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Thread: Maggie and Jethro

  1. #1
    Registered User kittypaws's Avatar
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    Maggie and Jethro

    He sits at his wood working bench using a small sharp hand tools to carve the delicate pieces he does…he has ducks, chipmunks, and to the extreme he has carved the Statue of Liberty….many pay top dollars for his work…

    “Maggie, why you looking so sad over there?” Jethro’s soft voice arises from behind his bench. “You look like a cat drowned in the rain and pissed!”

    Maggie shook her head. She has spent the last four years of her life loving him. And I do mean loving him. They used to walk hand in hand thru the woods of birch trees amongst the rivers of sunlight, pools of shade where toadstools sleep in mossy jade. They would talk deep of each and Jethro would often go off as if making a speech. He would describe his perfect lady, desires in a woman, and needs in a friend. Maggie would wonder why he did such things; she fell short of his visions. She tried to change to make herself into his aspirations…now all he does is belittling her. Maggie’s opinion is that she is tired and starting to wonder…as she is easy on the eyes, of great spirits and loving beyond anyone’s dreams; she knows she can find better, someone to complete her. Yet she knows deep in her heart it is her Jethro; confused and lost, wandering in a daze.
    Maggie had come to the conclusion that he does not know what love and life is all about; he only talks about it... And he does not know what he has with Maggie. Sad… the mind can over think and twist things around.

    Maggie thinks she has come to her senses and has woken up and realizes that nothing will change with Jethro….He will always be of himself. She still feels torn of staying to try to change him, but she has tried for four years and nothing has changed. Maggie’s heart has been beaten….

    The screen door squeaks as Maggie walks out into the cool fall night. She raises her hands up high and stretches her arms towards the sky….

    Looking over her shoulder at Jethro busy with his wood…she vanishes into life.

    Maggie goes to visit an Aunt who is disabled and struggling to survive. After 5 weeks assisting her in bathing, eating and all the self-doing things she is ready to leave. Her conscience will not let her…how did she ever end up here? No noise at all from Jethro….she wonders as she washes the dinner dishes if he even knows she is gone. Her Aunt has money, being the only daughter of a deceased well off man so Maggie makes arrangements for her Aunt to be taken care of. We will leave it at that; and Maggie moves on.

    Tis time she meets a gentleman, who invites her to stay with him. Charming, dashing, elegant and romantic Maggie tumbles head over heels for him. He makes her feel so special, treats her well, listens to her, and the love making is beyond anything Maggie has ever experienced. Three weeks into the arrangement she finds he has five others that all feel the same about him. She shuts her eyes tight and hums to block her pain and frustration. Still no news from Jethro. Maggie prepares to leave her new bow that proceeds to strike her across her face and yell inhumane insults at her. He raises his hand to strike her again and Maggie runs….fleeing into the dark night.

    Six weeks later, Maggie is learning more of life then she cares to. Sitting on a park bench, sobbing with newspaper draped across her shoulders for warmth. Life sucks….no one cares!
    Exhausted from the flight Maggie nods to sleep on the park bench.

    She is awaken suddenly but a blunt hit on the bottom of her feet and bolts up! It is a law officer smacking the bottom of her shoe with his night stick to wake her... “No sleeping here, Miss. Go home.” He spits his tobacco and walks away looking back over his shoulder to make sure she is stirring. Maggie feels something in her dress pocket and withdraws from her pocket a wood carved figured of a swan…a beautifully detailed stunning swan. Maggie’s head snaps left to right….she knows this articulate wood carving. No one is around.
    Maggie clutches the swan close to her bosom and then the newspapers to keep warm; exhaustion takes her back off to sleep.

    It has started to snow and Maggie wakes up under a wet, cold dusting. The newspaper imprinting her skin. Foggy she grasps and throws the newspaper off of her, dusting the snow and sits cold and wet. Looking out she sees the swan that must have gotten tangled up in the whole mess lying on the walk. Maggie lunges for it and clutches it close then placing it into her dress pocket. Hungry, cold, wet and confused she stands and starts walking and walking and walking. She sticks her thumb out along Puntnam Road to hitch a ride. A pickup truck pulls over and she races to the passenger door. Opening it and ready to climb in she looks at the driver and is shocked. Jethro!

    “Come on home, Maggie” is all he says.
    Maggie gets in and shuts the door, hugging herself to try to get warm, clutching the swan in her dress pocket…..Jethro reaches behind her seat and pulls out a blanket. She smiles; he wraps the towel around her.
    They travel for quite a ways in silence….the crisp air filled with flakes of snow still falling, tiny splashes on the windshield remind Maggie of the walks in the woods... “Couldn’t create these wonders of earth and sky there’s something greater than you or I.”

    Maggie stomach rumbles out of hunger….Jethro pulls into the next dinner, without saying a word gets out of the truck and Maggie follows.

    Pancakes, sausage, grits, and eggs over easy for both of them….Jethro has tea and Maggie coffee….still no words, only eyes.

