similitude to "Yeshua" Yeshua came in "Shalom" He is the "Righteous King" He is also our "High Priest" (Cohen HaGadol)
    melech-Tzadik also brought out to share with Abraham "Bread and wine". Yeshua is the "Bread of Life" and of course the "wine" symbolizes his blood, Also "bread and wine" symbolize "Pesach" (Passover) . As believers, we recognize Yeshua as our "High Priest" and we remember Mashiach every time we share the "bread and the wine" not only on Pesach, but whenever we celebrate the LORD's supper, He brought us out of the valley of "sin and death" and has renewed our relationship with the Father, bringing us into the "new land" the "Land of the Living"

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    ISAIAH 40:27-41:16

    Look at 41:8-10 "But you Israel and my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the descents of Abraham My friend...."
    He promises to be "With you" and even though the descendants of Abraham are in the farthest regions of the earth, the "ends"of the earth, they are not cast away, "I AM WITH YOU" this is a promise, to those who return to Eretz Zion and to those who are still in other countries, the LORD is WITH YOU. "I will uphold you in my righteous hand" so whether we are Sephardi, Ashkenazim, Falashim, in whatever country you might live in, we are not alone, We are being upheld in HIS mighty HAND.
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    MATT 5:1-48

    "I have not come to "loosen" the Torah or the prophets, I have come to "fulfill" (Mat 5:17) the word "loosen" is also translated as "destroy" or "Abrogate" The Torah nor the Prophets can not be destroyed, gotten rid of, nor disregarded, they both have a place, and both are valid in their teaching. "Fulfill" comes from the Aramaic "D'mala" being "to bring to realization" also "correctly interpret". Yeshua fulfilled all the Torah prophecies concerning himself, as well as the Prophetic prophecies. If we remember, when He accompanied the couple on the road to Emmaus, He expounded scripture and revealed all that pertained to himself.

    Shabbat Shalom.....Rabbi Ben Avraham

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    Parasha "VaYERA" (and He appeared) GEN 18:1-22:24

    THIS WEEK'S PARASHA: "VaYERA" (and he appeared)

    GEN 18:1-22:24......................2 KINGS 4:1-37..............................MATT 8:1-9:38

    the LORD appears to Abraham at his tent, yet it also says that "three" men appeared to him, yet
    he addresses them as LORD, (YHVH) how is that? one can only wonder. Could one of them be YHVH incarnate, and the other two angels? could all three be YHVH symbolizing "Elohim?" Av, Ruach HaKodesh, and "HaBen"? pretty much open to discussion, many believe two are the messenger angels, Abraham receives them with open hospitality, they eat, and then they bless

    Many times, YHVH blesses us after we bless HIM. How, one asks, can one bless HaShem? the word "Baruch" comes from the word "Berek" which means "Knee" when we bend the knee in praise and worship, we are in fact "Blessing God" we come in prayer asking "this and that" but do we just come and thank HIM for just who He is?

    He announces the birth of "Yitzchak" yet Sarah laughs in disbelief, yet "within herself" not even out loud, yet YHVH hears her, "why did Sarah laugh?" "Yeah, but thou didst laugh!" can anything be hidden from the LORD? even inside us, HE KNOWS what is going on, something to think about, even when we think we are alone, we really aren't.

    Abraham intercedes for Sodom and Gomorra, yet, there we not even 10 righteous residents of Sodom, had Abraham said "Will you not spare Sodom for only ONE righteous person?" what do you the LORD would have answered? maybe YES? then, Lot and his family might never have left the city. Lot was still considered righteous, yet he was living in a corrupt, unrighteous city of decadent sin, That is a dangerous position to be in, be so comfortable in a place which one does not belong in, or in company of the wrong people, "By the skin of their teeth" the angel dragged them out of there. Yet we read the instructions; "Do not look back!"
    Yet, when they were leaving, Lot's wife looked back, and we read the result, she was turned into a "Pillar of salt" but does it really matter what YHVH turned her into? might as well have been a loaf of bread, a brownie, a donut, etc...the fact of the matter was that she DISOBEYED, and LOOKED BACK, this tells us that Sodom was so part of her, she "longed" for the old life, well, "I'll take one last look" and "zap" saltine cracker", perhaps she gazed on the very "essence of YHVH" in destruction mode"

    If one goes to the ruins of Sodom today, one can still find buried little Sulphur balls embedded in the ruins, when one lights them, they light up a "bluish flame" imagine that, after all these years. As we read, we read about the birth of "Yitzchak" and later, the separation of "Ishmael" and "Yitzchak" sometimes, there must be a noticeable separation of "the chosen" and the "chosen not" yet at times, the "wheat and tares will grow together" As we know today, the descendants of Ishmael and of Isaac are bitter enemies, although I have met quite a few Arabs that love the Jewish people.

