Hi! I'm new here in this forum! I love writing since young as it is a place where I could let my imagination runs wild! Pardon my English as I am not really good at it. Nevertheless, I still love writing all the same! This is my first story I completed! Hope you will enjoy it as much as I do! :)

The moon has went up to its highest peak during its night. The cold night wind breezes through the maple trees, causing the now dried up leaves to fall onto the ground. But what he notices is not the breathless scenery, however, it is that lady, standing under the outstanding, gigantic maple tree. Her hair swings around gracefully as the cool breeze lightly brushes against it. Her beautiful skin shines under the radiant moonlight. Her oceanblue eyes sparkle like the stars of the night as she admiring the fallen leaves.

"She is so...beautiful.." Creativus thought as he stares lovingly at her.

Suddenly, her head firmly turns to his direction. His breathing stops, taken aback. Then his admiration of the lady dies off as she has turned into a beast. Eyes change to blood red and her mouth slowly turns into a grin, exposing her well developed fangs, letting out a hiss. Slowly, the beast moves toward Creativus. And there is a scream for help to be heard.

"Ahhh!!!!" Creativus woke up, shaken with fear.

"Just a dream.. Just a dream.." Creativus slowly calmed himself down. "Creativus! Come down for breakfast this instant!" his mother screamed at him. "Yes Mom!" he responded as he briskly washes up and changes.

As he reaches to the living room, the TV news catches his attention. "... Last night, the serial killer has claimed his sixth and seventh victims. They are found with the similar slash marks across their chests.The identity of the killer is unknown as the police is still investigating. So, citizens please kindly stay home at night and lock your doors and windows. Thank you..."

"The sixth and seventh already.. Wow.. Why is the police not doing anything.." he muttered worryingly.

"The police IS doing something about it. They are INVESTIGATING!" His father heard what his son said.

"That's what you guys always say! But in the end, there are more and more people getting killed and the killer is not even being identified at all!" his son angrily protested.

Now, his father is fuming mad, he brings his head close to his son's, "if you think tracking down this killer is easy, why not you track him down instead?"

"Perfect... This is exactly what I am going to do." Creativus glared back at his father, accepting his challenge.

"Creativus! Don't be rude to your father! Quickly finish up your breakfast and hurry to school. Now!"

"Yes Mom..." Creativus replied, as he rushes for school.

"Yo Creativus my man!" a familiar greeting rang into Creativus' ears as soon as he alighted from his bus. It was from Aetos, the ace baseball player in the school, walking towards him with wide open arms. "What's up bro?" Creativus returned the greeting with a bump to the chests. Then they move towards the dread Citycall Junior High school building. "Bro! Have you heard? The killer has claimed two more victims!" Aetos started the dreadful subject suddenly. "Yea I saw in this morning news. And you know what?" Creativus stop at his tracks. "I am going to find the killer. Im going to get to the bottom of this mystery!" Aetos looks at him with great shock. "ARE YOU INSANE?! We are talking about a serial killer here! You will die if you go find him!"

"Still, we will die meeting him someday!" Creativus protested as they carry on into the building.

"Fine fine do whatever you want! But leave me out of this!" Aetos grunted.

"What a great friend you are!" Creativus sarcastically remarked.

Just as Aetos is about to make a statement, a scream echoed in the hallway. "What was that?!" Creativus responded in surprise as they run towards the direction to the scream. It was from the school court. As they reached, they noticed there is a big crowd. "What is going on?!"Creativus asked as he squeezes into the core of the crowd. And there he saw it. A feeble weak looking guy sitting at the centre. He looks paranoid, often shifting his view left and right, body shaking with fear. "No! Stay away from me! Go away! What do you want from me?! You already had my sister... What more do you want?! Do you want me?! Then take me! Take me!" He screamed even more, moving forward to a seemingly unseen force, waving his hands crazily.

"What happened to him?" A guy among the crowd asked.

