This is something I wrote a few months ago. It's about 2160 words long, so I hope you are able to make it to the end. I have rewrote one of the fight scenes, and might post that later. Enjoy!

Chapter 1
The moon rose and was soon surrounded by stars. The stars were nameless, as these were the earliest days of man. There were no constellations, no figure in the heavens depicting some great hero from myth. For this was a time before heroes. It was a time before myth. But that would soon change, as a young man wandered the grasslands below armed with nothing but a torch, (“torch” is an understatement. It was more like a flaming club) and a foot long stone knife.
This lone man trudging through the night under a group of stars that would one day bear his name, was called Ogre. He was tall and muscular, barley wearing anything at all. Just a loin cloth, a lion’s fang that hanged from a leather cord around his neck, and dried antelope blood that matted his hair, and stained his face, shoulders and chest red.
Ogre thought back to the day when he earned his lion’s fang. It was the day he became a man in his tribe’s eyes. When a boy became of age, his father would take him out to slay a lion. The son would take the left fang, and the father the right. The more fang’s a man had around his neck, the more son’s he had that had successfully reached manhood. Tonight, he was following a different tradition. He was attempting to perform a ritual that would prove himself strong enough to lead his tribe as chief.
Ogre, was hunting the Night Beast.
This was the young man’s third night out. His people were only able to find seven clubs to use as torches. Once all the torches were used up, Ogre would have to give up the hunt and lose the chance to ever become chief. He sighed, wondering what he was doing wrong. He was covered in blood, to make it easier for the Night Beast to smell him. He had his torch raised high, so that it could easily see that he was just one man. An easy target for any animal, not just a terror of this grassland.
After hours of no luck, Ogre headed back to camp. The sun rose upon where his nomad tribe stopped so that Ogre could try the hunt. What the sun shone on, was not what the young man was expecting to see.

Chapter 2
Before Ogre was a horror he never imagined. Tents made from hide and bone were torn to shreds. The golden grass around the camp was stained red. And the people. Oh the poor people. They were covered in puncture wounds and blood. Ogre ran through camp to where he and his wife had set up their tent. He found a woman’s body, but he couldn't tell if it was his beloved. Her head was smashed completely in and her limbs were bent in the oddest of angles.
Silent tears running down his face, Ogre gathered all the bodies into a pile in the middle of the camp and on top of the fire pit. He went to where the chief’s tent was and found the old man there in his cloak made from the night beast he slayed years before Ogre was born. Surrounding the old man was what caused the massacre. A half dozen strange men holding spears laid there. Ogre had searched the entire camp and this was the first bodies of the enemy he found. How could a group of fifty only kill six invaders? And all six was killed by the same old man.
Ogre pulled the chief on top of the funeral pyre and set it ablaze. The last man of his tribe gathered the few remaining clubs and lit one. He gathered a few supplies of what was left. The killers took almost everything. And swearing revenge, Ogre followed a line of foot prints to the east and into the night.

Chapter 3
Ogre soon exhausted what supplies he had took with him, and would skewer whatever he could (rabbits, birds, and lizards) onto his stone dagger and roast it over his torch as he walked. He only traveled at night so that he could continue his hunt of the Night Beast. If he was the last of his people, he could at least obtain revenge as the last chief.
Ogre would rub the blood from his prey onto his chest to keep his sent fresh. All it really did was make it uncomfortable to move with the dried blood cracking over his skin. The last tribesman was down to just two torches. The one in his hand, and one strapped to his back. He had to find the Night Beast soon. Only then would he find himself worthy, and strong enough to fight the men that killed his people.
Off in the distance a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky. Cursing the man looked around for shelter, to protect his last torches from the oncoming storm. If this one went out, he wouldn’t be able to light his last one.
Ogre looked around frantically, the wind teasing his hair, and bullying his flame. There! He spotted a light coming from a cave. He hurried there hoping whoever it was, was friendly.
He stepped into the cave just as the rain dropped, soaking the world behind him. Ogre gaped in awe. The light in the cave wasn’t coming from a fire like he assumed, but from a ball of light hovering in the cave. Behind the light was an old man
“Who are you?” asked the old man.
“Um, my name is Ogre. Who are you?”
“I am Ilumus . Creator of the eternal light!” the old man held out his hands toward the floating orb.
“How’d you do that?”
Ilumus smiled and said “Follow me.”
They went to the back of the cave and into darkness. Ogre heard a crack, and another ball of light appeared. Ilumus rubbed his wrist and nodded toward the end of the cave. It was completely covered in a near transparent purple crystal.
“Sometimes the crystal produces smoke. I breathed it in, now I can do whatever I want!” Ilumus exclaimed and five more balls of light appeared to prove his point. “So, why are you out here all alone, Ogre?”
Ogre sighed and proceeded to tell Ilumus everything from his tribe’s customs on becoming chief, to his people being slaughtered and his quest for vengeance. The old man waited till he finished his tale and said, “I know of the people you speak of. They’re an evil group of people banished from their tribes. They go around the land attacking and killing whomever they find. They’re headed farther east to the river.”
Ogre nodded. “I know. I caught up to them about a day ago. I just don’t feel ready to fight until I slay a Night Beast. And I only have one torch left after tonight.”
“Light it.”
“You heard me! Light your last torch.”
Ogre hesitantly did as the old man asked. Once it was lit, Ilumus reached behind him and broke off a shard of crystal. He held the shard over the torch and mumbled under his breath. The crystal turned to powder and sprinkled over the torch. Before Ogre could do anything, Ilumus snatched the torch and ran to the opening of the cave and thrust it out into the rain.
Ogre slumped as he saw his chances of revenge fade away. “Look” said the old man. Ogre looked up and gasped. The torch was still burning bright! The rain held no effect! “Now you can hunt your dark creature for as long as you want.”
“Night Beast. And thank you Ilumus! Thank you!”