    Traveling again Maggie starts the conversation

    “I am surprised to see you”
    “Why is that…did you think I do not love you and care for and about you?”
    “You just seemed so stuck in yourself” was her honest, blunt reply.
    Jethro smiled and nodded his head.
    “Why do you do that? Make me feel like everything I do for you is wrong?”
    Jethro pulls the truck over to the side of the road,
    “Listen Maggie. I may have visions of a lot of things but visions just fuel your dreams but life is real and not only about dreams. What I need are you to be yourself. The woman I fell in love with and am still in love with cuz I know somewhere deep inside that person still lives in you. I know you think I don’t care and am selfish…well I do care and selfish yes….that is why I have been following you for the last few weeks….I want you home with me, sharing things with me, taking those wonderful walks thru the woods, being in our bed and pleasing each and yet in simple ways letting me complete you for who you are as you complete me, who now you may really see.. “

    Maggie could not believe her ears; she rubbed the swan she held in her pocket….Jethro pulled back onto the road and Maggie reached over and grasped his hand holding it tight.

    The road had become icy and as they rounded the corner as large truck with a drunk driver came barreling around the curve and stuck them head on….

    Moral: Live each day as it is your last….take off your rose colored glasses and look at what you really have compared to others….Sometimes change is not what it is all about, …and a corny saying…the grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence.


    I have worked on this for a couple of days and would appreciate any advice as to how to make it better...I would luv one day to be a writer!!
    Many thanks!
    Everyone finds himself in the world where he belongs. The essential thing is to have a fixed point from which to check its reality now and then.
    Ancient Egyptian Inner Temples

  2. #2
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    When I read a newspaper I usually start at the back pages to catch up on the sports – then work towards the main body - so excuse me for treating this posting the same way!

    Firstly – that closing line of your postcript – ‘I would luv one day to be a writer!’ – you already are!

    Secondly – I’m not especially fond of ‘morals’ added to the end of a story. It suggests the writer believes the reader isn’t capable of figuring out for themselves what the story might have meant. And besides, some readers just want a story without a message. But that’s my personal opinion so ignore it.

    As for the story itself:

    I love the way you describe the walks they take together in para. 3. – and the symbol of the carved swan she carried with her when she left.
    That last line was a shocker – but it certainly got a physical reaction from me.
    I might have left out the last 5words – leave us wondering whether they crashed or escaped. But again it’s a personal choice.

    How to make it better?

    Well, I felt the weakest part was where you were trying to describe Jethro’s behaviour towards Maggie in the second part of para 3 – as well as how she felt undervalued.
    It’s a long paragraph and there’s an awful lot of telling rather than showing towards the end – as if you realised it was an important part of the plot but just wanted to get it out of the way as quickly as possible.

    Perhaps a little dialogue would help to illustrate Maggie’s dilemma – putting Jethro’s expectations into his own words so the reader can discover for themselves why Maggie felt it best to leave.

    Also you could perhaps show a couple more instances of how she misses Jethro while she is with her aunt, and her philandering lover. Subtly suggesting she was better off with him than she realised.

    But I enjoyed reading it - well done. And keep ‘writing’.


  3. #3
    👑[]D [] []v[] []D👑
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    The interaction between the two of them is complex, but some details could be expanded on, like her courtship to the other man, for instance. Also the dialogue could be fine-tuned a bit. I enjoyed reading this piece. I admit to being a Jethro myself and it has caused no end of arguing between me and the misses!

  4. #4
    Registered User kittypaws's Avatar
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    H ~ thank you! I have been reading Aesop's fables and the story moral I reckon was just imbedded in me!

    You are correct, I did race through the relationship part...I wrote the beginning of this over 3 months ago and could not find a middle or end. Then one evening as I was looking over my unfinished work the ending came to me very clear it was just the middle I struggled with. I will work on it and re-post when done. I get too impatient!

    BTW, thank you for your kind words "from the sports section!" You gave me encouragement and hope!

    Everyone finds himself in the world where he belongs. The essential thing is to have a fixed point from which to check its reality now and then.
    Ancient Egyptian Inner Temples

  5. #5
    Registered User kittypaws's Avatar
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    thank you for taking the time to read and respond....You made me smile! You claim you are a Jethro type...and then want more explaination regarding the other man! So sweet!! I like to keep my short stories short and too the point or else they leave no room for the imagaination.

    However, your point on the dialogue is well taken. I was in a relationship with a "Jethro" and I can understand why you and your wife are so happy!

    Everyone finds himself in the world where he belongs. The essential thing is to have a fixed point from which to check its reality now and then.
    Ancient Egyptian Inner Temples

  6. #6
    👑[]D [] []v[] []D👑
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    Ok now you're going to make me blush! And no, being a Jethro works for me, but causes no end of pain for her. I often get lost in whatever I happen to be doing and unfortunately, she feels ignored at times. It's not for lack of love, but just how I am. I can't multi-task for anything. So yea. But about your story - I did enjoy it!

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