Another guy immediately replies him,"Have you not heard the news? He is the brother of the third victim! Worst is.. He was there when his sister is killed. But strangely, he survived. The killer treated him as if he didn't exist. Then when the police arrived, they saw him mourning over his sister dead body which was brutally slashed and scarred. And interestingly, on her chest, there is a symbol pierced.. An inverted pentagram.." He pauses for a breath and carries on his story. "After the incident, he is so depressed that he could not eat or sleep. The police interviewed him, hope to find out the description of the killer. But they got nothing. This is what he said to them 'no.. I can't tell you.. That lady.. She told me my sister soul won't rest at peace if I tell anything..' That day on, we knew we are not fighting a mere human being, but more than that."

Upon hearing this, Creativus grows annoyed. He is determined to find out who this killer really is. Immediately, he runs towards Ken, much to everyone surprise, he shakes Ken so hard that he could feel his limbs falling apart. "Tell me! What do you know about the killer?! Tell me everything!" Creativus screamed at him. "I can't! If I tell you, my sister won't rest at peace! Please don't force me! Please.." Ken cried out in tears.

However Creativus is persistent, "Your sister is already long dead! Get a hold of yourself! Now you should help your sister to exact revenge on that killer! Don't worry, you have my word, I will track the killer down and take vengeance for you!" Seems in the right mind again, Ken stop struggling and looks at Creativus, "you can help me..?" Creativus replies with a nod. "Alright.. I only can tell you one thing about her... She is a su.." His sentence is cut short as he stares at a blank spot at the ceiling in shock. "..there.." He let a whisper. "there..she..is.." Suddenly both his eyeballs rolled back into his head. He is dead. Everyone in the hall goes chaotic, rushing out of the hall, protecting themselves from the unseen killer. But among the madness, Creativus sees something extraordinary. He notices a translucent body shape emerges from Ken's body, floating towards the direction of the ceiling where Ken last stared at and disappears into the thin air.

As he trying to analyse what has happened, he feels someone grabs his arm. He turns around. It is Aetos. "C'mon! Let's get out of here!" Creativus nods. Little for Creativus, this is just the beginning of something that could changes his life forever.

"Creativus, pass me the ketchup."

Creativus still stares blindly at his dinner. "Creativus!!" his Mom shouted. "Huh? What?" Creativus snapped out of his daydream. "Pass me the ketchup." Mom instructed again as Creativus passes her the ketchup. "What is matter with you? It seems like your soul is not here!"

"Most probably that he realised that he can't track down the killer on his own. Hmph." Dad muttered out loud. "Give your son some break, old man!" Mum cried out in his defence. Suddenly the news comes in, causes Creativus to jump in surprise.

"Serial killer is on it again! She has claimed her eighth victim at Citycall Junior High! Look like school is no longer a safe place for your kids to go to now! The deceased, believed to be the brother of the third victim, was found dead at the very centre of the school hall. Witnesses claimed to find the deceased has an argument with a school kid, Creativus, before his death.

'Is it true that you quarrelled with the deceased?'

'Why did you quarrel with him?'

'Do you think that your argument with the deceased has caused his death?'

'WAIT! I did quarrel with him but i did it to help him find out who murdered his sister.'

'Are you saying that you think you are able to solve this mystery?'

'Yes! The police is taking their time for too long. And each day, we are living in the fear of being killed! I am sure that I will capture this killer and bring her behind bars!'


that is all for tonight!"

"So you has made quite a name for yourself.." Creativus turns his attention to a now furious Dad. "If you think you can take on the killer by yourself, be my guest. But if you run into any troubles, don't expect me to rescue you." Dad added on menacingly. Creativus looks into Dad eyes and replies, "don't worry, I won't."

The next day, everyone in school is skeptical due to the unexpected death. "Hey! Where is your killer, Policeboy! Hahaha!" People mocked Creativus as he walked down the hallway.

Rumours spread like a wildfire that he is the cause of the death and he is linked with the killer. But Creativus is too busy to care about that.* He dedicates his time to the case itself. To study the case each day, and days become weeks. Until one day, during his usual lunch break. He brings out his notes, articles from the papers and studies them. "Pentagram on their chests..that translucent figure disappeared into the ceiling.. That is something more of this mystery.. What is he trying to tell me before he is gone.. Su? What does it means? Sushi? Name perhaps? Susie? Susan? Or is it an acronym??" He is too engrossed that he didn't know he is being watched, closely watched. He freezes as he felt a warm stinging sensation down his neck.