Chapter 4
A few more nights passed and it finally happened. Ogre was walking with unquenchable torch when he saw it. A pair of large yellow eyes glowing in the night at head height. Ogre thought back to the first dusk before he left to start the ritual and the advice his chief gave him “All you will see of the Night Beast is its eyes, and its teeth. If you see its claws, you’re dead.”
Without hesitating, the young man charged the creature, torch held high in his left hand, dagger held low in his left. The Night Beast roared and leapt over his opponent. Ogre turned around quick and held the torch up just in time. The beast’s strong jaws closed around the flaming club. Both man and creature expected the torch to shatter, but it didn’t. Ilumus didn’t just make the torch burn forever, he made it indestructible!
Taking his chance, Ogre jabbed the dagger into the Night Beast’s throat. It howled in pain. As the creature’s mouth was wide open, the young man jabbed the dagger up through the roof of the creature’s mouth and into its brain.
The beast twitched at the end of Ogre’s arm until it slumped forward and died. Ogre planted the torch into the ground and set about skinning his foe.

Chapter 5
Three nights later Ogre strolled into the enemy’s camp. They were still asleep and hadn’t noticed him yet. He found one man sleeping in the open. Ogre stood over him and nudged his side until he awoke. The man opened his eyes and saw the mane of a giant black lion resting on a man’s shoulders. Red blood stained the man’s face, chest and shoulder’s. He was illuminated by a torch in his left hand, and his right held a stone foot long dagger. The dagger was the last thing the man saw as it pierced his eye.
As Ogre slew the fifth man that way, he heard a scream. He looked up and saw a small group of women in children tied up. They looked nothing like the people from his tribe, or like the people he was killing tonight. Quickly making up his mind, Ogre cut the ropes binding the hostages. He pointed off to the distance and said “Run! Go that way and you’ll find help.” The hostages nodded and ran away as the camp awoke and swarmed on Ogre.

Chapter 6
As Ogre was swarmed, it started to storm. Lightening flashing, thunder yelling, and rain. Thick heavy rain extinguishing all light except for one. Ogre swung his flaming club and crushed the skulls of his enemy. His dagger jumped out to slash throats. With each man killed, he mumbled under his breath the people of his village. “That’s for the chief. That’s for my wife. That’s for the little kid that called me Oggy.”
Ogre yelled as a spear pierced his back. He turned and jammed the fire of his torch into the assailants face. Wave after wave of men came. Each falling before the new chief of a dead tribe. Some was able to get a blow in and it slowly caught up to him.
Ogre was growing sluggish from the loss of blood. He was cold and wet, but he kept on fighting. The longer the battle went, the more blows the enemies got in. Ogre lashed out with his dagger for the last time and said “and that one, is for me.” The chief fell into the mud dead. The remaining villains continued to stab the monster that killed all but ten of their eighty strong force.
Once they were sure the Slayer of the Night Beast was dead, they tried to extinguish his torch but couldn't no matter how much mud they threw on it, it burned. They scattered and ran for their lives from the demon club.

Three Generations passed since Ogre got his revenge and fell in battle. A line of men riding horses came to stop in the middle of a savanna. The leader of the group lifted up her head and shouted. “Lord Ilumus! God of Light! Come to me!”
A beam of light shot out of the night sky and an old man appeared before the lady. “Yes, Valarie?”
“Is this the spot? Is this where the Torch Bearer saved my great ancestors from certain death?” she asked.
Ilumus nodded. “In fact, his ever flaming torch is below us.”
“Good,” said Valarie. She turned around to address her people. “I, Queen Valarie, declare this spot as the place for our nation to start! It will be known as Val’s Land and be the greatest of all people!” The man beside her lifted a flag. It was the head of a black roaring lion with a blazing sun behind it. The roaring lion was the man that freed her people, and the sun was the god that sent and gave him the power to do it.
The people roared with glee, and started forming the first, and one of the greatest nations Tellum has ever known under the first constellation: Ogre. Over the centuries following, the pronunciation changed and the kingdom Val’s Land, became the nation known as Valiant.