I used to be a literature writer when I was young.

After suffering from a tragic car accident when I was 15-years-old I started writing a strange romance during 6 years, which later I analyzed based on Carl Jung’s discoveries about the meaning of dreams and the symbolism contained in literature.

I wrote a summary of this book in order to show to the world its psychological and philosophical importance.

You can read this summary at:


The summary is quite long, and this is why I cannot post it here.

I remembered this forum after seeing that this work was not properly evaluated by many online users. Perhaps those who care about literature can evaluate the tremendous importance of the symbolic meaning of this strange romance.

It’s a philosophical romance, which deals with psychological and social issues. It also has a spiritual dimension, which I was able to discover only after analyzing the meaning of the book based on scientific dream translations.

I would be glad if you’d read this long summary and tell me what you think about my work.

Thank you!