Reading this book, you will go on an amazing journey through the world of geniuses. You will meet Professors from the University geniuses, play magic cards with Fate, interview Salvador Dali, visit the “Change yourself” shop and the Square of complaints about life.
Every reader will find something interesting and useful for him in this book.
You love adventure? Then take a trip around the Town of geniuses along with the main characters, collect Jugs of genius.
You like puzzles and mysteries? Then answer the questions of the Maze of mastery.
Are you interested in psychology? Then you will learn about the attitudes, behavior, world outlook of the geniuses a lot of interesting things.
Perhaps you prefer history? Then you have to know the history of the lives of tens of geniuses from different countries and different eras.
There are many paintings and photos in the book, lots of interesting thoughts and motivational sayings.
The pinnacle of genius often seems to be eluding us. But maybe we're just afraid of big goals and great accomplishments? Maybe we just don't dare to believe in our own strength? Actually, every person is talented. But we often don't find our talent or don't develop it.
We are not ready to spend a few years or decades to achieve our goals, we are afraid of becoming losers. Geniuses teach us that we must go our own way and never give up. This book teaches us to go our own way and never give up!
Your children can read this book too. It will teach them that without patience, labor and perseverance, it is impossible to achieve their goals.
Additionally, you can tell your children or your friends wonderful stories of the lives of geniuses, about which you will read in this book.
You will discover the secrets of genius. You will learn about geniuses that don't know before. You will read a lot of funny, insightful, entertaining stories from the lives of great writers and poets, composers, artists, philosophers, politicians, generals. You will learn about the miracle of the birth of geniuses, their development and improvement. And maybe after reading this book you decide that you are a genius too!