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Thread: One of Our Finest - Chapter 1

  1. #1
    Suzerain of Cost&Caution SleepyWitch's Avatar
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    One of Our Finest - Chapter 1

    Hi guys, this is the first chapter of a new story/ novella I'm writing.
    Let me know whether it makes you want to read more.
    Thanks for your feedback.

    One of Our Finest

    Chapter 1

    “Can’t I bribe them?” Thomas asked.
    There was a sharp intake of breath at the other end of the line.
    “Thomas, do you realize what you’ve just said there?” answered the lawyer. “I know you are desperate, but you know perfectly well that bribing the government is the only exception to the Flow of Services Act. I’m so shocked, I don’t know what to say.”
    “I’m sorry, Arthur. I just can’t face five years in prison.” Thomas said. He felt panic rising in his stomach. Arthur Whelpdale of Whelpdale & Smythe Solicitors was his last chance, he had exhausted all other means. He slumped into his leather armchair and glanced around the office, looking for inspiration in the mahogany furniture.
    “Thomas … I have to report this in accordance with Article 18 of the Flow of Services Act: Any attempt whatsoever by any natural person, whether by direct means or through an intermediary, to bribe the government of the Amereuropean Union in furtherance of any personal agenda is punishable by banishment.”
    “I’m sorry. Could you just forget what I said?”
    “Well… there is a loophole. Obviously, this article only applies to natural persons, if you get my drift?” Arthur Whelpdale’s said in an amused tone.
    “Oh! I wasn’t trying to bribe you as a natural person! Of course, the donation would be transferred from an AmNet Media Technologies Inc. account.”
    “That sounds a lot better. But it doesn’t solve the original problem: the government do not actually want you to go to prison. They simply cannot afford the scandal of the CEO of one of the leading corporations in all of Ameuropa going to prison. If your Social Obligations Score was revealed, that would send a shockwave through our whole society. Thomas this isn’t just about you. You’re not a private individual, you’re not a Worker, you’re a symbol of Social Cohesion.”
    “I know. I’m sorry. Arthur I don’t know what to do anymore. I have a choice between going to prison and banishment, but I don’t even have that choice.” Thomas reached for the bottle of whiskey on his desk and poured a glass.
    “Of course you have a choice. It’s obvious. All you have to do is get your Social Obligation Scores up.”
    “I’ve tried for six months and it’s just not working.” He took a sip of the whiskey.
    “Are you drinking?” asked Arthur. “That’s the first step towards improvement.”
    “My Consumption of Narcotic Substances scores are fine. I don’t know what it is. There must be something wrong with my genetic make-up.” said Thomas.
    “Listen, I’ll put you in touch with a psychiatrist, Walter Dinsdale. He’s top-notch. I’ve worked with him before. He can get you a three months’ extension sub rosa and he’ll sort you out. He can give you a Social DNA test as well, if you’re really worried about it.”
    “OK. Thank you, Arthur.”
    “No problem. Have you got a print-out of your scores there? You’ll have to look over them before you speak to Walter to make sure you’re committed and on the same page as him.”
    “Yes, I’ve got them. I’ll look at them now. Thank you again, Arthur.”
    “I’ll ring you tomorrow about the appointment. My fee can come out of the corporation’s account, the usual rate.”
    “Will do.” said Thomas and pressed a button on the display-desk to end the call.

    Thomas picked up the print-out of his scores, got up and made his way to the ceiling-to-floor window. He leant his forehead against the cool glass and looked out over the city. At least, his office faced the Men’s Half. He’d hate to be on the other side of the building, like Harry, with nothing but the Women’s Half to look at. Harry was brave.
    Up here on the 100th floor, he could see almost all the way out to the river. He was surrounded by the gleaming towers of the Men’s Business district, bustling with activity. Further out were the squat, drab buildings of the Male Workers’ Ring. Thomas shuddered. He felt choked, as if the Workers’ Ring surrounding the city centre had coiled around his throat, oozing grime into the sunlit, steel-and-glass haven that felt like an extension of his own body.
    I am not a Worker. They cannot affect me. They cannot … I am Thomas Chancellor, CEO of AmNet Media Technologies. All I have to do is look at my scores and get sorted.
    He tried to lift his arm to look at the scores, but he felt heavy. His eyes lost focus of the city and all he could see was his own reflection in the mirror: a middle-aged man, average in all respects, average height, average weight, brownish hair. His only distinguishing feature were his dark-blue eyes, which were rather round and large. I am not a Worker.
    There was a bleep. His wrist tickled. The subdermal chip in his left wrist was flashing green. He tapped his wrist lightly with his right index finger and the familiar voice announced: “It is time for a conversation with your colleagues. Please make your way to a social area of your choice within the next five minutes or you will be penalized by a 10 point score deduction.”
    Thomas shuffled back to the desk and pressed a button. “Hello there, is anyone down there in Social Area 3?”
    “Hi Thomas, we are all here. Come down and tell us about your weekend.”
    Last edited by SleepyWitch; 02-18-2015 at 12:05 PM.

