I read all three volumes. I know the plot. I know after Darcy gives Elizabeth the letter, his maid ompliments him, when she finds the truth about who gave the money to Wickham, and when she finds the truth about Wikham her views change from hating Darcy to loving him.
Sorry my grammar is really bad; In a hurry. Lol So can you please answer
I need help writing my essay and coming up with a theme for college. (Based on Pride and Prejudice)?
Here is the assignment: The object of this exercise is to write an essay using the methods of comparison and contrast. You are to concentrate on Volume III, paying attention to chapters 11-18 in volume II. Using evidence from the text, compare and contrast Elizabeth Bennet's view of Darcy in the beginning of volume III with her view at the end. What are her opinions initially, and what are her opinions in the end. Use volume II to explain her initial feelings, and volume ii to explain her feelings at the end. Also give an overall them of this section.