"So his dying word is sushi? Interesting.." Creativus jumps in shock and turns to his stalker. It is Rosalia, the most mysterious, quiet girl in class. "Rosalia! What are you doing?!" Creativus exclaimed in shock. "Nothing. Just figure that you might need help on the mystery you are investigating now. I like playing detective sometimes you know." Suddenly a thought comes into his mind. "Rosalia! I heard that you know symbols and witchcraft!" Creativus exclaimed in excitement. "Can you tell me what does this symbol mean?!" Creativus points at the pentagram not knowing he has offended her.

"Witch? Is this what you people think of me?" Creativus turns to find Rosalia upset face. "I'm disappointed.. Creativus.."

"Hey.. Im sorry, Rosalia.. I didn't mean it.." Creativus becomes apologetic. However Rosalia left the class without another word. And everyone turns to Creativus with nosy eyes.

"Hey.. Look like the apprentice found his new target."

"The witch? Good taste of targets he has.."

"Hahaha! They will make a great couple!"

"Hmph..those people.."Creativus angrily grumbled as he sorts up his research. "What is wrong with Rosalia anyway... It's her own fault to be by herself all the time. Now this becomes another rumour. Thanks to her! Great! Just great!"

Maybe I should go after her.. I did make her upset after all.. Creativus quietly reflects through in his mind.


'No buts! She offered her help and yet I treated her this way? I won't be called a man!'

'Fine! I go look for her!' Creativus stands up so suddenly that the noisy class becomes silent in surprise. Then he runs off out of the class to find Rosalia, leaving the gossips behind. "Hahaha! He left to find his witch bride! Hahahaha..."

A few hours has passed and Rosalia is nowhere to be seen. Creativus stops at the foot of staircase, one level below the roof. "Ugh... Where could she been..." He pants as he looks around the stairway. "Maybe I should just give up.." as he about to take a seat on the stairs. He notices something bright shining towards him on the top of the staircase. Curious, he slowly climbs up. It is a napkin, shining brightly under the evening sun as the sunlight shines on pearl white surface.

"This napkin.." Creativus ponders as he picks it up. "Ahh! This must be Rosalia'!" He looks for a ladder connecting to the rooftop. "Could she be there?" He shrugs as he continues up the ladder.

As he reach the rooftop, the orange sunray shines brightly upon him. "Ugh!* " Creativus closes one of his eyes, one arm lifted above his eyes as he struggles to search for Rosalia.

"Ah! There she is!" Creativus delighted as he spotted Rosalia sitting at the edge of roof. He empty mindedly moves beside her and sits down.

"What do you want?" Rosalia muttered, annoyed.

"You dropped your napkin." Creativus hands the napkin to her.
Rosalia immediately snatches her napkin from his hand. "Thank...you.."

And there is silence.

"Rosalia.." Creativus broke the silence. Rosalia turns toward him in response.

"I am.. sorry about just now.. I was caught up with solving the mystery that I didn't care a bit of your feelings.." Creativus turns toward her, head bowed. "I really sorry about it..."

Rosalia smiles in response. "It's okay..."

Creativus looks up to her smiling face. Eyes wide open in surprise.

"What's wrong?" Rosalia asked.

"No... Nothing is wrong.." Creativus frantically replied. "It's just that.. This is the first time I see you smile.." His voice grows softer as he hopes that Rosalia did not heard it. "...and you looks really.. Nice when you smile.."

Unfortunately, Rosalia heard it and blushes. "What..what are you saying..." She turns her head away quickly.

Rings!! The last school bell has gone off. "Ahh... The school is closing..." Creativus pointed out as he stands up. "C'mon Rosalia! We need to go."* His hand offered to help Rosalia up. Rosalia looks at Creativus with surprised eyes.* She put up her hand on Creativus', accepting his offer. She smiles softly. "Thank you.."

A few minutes later, they reach the ground floor of the school. As they are about to reach main door, Creativus cries out happily. "Aetos!!!" Aetos turns around in surprise.