  2. #2
    Registered User Steven Hunley's Avatar
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    This is a wonderful start. DO carry on!

  3. #3
    Suzerain of Cost&Caution SleepyWitch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steven Hunley View Post
    This is a wonderful start. DO carry on!
    Thank you . I'm working on it right now.

  4. #4
    Suzerain of Cost&Caution SleepyWitch's Avatar
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    Chapter 2

    Chapter 2

    Thomas was sitting on the sofa in his flat on the 99th floor of the AmNet tower. He was fingering the print-out of the Social Obligations Score in his blazer pocket. His appointment was in 20 minutes and he had called a taxi. He rubbed his wrist were the subdermal chip was implanted. On the screen on the opposite wall, the news were running. 1,257 Ameuropean soldiers killed in China yesterday. Thomas took another sip of whiskey and sighed. How he would love to have the chance to be killed in service. But he was too short by an inch to join the forces. It had to be a genetic defect, there was no other explanation. The whiskey burned in his stomach and he could feel his heart racing. Over the past six months he had felt as if he was a the centre of an ever tightening circle and whichever way he turned, the walls just kept moving in on him. It didn't make sense, getting his scores up was so easy and yet he could just not do it. A bleep announced the arrival of the taxi.

    Walter Dinsdale, the renowned psychiatrist sat behind a white syntho-porcelain desk in the middle of his office. Thomas could not tell how tall the other man was, but he looked business-like in his black pin-stripe suit and had a stern expression on his face.
    “Good morning, Mr Chancellor. Take a seat.” said the psychiatrist.
    Thomas sat down, got out the crumpled print-out and placed it on the desk in front of him. Dinsdale had a copy in front of him already.
    “I’ll let you know this straight away, Mr Chancellor, your profile is the most inconsistent I have ever seen in a man of your social standing.” Walter Dinsdale said with a frown.
    “I’m sorry.”
    “Don’t worry. You’re the most interesting case I’ve seen in a long time, but with a bit of effort on your part, we’ll get you back on track in no time.”
    “Thank you.”
    “Let us go through your scores then. We’ll start with the positives. Social Interaction and Electronic Communication: 100% each. Would you like to tell me how you do it?”
    “Sure. I go to all the company social events and I never miss a session in the Social Areas, I’ve been to all 10 areas within AmNet. I know all my employees and I post on Tell Us every day.”
    “Excellent. That’s very encouraging. Now, your Consumption of Narcotic Substances is fine, your Flow of Services Balance is excellent: 100% on the receptive side and 100% on the outgoing side, as well.” the psychiatrists said with smile.
    Thomas shrugged.
    “Your Consumption of Corporate Goods is 99%, as well. What companies to you patronize?”
    “European Modified for food and clothes, Kit Corp for household appliances, Book It for holiday packages. The best is just good enough.”
    “That’s fantastic. Your Group Defence Score is also 100%. I remember reading in the New York Net News about the citizen’s arrest you carried out. Just how did you spot that the man was an illegal Muslim?”
    “Well, he looked very fair. When I walked past him, I had this sudden sense that he looked too fair. Then I looked at his facial features and something wasn’t right, so I just knocked him out flat and called the police. As it turned out, he had bleached his hair and skin and wore contact lenses. That’s why it didn’t seem right.”
    “Well done. We can’t be overrun by aliens. They have tried time and again to take our culture away from us. You acted heroically.”
    “Thank you, Dr Dinsdale.”
    “Now for the tricky bit. I just can’t understand this, Thomas. Your Social Games score is only 60% and your Pornography score is even worse at 50% and you haven’t donated any sperm in over a year. Those are the scores of a Worker. Your instrumentality score is 90% of course, but I hear there was a major incident, so I’d like to examine that as well.”
    Thomas could feel his stomach tighten again. He tensed up in the chair.
    “Yes. That’s why I’m here, to examine what is wrong.”
    “That’s the right attitude. So tell me about your Social Games Score. What games do you play?”
    "I go on Croissant Bakery Express as often as I can ….”
    “But… but… I just haven’t got enough time.”
    The psychiatrist exhaled and gave Thomas a quizzical look over the rim of his glasses.
    “You are not a worker. You’re the CEO of a multi-national corporation. How can you not have enough time to play Social Games?”