    We come to the last part, the final test, "Take your son, the only son you love, and offer him as a sacrifice" as we read, it doesn't say "sacrifice him" it says "OFFER him as a sacrifice" today, we can offer ourselves as "living sacrifices" before YHVH to do his perfect will, and to serve him, many times, doing without luxury, going to minister in places where few people might want to go. Yet Abraham was willing to bring down the knife on his only son, and YHVH saw into his heart, and pronounced the words, "Do not harm the boy, for now I know that you fear the LORD, and since you have not withheld your son, your only son from me"

    Yet we see that 2000 years later, YHVH did not withhold HIS only son from the crucifixion stake and gave up HIS only begotten SON so that whoever (that means you) trusted in HIM and accepts his sacrifice for sin, might not perish, but have everlasting life. We see an exchange here, a ram which was caught in the thicket by the horns, took the place of Isaac on the altar, Isaac was taken off, and the ram put on the altar, we can see symbolism here, Calvary is a large rocky place, the altar was made of rock, the cross was made of wood, Abraham laid Isaac on wood which he carried on a donkey, Yeshua rode a "donkey" when He arrived in Yerushalayim. WE symbolize Isaac, who was born in sin, just like everyone else, the RAM symbolizes YESHUA who took OUR place. The fire that Abraham set to burn the sacrificial ram, is the fire of judgment on our sins, which Yeshua took upon himself on that day that he exchanged his righteousness for our unrighteousness.

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    2 KINGS 4:1-37

    Here, Elisha HaNavi ministers to a Shunamite woman . As some prophets had a public ministry, Elisha had more of a private ministry, ministering to individuals as one-on-one, Yeshua did both, In this case, the woman needed a miracle, yet she "blessed Elisha first" with a meal, that same way that Abraham did with the angles/YHVH, Elisha responds with "multiplying the oil" she was "blessed" after she blessed the prophet, it works that way sometimes, more times than we can imagine,

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    MATT 6:1-7:29

    He we have the LORD's model prayer, this is not meant to be something we memorize and just repeat it like "written prayers" yet we should meditate on what the words mean;

    Aveinu BaShamayim (Our Father who is in Heaven) who has the right to call God "Our Father"? only those who are part of HIS family, which include ALL BELIEVERS

    KADOSH SH'MO (Santified be his name) HIS name YHVH (Yod Hey Vav Hey) from
    HAVAYAH (to exist) is the most Holy, and contrary to popular belief, the Torah does not prohibit one from using it, on the contrary, it says in many parts "Call upon the NAME of the LORD!" and that is his most Holy Name.

    "Your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven" The "Kingdom of Heaven" is YHVH's activity on earth, his kingdom is already HERE, in the midst of his believers, his church, congregations, bible studies, Torah studies, revivals, etc, His "New Jerusalem" will come one day and land on this earth, that will be sight to see

    "Give us this day our daily bread" in other words, "LORD, supply my daily needs, amen"

    "Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors" We need to forgive those who have wronged us, so that God also might forgive our sins,

    "Do not lead us into temptation, deliver us from evil" Temptations will come, it is part of being tested, yet, we will also be provided a WAY OUT, To resist, so, we must ask for strength to resist, in that way, the LORD delivers us from evil.

    The Kingdom, power, and glory are HIS forever, and we will be part of it some day.

    Shabbat Shalom...........Rabbi Ben Avraham

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    parasha "Chayei Sarah" (SARAH LIVES) but how??? GEN 23:1-25:18

    Parasha: Chayei Sarah (Sarah lives)

