Peace be on you......Actions of various terrorist groups like ISIS brutalities has frightened common people and anti-Islam people have found chance to speak against Islam.

Some people think there are other religions too which contain harsh teaching but their followers either do not practice these religions or have changed them. So they admit change in text. But in the case of Quran, it has to be realized:

a=There was unique divine promise for safety of Quran:[ch15:v10] 'Verily, We Ourself have sent down this Exhortation, and most surely We will be its Guardian.'

b= The harsh looking part of Quran was to answer those began to persecute early Muslims as soon as new religion arrived. After long suffering, they were allowed to defend themselves. According to Ahmadiyya Muslim Promised Messiah-Mahdi (a.s.):
'Wars in Islam fall under three categories: i. Defensive wars – war by way of self-protection. ii. Punitive war – blood for blood. iii. War to establish freedom – to break the hold of those who kill converts to Islam.' (Jesus in India, p. 11)

When Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) invited people towards Allah, they rejected, He asked him to excuse them:

[ch43: v89-90] 'I swear by his repeated cry 'O my Lord! That these are a people who will not believe. Therefore, turn aside from them, and say, 'Peace'; and soon they shall know.'

[25:64] '…and when the ignorant address them, they say, 'Peace'!

It was not said to go and kill all those who deny.

Islam teaches peace, if some Muslim groups work against it, it is wrong primarily. But some big powers also have their roles too in chaotic situation in Muslim countries. Some of them now admit that the Muslim extremists are a product of the situation created by Western governments in Iraq.

World is closing in for great war. Time is to make connection with God and kindness for all humanity.

[Based on Ahmadiyya Khalifa's words]