    “I don’t know… I’m just too busy running AmNet. I’m in meetings all the time and have to look at data and so on.” Thomas knew his excuse sounded far-fetched.
    “Have you tried delegating more?”
    “Yes, I have, but it doesn’t make any difference.” Thomas mumbled.
    “OK, I’ll think about that some more later. Now, what about your Pornography Score? Why is it so low?”
    “I don’t know. It just bores me. I can’t donate sperm any more.”
    This time the psychiatrist seemed too shocked to even exhale loudly.
    “Right…. I’m very concerned about this. I’ve never come across anything like this. Have you tried a Level 10 channel or cinema?”
    “Thomas, why are you so quiet? This is serious. You have to try and function as a man.”
    “I want to function as a man.”
    “Good, I recommend you try a Level 12. I do understand that the lower levels just aren't that exciting. How about Goats Galore? It’s one of my favourites, have you heard about it?”
    “Yes, all my colleagues talk about it. I’ll try it this weekend.”
    “Excellent. Your sperm donations will start to go up as well once you start watching Level 12. Our society cannot survive without good quality sperm. It’s your duty and refusal to take part is diagnosable as a Severe Social Disorder.”
    “I’m sorry.”
    “Don’t worry. I don’t have to diagnose you yet. You’ve still got three months, I’m sure it will improve. Now… tell me about the incident that brought down your Instrumentality score.”
    “That’s because of Connie.”
    “Constantine Bellamy. He was an accountant at AmNet.”
    “Indeed, so my records tell me. It also says here, that you spent a considerable amount of time on your own with this Constantine Bellamy. Outside the Social Areas.”
    “How did this happen?”
    “He came to my office one day to talk me through the accounts.”
    “Was that all?”
    “No. We started talking about this and that and he told me about the history of mathematics.”
    “I see. And what do you think was the social purpose of this kind of conversation? Was it necessary for the business? How did it contribute to the well-being of the group at AmNet?”
    “It wasn't necessary for the business. But it didn't affect my Social Interaction score, I still went to every session in the Social Areas.”
    “Hum. And how did you feel when talking to this man?”
    “How did I feel? I don’t know….. I had chest pains. It felt really strange. It was as if there was something inside me, some alien presence. I saw a doctor about the chest pains, but he said there was nothing wrong.” Thomas sank bank into the chair. He could see Connie in his mind’s eye now, a slim, curly-haired young man with piercing green eyes. He rubbed his chest.
    “Most unusual. What did you do to put this man in his place? Did you use force? Did you have intercourse with him?”
    “This passivity is highly disconcerting. At what point did you realize that your interactions with Constantine Bellamy would affect your Instrumentality score?”
    “When he had worked at AmNet for five years. He had an outstanding performance record. I should have recommended him to other companies, but somehow I didn't.”
    “And this is when you realized something was wrong?”
    “Yes. I fired him then.”
    “Well done. Did you know that Mr Bellamy had an Antisocial Record?”
    “No!” Thomas blushed. He should have known it, but somehow he just couldn't think straight when it came to Connie.
    “Well, you managed to get rid of him. That’s what counts.” conceded the psychiatrist. “I will give you a prescription and mail you a Social Improvement Plan. Do you have any questions?”
    “Could I get a Social DNA test, please?”
    “Yes, of course. In fact, I was about to suggest it myself, given the circumstances of your case. Is there anything in your medical history that makes you think such a test is indicated?”
    “Ehm… I’m not sure I want to talk about this.” said Thomas, his face burning now.
    “Thomas, you have to give me all the information that you can.”
    “OK…. I have a half-brother who grew up with me at Boys’ Centre 15…. He was an oddball….. He got arrested for growing a few years ago. I think it might be a genetic defect.”
    “Growing! What did he grow?”
    “Tomatoes. It was only a small loss for the food corporations in financial terms. But….”
    “But it gives people ideas. You are quite right to be worried. Where is this brother now?”
    “I don’t know. He was in prison for a while. I haven’t heard from him in years.”
    “I can track him down through the State Psychiatric Service and then we can test him as well. What’s his name?”
    “Danny. Daniel Chancellor.”
    “OK, don’t worry now. I’ll mail you the prescription and the improvement plan. Come and see me again in a month for the DNA test.”
    “Thank you very much, Dr Dinsdale. I’ll do my best to improve.”
    Last edited by SleepyWitch; 02-18-2015 at 12:10 PM.

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