"Get away from me!!!" Aetos shouted, giving Creativus a shock.
Creativus laughs it off, moving towards him, thinking that Aetos is joking. "Stay back!!" Aetos shouted again. This time, Creativus is confused. He looks at the true angry face in front of him. He never seen Aetos this angry before. "Hey.. Bro.. What happened..?" Creativus muttered as he slowly moves forward.

Aetos suddenly pushes Creativus back. Creativus loses his footing and falls onto the ground. "I warned you! Stay back! Don't come anymore closer!"

Creativus, doubled up in pain, looks at Aetos with an anguished heart. "Why...?" He could only asked.

"I am sorry, Creativus.." Aetos looked away from him. "I don't want to be your brother anymore. In fact, I do not want to be related to you." This shocks Creativus like a million needles poking into his heart. "W..why?" Creativus' voice become softer as he is fighting back his tears.

"Don't you understand how I feel?!" Aetos screamed. "All this time, I have to face criticism!! 'Look at him. He is the brother of Ken' killer.' 'I think he is related too.' 'careful, you don't want to get involved with him.' WELL! SCREW ALL THIS!" Aetos went totally mad as he waves his limbs around like a mad dog. "I am the ace of the basketball team! I can't afford to lose everything because of you!" He grabs hold of his basketball and throws at Creativus. The ball hits Creativus' head and rolls back to him. "Hey!" Rosalia cried out in his defence.

Aetos glares at Rosalia and then faces Creativus. "Screw you, Creativus. I hate you. Get out of my life." Aetos turns his back against Creativus and disappears through the school main door.

Rosalia sits down besides Creativus. He is crying very badly, uncontrollably. Rosalia brings his head to her shoulder. Slowly, she pats on Creativus' head. "Cry it all out.." Rosalia whispered.

After a few minutes, Creativus seems to be stabled. Creativus moves away from Rosalia' shoulder. "Thank you..." He muttered.

Rosalia smiles in response. "Are you alright now?"

"Still upset..." Creativus tears start to well up his eyes again. "I... Can't believe.. He did this to me... We have been friends.. Since the start of the school..."

"Creativus... Not all friends stay by your side, no matter what happen.. Only true friends do." Rosalia consoled.

"Yes..." Creativus muttered. He stands up suddenly, to Rosalia' surprise. "Let's go.. It's getting late."

Rosalia smiles. "Okay!"

A few minutes later, they are outside at the school gates.

"So..where did you stay..?" Creativus shyly asked as they are waiting to cross the streets.

"Hmm?" Rosalia responded. "Central district street. Just besides the Citycall central park."

"Ohh..." Creativus start to think for a while. "Oh! That means you live at the street just before me!"



"I walk you home first.."


There is an awkward silence between the two as they are on their way. Then Creativus suddenly break the silence.

"So... Mind if I ask why the others start to call you a witch?" Creativus suddenly asked. "I mean you doesn't look like the girl who will practice witchcraft.."

Rosalia stops dead on her tracks, her head bowed. Creativus turns back and finds a depressed Rosalia.

"Rosalia..?" Creativus walked up to her, thinking that he has offended her again. "I'm sorry.. I just curious..."

"It's true... But I had no choice.." Rosalia muttered softly, to Creativus' surprise. He notices tears start to well up Rosalia' eyes. She opens her wallet and takes out a photo. It shows a pair of girls. One of them is Rosalia, another, is a girl looks exactly similar as Rosalia. Creativus is shocked. Rosalia explained her past. "She is Floriza. My twin sister. We used..to be very close. But ever since the accident... We lost it all.." Rosalia starts to cry as she recalls her past. Creativus gestures her to sit down on a nearby bench. From there, she continues. "It was a dark night when my parents died. Killed in a car crash. We were 12 then. However, we survived. Ever since, we lived alone. We have no other relatives who can keep us. Then one night, she came into my room. She looks very happy. I was puzzled. She then told me.

'Sister, I have found a way to bring back our parents!'

'Huh? What are you talking about?'

She brings out a book which shows an inverted pentagram. With strange words all around it.

'Dark magic?'

I was reluctant at that time but I really wanted my parents to be back too. So I agreed.

A few months were tough as we learned dark magic together. But i didn't know what happen but a rumour starts to spread throughout the school, that I and my sister were witches..."