    GENESIS 23:1-25:18..........................1 KINGS 1:1-31................................MATT 8:1-9:38

    The title of the Parasha is “Sarah lives” or “Sarah lived”. Yet Sarah is dead, so, how does she live? She lives on in the memory of Abraham, her legacy lives on, her influence lives on, and this is what the patriarch wants for Isaac.
    I remember some of the words of Marine Gunnery sergeant Hartman to his trainees in the movie “Full Metal Jacket” “Most of you will go to Viet Nam, some of you will not return alive, but even dead, you will still live, you will live on in the spirit of the corps.”
    So even dead, Sarah continued to live on as a godly wife and mother, no doubt that Abraham wanted to bless Isaac with a similar wife. Torah says that Sarah lived 127 years. It is not often that the Torah records the age of women, but Sarah is the exception. We can see some symbolism in that number. I guess there are several ways we can look at it, one way is to see the Hebrew letters associated with numbers, 100 is Qof (Q) 20 is Kaf (K) and 7 is Zayin (Z) Seven is the number of YHVH, the perfect number. According to some rabbis, “120” years are a “full life”. So Sarah lived a “full life” plus 7 more. Moshe lived a “full life” and maybe would have lived longer had he not “struck the rock” Sarah lived a “Qadosh”life (Holy life, separated to serve God, her husband Abraham and raise her son Isaac. One could say she was “annointed to serve” (Kaf) is a letter the symbolizes “annointing” . Zayin (z) is the letter that symbolizes “weapon” annointing and holiness is a “weapon” one can use against “haSatan” our spiritual enemy can be defeated by the fruit of the Spirit, through the Ruach Ha Kodesh.
    127 can also symbolize “echad” (unit of oneness) (1), “covenant blessing” (2) “godliness” (7) Sarah received the blessing of being a godly woman, who joined in the “covenant blessing” of Abraham with YHVH, and together became “Echad Am” (One people) the Hebrew people who later became the Nation of Israel. When we add 1+2+7 we get 10, which is the number of “Torah” (some say “law” personally, I don't like using that word, it is misunderstood) but “Torah” means “instruction” Sarah honored Abraham, and YHVH by submitting to their instruction, she was submissive, in the right way. Yet Sarah had her times of happiness and sorrow, like All marriages go through.
    Abraham and Sarah loved each other, and in death, Abraham showed his love towards Sarah by purchasing an overpriced piece of real estate. 400 silver shekels was a lot for a cave on a piece of property in Hebron, but He didn't mind paying for it, (guess it is like buying a hamburger for $25) It had to be “written down, and documented” legally, not just “words”, we see that today, words are nothing, but if it is signed, sealed, written down, you can take it to court!
    The true meaning of the word “love” is NOT feelings. What is “Love at first sight?” (Hey, I like your moves, I like your legs, your hair, your eyes, your build, etc).. yet feelings, emotions can lead two people to enter into a covenant of “love”, “love” is the action of “giving” the hebrew word is “Ahavah” it has the verb “hav” which is “to give” and the word “av” is in there, being “Our Heavenly father gives” He proved his love toward us that He GAVE His only Son, Yeshua, as a sacrifice for our sin. When a couple chose to marry, share life togther, provide one for another, in health and in sickness, and not “cop out” on each other, THAT is TRUE LOVE. The words, “I feel I don't love you anymore” are silly, worthless words. Imagine if Sarah had told that to Abram. Or if Abram would have said that to Sarah, “I don't love you any more, cause you can't give me children” and the two separated, where would the Nation of Israel be today? It would be non existent. Yet they kept by each others side in good times and in the bad times, the times of drought, the “Egypt” times, the “Ishmael” times, and the long waited “Isaac” times.
    Abraham sent his servant Eleazar to look for a wife for Isaac. (I wish that custom was still here with us, parents getting their children husbands and wives, those were the 'good ol days') (my opinion). He carried 10 camels with gifts, the “bride price” for the “bride to be”. He had to go to Mesopotamia, to Abraham's family, He did NOT want a Canaanite woman for the bride of Isaac, a pagan Canaanite woman would have been an “unequal yoke” that is wisdom for us today, a “born again believer” should only marry another “born again believer” where the two worship and serve the “same God YHVH/Yeshua”
    Eleazar observed “Rebecca's actions” Riv'ka watered the thirsty camels, sought not her own comfort, but had a servant's heart. This is what Eleazar was looking for, Abraham would be happy, and so would Isaac. The “engagement jewelry” was a “”nose ring and gold bracelets” today in our society we give an engagement ring.
    Yet “Rivka” had to be “willing to go with Eleazar to be Isaac's wife”. We can see this is our relationship with Yeshua. Yeshua/Jesus is the “bridegroom” and we, the “Kehilah” (Congregation of “called out ones”) are the bride. We have to be a “willing bride” to go with our “heavenly bridegroom”.
    Just as Eleazar brought gifts to the bride-to-be, Yeshua has given “gifts” to us as HIS Bride; Salvation (Yeshuah) an eternal home/mansion in Heaven, spiritual gifts to do service and minister with. Healthy bodies (for the most part) in which to inhabit, spouses and children, jobs to earn a living, if we think about the list could go on, as to the “Blessings” we have through Yeshua.

    1 KINGS 1:1-31

    This tells the sad story of a father who failed to discipline his sons, and old king David reaped the whirlwind, Adoniyah (which means YHVH is my master) if it were so, He would have been in subjection to his father David, had the nerve to proclaim himself king, even before David dies. Yet David corrects the situation and names Solomon as future king. This part of the Parasha teaches us to be under authority, willingly, the bridegroom has his bride under His authority and subjection, BUT NOT in a tyrannic way, not like a “dictatorship” but under a “love “ relationship. A wife can be under subjection to the husband, and feel used, like an object, or feel loved and protected, all depends on the husband, if He is under the subjection to the LORD, he will treat his wife with love and respect.

    MATT 8:1-9:18

    We see here that Yeshua shows love through action, in healing the leper, it is an act of “giving” He gave back health to an unclean man, yet Yeshua also respected and honored the Torah, in telling the man to go to the priest and offer the proper sacrifice for his healing, Yeshua, who is our Messiah, Savior and LORD had ALL RESPECT for the Torah and its commandments.

    Shabbat Shalom...........Rabbi Ben Avraham

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