I was in the bathroom and suddenly a shadow appeared on the mirror and talked to me.

-Do you know who I am?

I was scared. I said nothing. The shadow became angry and yelled. I thought he would kill me. The bathroom is small. There is a toilet, a shower and the hand washer. Nobody heard the scream. I begged him not to kill me. The shadow started to cry and told me his story:

"Years ago I was a man. I worked in the shoes Morgan Company. I had a happy life, until… until somebody entered to my house and killed my wife. We never had kids. I met her in the market. She looked beautiful with her black hair and blue eyes. So, I took courage and spoke to her. Immediately we fell in love. I had big muscles and long hair. We liked to go to the lake of the town and feed the ducks with breadcrumbs. Under a tree we laughed imagining animal forms in the clouds. I held her very strong and tell her that I love her forever. She smiled and gave me a kiss. We were married the following year and bought a house near the lake. We had a farm where we planted tomatoes, corn, onions, potatoes and eggplant.

One day, a man appeared at the farm forcing us to sell our land. We refused and he threatened to kill us. Several weeks later I had gone to the market to buy seeds. When I returned and entered the house. I found that everything was upside down and had boot marks with blood all over the floor. I started screaming the name of my wife desperately. I ran to the kitchen and found her on the floor. I threw her to the floor and hugged her. I began to mourn. I was filled with her blood and vowed to avenge her.

I went to the police and told them what had happened, no one cared. I realized I would have to take the law into my own. Days later, several policemen came to my farm and evicted me. They told me that John McField had bought legally my farm and asked them to evict me because I had refused and threatened him with death.

I had to leave. I needed money. So I went to the city to find work. I got employment in the shoes Morgan Company. With the money I managed to save bought a gun and went to kill John McField. I spied his house for several days. One day he was neglected, I went into his room and shot him three times in the chest. He died instantly. Suddenly a creepy old lady came up and started screaming like crazy. Her eyes were black and dressed like hideous old clothes. She looked like a witch. She said some words that I didn´t understand. From her mouth flies out and got into mine. I passed out and woke up in a jail.
I committed suicide the next day hoping to meet my wife in eternity. I discovered that I could not die. I left my body and I became shadow. I do not want to kill you or haunt you. I just wanted to tell my story. it's time for me to go. Goodbye.”

All that time he spoke I kept quiet and listened. Suddenly, I opened my eyes as if I had been asleep. I was on the floor. I hit my head on the toilet while I was looking for a ring. I kneaded my head. I looked at the mirror and saw nothing, just the reflection of my face. It was all a dream. I thought so, until I felt that something was moving in my throat, I started coughing and flies out of my mouth.