Why does poetry have to contain such unusual, hardly-ever-used words? Everyday words won't do?
Like "lullaby"?
Why does poetry have to contain such unusual, hardly-ever-used words? Everyday words won't do?
Like "lullaby"?
"It is not that I am mad; it is only that my head is different from yours.”
Any word you find poetic is good for me. Nothing wrong with lullaby.
How about Fellowship
The Moments of Dominion
That happen on the Soul
And leave it with a Discontent
Too exquisite — to tell —
-Emily Dickinson
How about:
It's a word for all that rocky mess that gathers at the end of a glacier, but it's still a beautiful word.
"I should only believe in a God that would know how to dance. And when I saw my devil, I found him serious, thorough, profound, solemn: he was the spirit of gravity- through him all things fall. Not by wrath, but by laughter, do we slay. Come, let us slay the spirit of gravity!" - Nietzsche
'For sale: baby shoes, never worn'. Hemingway
What's unusual about lullaby?
If you Google lullaby, you get about eleven million hits.
As a comparison, duvet - a pretty mainstream word, I think - gets a little over six million, as does comforter. Bedstead falls short of a million, and eiderdown doesn't even hit two hundred thousand.
I'm starting to enjoy this now. It's becoming a highly addictive vehicle for procrastination.
Mattress - twenty million, making it twice as common as lullaby.
Pillow case scores a mere three million, and nursery rhyme gets a paltry one point two million. Snoring racks up fewer than four million.
I was talking to a journalist who reviews music for a national daily in the UK, and he was carping about Elvis Costello using the word porcelain in a song. His argument was that it was a wilfully obscure word that EC had only used because it rhymed.
I was shocked. This educated literate guy had simply never come across the word before - and he found it hard to believe that anyone else had. But I think this was just an instance of random distribution - it just so happened that my friend and the word porcelain had never coincided.
So maybe that's just the case with you, Sche, and lullaby - you've simply not encountered it. And as English is not your first language, why should you have, really?
Hi Mark,
Whilst I enjoyed your dissertaion on the poularity of certain words, I don't think you quite grasped the point of Scher's remark. It is not a claim that Lullaby is an unusual word, it is the opposite in fact. If you take a peak at some of the words posted on the preceding page I think you'll get the point
se non e vero, e molto ben'trovato