"I see..." Creativus commented, thinking that Rosalia has finished her story. "...so where is your sister now? I didn't see her before in school.."

"Yes... Alot has happened ever since we started dark magic." Rosalia continues her story. "Thing is... We finally learned what we need. Coincidentally, that day, my neighbour's son died. His parents were so heartbroken. We were there during the lowering of the body. Floriza and I looked at each other. We knew what each of us was thinking. We agreed and that night, we dug up his grave and started the ritual. It was incredible. The ritual worked. Their son had brought back into life. We brought him back to his parents. In secret of course. Their parents rejoiced as they saw their son is alive. Everything seems to be back to normal. However, when I went over to their house to check around one morning. The mother was cooking at the time, she called out for her son. But there was no response. She smiled at me, telling me it is normal. She brought the food to her son. I followed her and I was shocked. Sitting there wasn't the son I used to know. This creature we raised up, sat on the crouch expressionless. His face sunken in, and his body is closed to bones. His eyes were pure white. I was frightened. I asked my neighbour about her son. To my surprise, she pushed me away. She grabbed hold of her son. And these were what she said. "He is alive.... He is alive... He is alive.." I knew something was wrong but I was scared back then. I rushed back to my house. Behind me I still could hear she says. "He is alive.." A few weeks later, I decided to go over and checked on them. To my surprise, I saw the police at the neighbour'. I closed in to take a closer look. The officer told me that a strangest thing happened. A lady died last night, her hands still hugging a skeleton, which believed to be her long dead son. The father who was there went insane due to what has happened. I believe he is in the mental hospital now. It was then I realised, no matter how much we tried, we can't revive a true person back into life. Even we succeeded reanimating a person, he is still not there as his soul is long gone. I went home immediately and talked to my sister. However she was persistent. 'You don't love mama and papa enough' she said. She called me disrespectful. She said.. She would do this on her own and left the house..." Rosalia started to cry. Creativus puts her head on his shoulder. "Ever since, I tried to find her but to no avail..."

Creativus pats her head as she cries. He looks at Rosalia with concerned eyes. He never knew the mysterious girl has such a past. Unknowingly, he embraces her. Rosalia is surprised but she lays quietly in his arms.

"Thank you..Creativus..." Rosalia whispered softly.

The next morning in school, everything remains the same, gossips, rumours, etc. As Creativus walks down the hallway to the classroom, he sees Aetos walking towards his direction. Aetos notices him and turns his head away from him, walking past him.

"Hey Aetos! Not with your police buddy anymore?" a group of guys sneered at him nearby.

Coolly, he answers. "What police boy? I do not know any police boy."

He said it loud enough that Creativus hears it. Creativus feels his heart aches but he continues on his way.

When Creativus reaches his classroom, Rosalia looks at him and smiles. She gestures him to his seat. And Creativus did so.

"Today, I teach you about all the symbols you want." Rosalia happily said.

Surprised, Creativus turns back and asks concerned. "You sure about this?"

Rosalia nods as she brings a chair and sit besides him. Creativus brings out his case file and takes out the photos of the corpses. "This..." Creativus points at one of the photos.

"An inverted pentagram.." Rosalia analysed. "A very common symbol used in witchcraft." She looks at Creativus as she explains. "As an upright, each point resembles an element. The top point, as Spirit, the rest of the points, Fire, Water, Earth and Water respectively. This shows that Spirit rules over the other elements. But on the other hand, an inverted pentagram, the Spirit is at the bottom. But the other elements above the Spirit. They rule over the Spirit. Which is very dangerous."

Creativus looks at her, totally shocked. Rosalia notices him and asks. "What? Am I that scary?"

Immediately, Creativus shakes his head frantically. "No! It is just that you are so amazing!" Rosalia blushes in response. She shakes it off as she asks. "Any more questions?"

Creativus jumps back to his senses and he takes out some newspaper articles. "I noticed all the murders happened on a pattern.. You see... if you take this date and this date.. It's 20 days apart. And this and that.. 20 too.. Any reasons why?"

Rosalia nods. "What is the date again?"

"August the 3rd."

