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Thread: "I'm sorry..."

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Aberdeen, Scotland

    "I'm sorry..."

    Hey, this is the first time I've tried to write a story like this so please comment to let me know if it sounds ok, cheers


    The sound of the running water was all consuming as he rinsed his hands, the water was hot and cleansed away whatever germs or flecks of blood that still clinged to him. He breathed out slowly and let the tension ease out of him, he switched off the tap but remained at the sink, staring at his distorted reflection in the prep rooms window that led into the operating theatre, Mr Roberts body was lying still upon the table, the surgical resident Douglas was sealing the incision by his heart and a nurse was cleaning up any spilled fluids.
    The surgery had lasted nearly three hours and his arms and shoulders ached from the tense precision that he had had to maintain. Yet despite his skill and care the man had died.
    "It wasn't your fault John..." nurse Lee was a caring woman, well into her forties and showing the signs of the stress that came with her job, yet she still walked into the hospital every morning with a smile on her face and tried her best to instill that happiness in others.
    "I know..." he sighed, he smothered his hands once more in anti bacterial gel and rubbed it in, "his body just couldn't deal with the bloodloss and the trauma...nothing we could do." yet his logical analysis of the surgery failed to lift his dour mood, yet the hardest was still to come.
    "You want me to tell them? I will if you..."
    "No." he said firmly, "No." he said again but this time in a softer tone and with a small smile on his lips as he turned to face her, "thank you but no, they should hear it from me." she smiled again and patted him on the shoulder before walking from the room and into the corridor beyond. Taking another deep breath John left by the same door and strode through the clean corridors of the hospital, he had taken this walk many times, often he did so with satisfaction and pride in his step and showed these signs of success clearly on his face, but on these few occasions where he had failed to save a life he walked with his grief and bitterness sealed within him, he could not let his emotions show whilst he was here, it would be unseemly and unprofessional to break the news that way, yet the stoicism only made it worse.

    At last he came to the blue doors that led to the waiting room, there were six of them in there, Mr Roberts had been at his sons wedding when he collapsed and they had rushed here with him, the sadness within him threatened to burst out at the thought of telling a wedding party about his death but he rallied himself once more. With a final deep breath he pushed the doors open and entered the room, a small woman in a cream suit stood from a chair, her greying blonde hair was ruffled and her eyes red and blotchy. He saw the hope in her eyes and in the way her hands reached out to him. He held his emotions in check and said the only words he could.
    "I'm sorry..."

  2. #2
    Registered User prendrelemick's Avatar
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    Nov 2008
    Blog Entries
    I loved the other stuff you posted on here. I couldn't get into this one as much.

    The story's OK, but the style seems a little more forced than usual, a bit clumsy. Did you enjoy writing this one as much ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    Yeah i'm more of a science fiction/fantasy story kinda guy and I didn't enjoy this one as much as I thought I would but I just thought of the theme to the story and thought i'd give it a try just for practice.

    Cheers for the comment

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