Peace be on you.
Life has issues and matters. Allah wants the believers to have successful life. This peaceful and successful life needs proper guidance. There is a pledge “I shall give precedence to Deen over world.” in Ahmadiyya Muslims. The word Deen means to live according to directives and pleasure of Allah through words and deeds. Thus the pledge, in easy words, means: I shall give precedence to my religion over worldly matters or I shall live life, in which my words and deeds will be according to the directives and pleasure of Allah the Exalted.

This pledge is repeatedly mentioned in addresses by Khulafa, other speaker, books and in the auxiliaries. It is essential to prove it with pure intention and practice too. Believer has to keep it in view all the times and do his or her best to comply with it and struggle for their faith.

People offer sacrifices to please worldly masters. Once Queen Elizabeth I (1558) was walking to somewhere, there was a small patch of mud in the way. Her loyal officer Raleigh laid his expensive coat on the ground to cover mud for her safe passage. She was surprised. Raleigh said that it was better his coat get muddy rather than queen’s feet.

There are some people who care too much for their dresses that it start to become obstacle in their offering worship.

Allah does not stop us to use His bounties which He made lawful for us, e.g. wearing nice dresses, eating delicious meals, living in deluxe houses and decorating them etc. but if these things become obstacle in the path of faith and practicing it then they are prohibited. Following Him with sincerity and loyalty brings rewards.

Islam guides that to find a spouse, his or her spiritual state should be seen as well. Marriage should not become obstacle in offering worship. Preference is for faith, it solves many in-house troubles too.

Modest and good dress is requirement but expensive and good dress should not become hindrance in offering Salaat. Same is true for food.

Those who become slave of worldly life, Satan overtakes them. But people who always consider progress of faith, they get victory over evil.

It is important to get knowledge of faith. Only then one shall be able to give it preference over earthly life.

Those who offer Salaat, they must safeguard human values. Allah the Exalted says Salaat should bring positive change in faithful. There are many Muslims who go to mosque but no change comes in their righteousness. Obviously their focus is not correct. If they were giving precedence to faith over worldly aims, situation in Muslim world would have been different.

Those who offer Salaat, they ought to safeguard human values. Allah the Exalted says Salaat-s develop pure changes in you. The painful state of common Muslims [non-Ahmadiyya Muslim world] should draw our attention more than before that how we should understand the pledge ‘to giving precedence to faith over world’.

According to Ahmadiyya Muslim Khalifah, his Jama'at should strive:

= to pay rights of humanity along with right of Allah the Exalted, and

= to make an effort for propagation and establishment of true Islam. Only after that they can get benefits from worldly good things as much we may want, that will be permitted.

= they have to take the beautiful message of Islam to the world.

= they have to publish more translations of Holy Quran in various languages.

= they have make more mosques everywhere to raise the true worshipers. They have to make plans for that worldwide.

= they have to establish the highest human values.

If worldly things are bought first and there is no money for financial offering for these projects, then Allah does not allow such way.

A believer should see how much sacrifice he has given for the purpose which is in front of him. Sacrifice up to the requirement, brings Allah’s victory and reward.

Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) said 1- Dirham excelled over one 100,000- Dirahim. Because a person presented 1 out of his 2 Dirahim, other person possessed hundreds of thousands but he gave 100,000 which was much less than his capacity.

Thus the real purpose of a believer is to seek the pleasure of Allah the Exalted

A believer molds his heart according to the pleasure of Allah. It brings prosperity and success. To do huge tasks for faith, one has to use one's faculties by fulfilling the pledge to give precedence to Deen / Faith over world.

Allah does not need anything from people, it is His benevolence and grant that He has blessed believers by telling us that they shall get His pleasure by giving precedence to Faith over worldly matters. He does not need people's wealth and He is not dependent on them. If He wanted, he would have distributed all resources to those who serve faith. He draws their attention to offer sacrifice so that they get objective for His pleasure.

Allah has granted children to believers too. He could have made other method to train children but parents are given the task to train children so that they live life according to directives of Allah. According to Ahmadiyya Muslim Khalifah (a.t.), parents should teach children so that they should get deep understanding of ‘giving precedence to Deen over world’ since childhood. Thus, by giving these things to us, Allah tests and blesses them too.

Similarly the office-holder who make management of Community have to aim to the pledge to give precedence to faith over worldly matters.

Allah the Exalted watches hearts, He blesses the sincerity of those who serve with dedication and grants them station in His nearness. May we get true and deep understanding of the Pledge of ‘giving precedence to Deen over the world’ and act on it too.

[Based on words of Ahmadiyya Muslim Khalifah]