Rosalia brings out her mobile calendar and realise why. "3rd of August is a full moon! Yes of course! Witchcraft rituals commonly happens on a complete full moon day! It is believed that it's when the elemental powers is at their peak. Exactly 100% full!"

"Full moon.. So... when is the next full moon..?" Creativus half heartedly asked.

"Hold on.." Rosalia looks at her calendar. Then she has the most dreaded look on her face. ".... To..day..."

Creativus shouted in shock. "What?!"

Rosalia nods.

"O no!"Creativus cried as he struggles to pack his belongings. "I need to warn my dad."

Rosalia grabs his hand. "We still don't know where will she target next..." Creativus stops and disappointingly looks at Rosalia.

They sit down and ponders. Until Rosalia suddenly stands up. "Don't tell me?!"

"What?! What happened?!"

"Quick!" Rosalia panicked. "Bring me a city map and the locations of the dead bodies list!"

Creativus did as told. Rosalia opens out the map and starts to pinpoint each location, of where the body is found, with a marker.

"Done!" Rosalia exclaimed. Creativus looks over her shoulder and notices a map with locations marked all over the place. He scratches his head as he frowns. "I don't get it..."

"Ok look carefully."Rosalia instructed, as she start to connect the marked spot with a line.

As Rosalia is going to finish, Creativus' eyes open in astonishment. The marks has been connected to form a symbol. An inverted pentagram. "There are two more points left." Rosalia pointed out.

"Citycall central park. And the alley down the streets.." Creativus muttered in amazement. "We got to go!" He exclaimed as he rushes out of room.

"Wait up!" Rosalia cried out.

"This can't be true..." Rosalia thought silently to herself as she runs behind Creativus. "This ritual.."

"Oof!" Rosalia bumped onto Creativus. Creativus, who is bending down to his knees panting like a dog, turns around and finds Rosalia on the ground. "... Pants.. Pants.. Rosalia! What happened...? Are you okay??.. Pants..."

"Why did you suddenly stop!" Rosalia protested.

"Sorry.. We have reached.. My father's Headquarter..." He pointed the giant building besides him.

"Your Dad is a police?" Rosalia exclaimed in shock.

"Yea. Didn't you know about this?"

"I must have forgot..."

"Come!" Creativus grabs Rosalia' hand as they storms into the front door.

Inside, every officers look busy. Creativus spots his father, Steve, walking out of his office, looking quite occupied.

"Dad Dad!" Creativus push through the mess of the officers.

Steve looks at him, surprised. "Creativus! What are you doing here!?" Steve snapped.

"Dad, listen!" Creativus starts to pull out his evidence from his bag. "I think I know where the killer will be targeting next!" He starts to explain everything to him, the location, the symbol, the dark magic, the next target.

Steve listens with disbelief. "You expect me to believe all these?" Father interrupted him. Creativus looks up in surprise. "You expect me to believe the killer is practicing dark arts at this century."

"It's true, Dad!"

"Get out!"



Feeling annoyed, Creativus snaps back. "Fine! I will get out! In fact, I will get out of your life! Till I catch that killer, I will not return!"

"Fine with me!"

Creativus storms out of the building. "Creativus..." Rosalia tries to call back Creativus but is ignored. She turns to a defeated Steve, who sat down on a nearby bench as he ponders. Rosalia sits besides him. "You know, what Creativus said is true."

Steve, without looking at Rosalia, mutters. "What have I done...?"

"I understand, Mr Steve. That you care for your son." Rosalia consoled him. "Not many children has that kind of privilege."

Steve turns and looks at Rosalia. "You are Creativus' friend?"

Rosalia nods.

Mr Steve smiles. "Please take care of my son for me."

Suddenly, one of the officers calls out to Steve. "Sir! There is someone claimed to have found a suspect matching the description of the serial killer!"

Steve stands up immediately. "Where is it!"

"Not far from here! Citycall central park!"

"The location that Creativus told me!" Steve muttered in shock.

"Not good... He must be there by now!" Rosalia cried out.

"We got to go!" Steve cried out too. "Jack and Robin! Follow me!" And they rushes out the station.


