I am Chithra,from India,study ing in 10th standard.I've given the subject to be a premature analysis as I've only coveredthe 23rd chapter of this book at present.<br> Though written a century ago,this story focuses and poignantly brings out the many facets of money,its destructful evils especially,and the human nature centuries ago and for centuries to come.The typical 18thcentury background of the story and its characters makes this book special especially for an Indian like me.Though I agree that this story is awefully long,I must agree that it is surely worth reading.Dickens has adopted another style in writing apart from Jane Eyre,Oliver Twist,David Copperfield and Wuthering Heights(humbly the only works of his that I've read).However it is seen that he values and respects the working classes of those days,their contrasting conditions from the rich and epitomises the dignity of labour,in all his works,especially in this one,through the subtle sketches of characters like the honest Joe,Pip's sister the hot tempered and then the mentally handicapped Mrs.Joe,the mature Biddy and of course Pip who blindly leads his life to becomea 'gentleman',but learns his lesson later when he faces adverse situations.This work completely revolving through the character,Pip,is surely an eye-opener to today's world greedy for nothing but infinite wealth.<br> This is my blunt analysis of this work.Please do comment on this and help me improve.I am also grateful to this site ,as it helped me to form my own opinion of this famous work,by reading the critical appreciationsof many like me around the globe.To wind up,it surely is a special piece of literature from the common sorts of adventure and mysteries,and comes face to face with human nature in its raw form.