Arrayed beautifully, a thousand speckles of light, adorn your eyes.

At random times they gaze around like butterflies in midair delight.

Such platitudes of lofty summations I seldom give,

But to be locked in your beauty is to become deaf to my doubt.

As if the stars come alive inside my heart and they are teething

To let shine; become shown and take their place among majesty,

And such is what I see in you.

The great cosmos that turn a reverent blue

And make all eyes appear in great bewilderment;

Not out of confusion, but out of breathtaking beauty.

And this I see in you,

And what I hear is far greater.

For when you speak, the eruption of heaven begins,

And I sink shyly in my heart,

Wondering where I shall begin

To answer; or shall it be, I shall sing?

In the loveliest gardens where all the birds go,

Where they tussle their feathers in the wind

And take off to perches in the sky.

Yes, your lovely voice reminds me of them,

Until I awake in the morning

And see your esteemed eyes beholding me.

It's then I realize none is greater.