"Stupid father of mine..." Creativus grumbles as he walks to the park. "He will never believe me! I can't believe I am his son!"

Suddenly he catches sight of someone at the corner of his eyes. It is a lady, standing under the outstanding, gigantic maple tree. Her hair swings around gracefully as the cool breeze lightly brushes against it. Her beautiful skin shines under the radiant moonlight. Her oceanblue eyes sparkles like the stars of the night as she admiring the fallen leaves.

"She is so...beautiful.." Creativus thought as he stares lovingly at her. Slowly, he moves toward her.

Suddenly, her head firmly turns to his direction. His breathing stop, taken aback. Then his admiration of the lady dies off as she has turned into a beast. Eyes change to blood red and her mouth slowly turns into a grin, exposing her well developed fangs, letting out a hiss. Slowly, the beast moves toward Creativus. And there is a scream for help to be heard.


"What was that?" Steve exclaimed in shock.

"Creativus!" Rosalia cried out behind him. "We got to hurry!" They hurry into an alley that connect to the park.

"Sir!" one of the officers, Robin, called out. "There is someone at the front."

Everyone moves their heads to take a look. True enough, there is a girl wearing sunhat, covering her face, leaning on the side of the alley. Her dress flowing gently along with the soft breeze.

"Who are you!?" Steve shouted.

The girl turns her head to them, sunhat still covering her face. She whispers, "Rosalia..."

Rosalia steps back in shock. Steve and the two officers are confused, but they have drawn out their firearms in preparation of jeopardy events.

"Rosalia..." Rosalia moves a step forward. "Is that.. You??"

Slowly, the girl pulls down her sunhat, revealing her face. Identical to Rosalia'. Steve and the other officers are shocked. "What is going on?!" Steve snapped, moving forward.

"Shut up!" the identical girl snapped as points her finger at him. Immediately, Steve freezes, stops dead in his tracks. The other two officers cry out frightened, turn back and scramble away.

"What did you do to him!?" Rosalia cried out.

"Hmm...Nothing..." the girl coolly replied as she move to her right. "Just a little paralysis spell. You should know this, 'sister'.. Afterall.. You are the one who start the whole dark magic thing..."

"No! It was you who started these!" Rosalia screamed.

"Don't you remember?" the girl whispered, looking at the shocked face of her sister.

Suddenly, Rosalia remembers.

"Honey... I'm worried..." I heard my mother cried out to my father.

"I understand.. We have no other choices.." He hugged my mother. Together they looked at me as if I am a monster.

One of the twins is the evil one.

"Jiejie..." Floriza called out. "Let's go on a trip with daddy and mummy!"

I nodded.

During that trip, it was silent. Daddy and mummy kept looking at me as if something is wrong. "What is it, papa? Mama?" I innocently asked.

The mother shook her head. "Nothing is wrong, Rosalia..."

I looked at Floriza with a blank look on her face, and turned back to her mother. "Why are you calling me Rosalia? I am Floriza."

The mother eyes wide opened with shock and fright. She whispered to the father, "We must hurry.."

I looked at Rosalia as she was beside me.

A few minutes later, the car reached a distant place away from the town. The car stopped.

"Let's go, Rosalia!" The mother left the car, going to my side and pulled me out.

My sister, Rosalia, got out of the car too.

"Floriza! Get back in the car!" The mother snapped. "Dar! Help me!" The father got out of the car, trying to get my sister inside.

"Let me go, mama! You are hurting me!" I screamed frighteningly as I struggled with my mother.

"Just get out of the car!" The mother screamed.

"I don't want to!" I snapped back, pushing my mother away.

My mother lost her footing and fell backwards. A loud honk was heard. Followed by a flash of blue truck. A sound of the crushing bones was heard. Everyone looked at what happened. A splattered pool of blood and remains of my mother were before me.

"You!!" The father shouted in anguish as he advanced towards me. "You killed your mother, Rosalia!"

I looked at my frightened sister behind. "I am not Rosalia!" I screamed as I pushed my father away too.

Coincidentally, he tripped over the body of my mother and hit a sharp stone on the back of his head. Immediately, blood oozed out of his head, joining the pool of my mother'. He is dead. My sister cried out in fright. I moved to my sister. I hugged her as I cried too. "Rosalia.. It's alright... It's alright..."

The police came and investigated the situation. They classified as a traffic accident.

A few weeks later...

"Rosalia..." I called out to my sister. "Look what I got!"

My sister looks up at me. "Dark.. magic?"

I nods happily. "Yup!" I exclaimed. "With this we can revive papa and mama!"


A few months later...

"You got to listen to me, Floriza!" I cried out to my sister. "We have to stop this! This will never bring back... Papa.. mama.."

"No! Shut up!" My sister screamed. "You are crazy, Rosalia! You don't even know who you are! You killed our parents! No wonder you don't want to save them now! ... Just when I thought you are really want to revive them too..."

"I am not Rosalia! You are Rosalia! What's wrong with you!?" I screamed.

"Shut up! Shut up!!" My sister covered her ears as she screamed. "Since you don't want to revive papa, mama. I do this on my own! I never have a sister like you!"

Floriza stormed out of the house.

"Floriza.." I looked at the slammed door. Pieces of an undone ritual were left all over the place. On its side wrote a name, "Rosalia".

I completed the ritual and a dark mist appeared before me. A figure appeared from the ground and I spoke to it. "Succubus.. I command you. To go after my sister and assist her.."

Back in present...
"No..." Rosalia, who thought she was Floriza in the past, cried out. "It can't be...

"Now you remember...?" Floriza whispered.

"But these... Killings..." Rosalia cried out. "Where... is the succubus?!"

"She..." Floriza grinned. ".... Is currently busy at central park..."

"Creativus!" Rosalia cried. "No!" She begins to run towards the central park. However she is slashed by Floriza on her left shin.
"Ugh!" Rosalia screamed in pain as she stares frightened at her sister who is holding a knife. "What are you doing!"

Floriza smiled. "They say, in order to complete this ritual, I have to sacrifice one of my closed one under a full moon. And thanks to you, Rosalia.. For summoning a succubus for me.." She grins. "This is perfect!"

"Snap out of it, Floriza!" Rosalia cried out. "Wait... This is..."

"You finally realised... This is not reanimation ritual.." her voice becomes cold. "This is to summon the greatest solution of all! Death itself!"

She continues crazily. "With Death, I will have this world under my control! And you will pay for papa and mama death!" She soften her voice. "And papa and mama... They will.. Come back..."

"Ugh!" Rosalia lunged herself at her sister.

The two sisters wrestled with each other on the ground. The dark clouds start to cover the sky above her.

"What... What happened..?" Steve finally snapped out of his paralysis. He saw two sisters on the ground. One of the sisters is above the other. She holds up a knife with a hand and holds her sister on the ground with another hand. Getting ready to kill her.


A shot was heard. The girl on top suddenly drops beside her frightened sister. She pushes her sister corpse aside. However, she lays there motionless, still traumatized. Steve rushes to her side.

"Are you okay, Rosalia?!" Steve cried out, checking for her wounds.

The girl pauses and stares at him for a while. It is as if she has no idea what he is talking about. Then she answers. "Yes! I am fine!"

"Hey!" a voice called out to them. Steve and Rosalia turn to the direction of the voice. It is Creativus'.

"My son!" Steve runs toward him and hugs him tight. "You're alive! What happened?!"

Creativus hugs back. "Thanks Dad.." He looks over his shoulders and spies Rosalia behind him. He releases from his father grip and explains everything.

"... As she advanced on me, I was scared. I held up my cross against her, hoping it will do something to her. Suddenly, the succubus stopped dead on her tracks. It is as if she is scared of the cross. Suddenly, I heard a bang and she vanished in the mid air. And I ran back here.."

Creativus suddenly notices a corpse a few feet away from them. He moves toward it. "Is she.." He looks at Rosalia. She quietly nods. "She is the one... Who started this mess.. She almost kill me too.. But thanks to him, I am saved."

"Thank you, Dad.." Creativus thanked his father. "For believing in me..."

"I'm glad that all these has came to a close.." Steve commented.

Under a falling rain, the police arrives and attends to the corpse. They cover the body, however exposing a wounded leg under the rain. A knife slashed wound.