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Thread: Love loves. Love fights. Love wins.

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    Love loves. Love fights. Love wins.

    A Small, but Beautiful Book by Rebecca Tacosa Gray
    Owner & Founder, Un Univers Des Anges & the Church of Love

    This book is my work in entirety. No spiritual intervention affected its being, it is entirely my own intellectual work. It is protected both Earthly and Universally by U.S. Copyright TX-16017, as well as U.S. Copyright in Progress on the entire body of work and U.S. Jurat & U.S. Mail. Love Loves is special to is my little jewel of beauty.--Rebecca Tacosa Gray

    This book can be read in entirety on my website, The Church of Love, link in my signature, as well as other pieces of my writing and philosophy. Much love to all...Rebecca Tacosa Gray
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    A is A.—Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

    Religion: the beliefs, attitudes, emotions, etc. Constituing man’s relationship with the powers and principles of the Universe, esp. with a deity or deities.

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    Once upon a time, Love was born...and it sat down, and quietly read a page out of the Heart of the Universe, the beautiful book upon which our precious lives are built. And it was a quote.

    The principles of the beauty of craft is no different from the law rules the spirit that underlying all things...A true example of craft is the same as a passage of the holy scripture. Only in place of words, truth is conveyed through material, shape, colour and pattern.”—Soetsu Yanagi

    True God is beautiful. True God stands face to face. True God is part of all religions. True God knows you are a separate and distinct being, beautiful for who you are and what you craft within your own life every day. True God knows and respects you...and Love is the relationship between you and God, you and others, and, most importantly, you and yourself. Craft your life. With Love. There is a Natural Religion. It is Love. —Rebecca Tacosa Gray

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    Love stood up, making sure its body and place of worship was clean. After making its intentions known to perform her prayer, it stood, raised its hands up and said “Allahu Akbar.” (God is Most Great) It stood with its hands folded over its chest, reciting the first chapter of the Qur’an. Again, it raised up its hands, saying “Allahu Akbar.” It bowed, reciting three times, “Subhana rabbiyal adheem” (Glory be to my Lord Almighty). It rose to standing while reciting “Sam’I Allahu liman hamidah, Rabbana wa lakal hamd” (God hears those who call upon him; Our Lord, praise be to you). It raised its hands up and said “Allahu Akbar,” then placed itself prostrate on the ground, reciting three times “Subhana Rabbiyal A’ala” (Glory be to my Lord, the Most High). It rose to a sitting position, saying “Allahu Akbar,” then placed itself prostrate again in the same manner. It rose to a standing position, saying “Allahu Akbar.” This concluded its first “rak’a” (cycle or unit of prayer) It did a second rak’a, then remained sitting, reciting the first part of the Tashahhud. It then continued on, to complete a third rak’a. It recited the second part of the Tashahhud, then turned and said “Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah” (Peace be upon you and God’s blessings). It turned to the left and repeated the greeting. Itrose, stepped off the carpet, and put both hands facing each other, but not touching. It said, softly, أنا أحبّ. (I Love.)

    I face you in Love. Islam is Beautiful.

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    Love stood up, and walked to work. Down the street, to the coffee shop where it was a waitress. It was a pretty day, but she didn’t have time to notice it. She popped into her work clothes and out with a smile. Ned, its favorite customer, was sitting smiling at the counter. It loved this guy. He had the greatest stories to tell. And always put a smile on her face. He was also a damned smart man. They’d had a conversation about God yesterday, and she outright told him that she didn’t believe in God. He said he understood, but that he’d always believed in God since he was a child. They laughed several times during the conversation, as he believed that everyone had a right to their opinion and she respected that. And she laughed at the end of that conversation, looking him straight in the face and saying, “I still don’t believe in God, but I sure believe in you!” He left later, and they were both smiling. It was a great conversation and she really liked him. He brightened up her days. One thing was for certain...they respected each other. She looked down as she was pouring the next customer’s coffee. “So,” she asked him, “Do you believe in God?” He grinned and took a sip. He looked up at her and answered softly. “Well, not really. But I believe in Love.” She laughed. “Now THAT”S an answer I like!” Love. Well. That was the way to go, she thought. Love was the way to go.

    I face you in Love. Atheism is Beautiful.

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    Love stood up, and looked at the many paths. Knowing its own goals, it chose one, and knew it was The Way. And with each step it took, it saw a different path. And it chose one, knowing that it was The Way. And on its journey saw he dualities...all the dualities that complemented each other, taking note of them. Man, woman, black, white, good, bad. And once it had looked a while, it took a new path, having seen black and white, man and woman, good and bad, knowing that all of them were beautiful. And it just thought about them...just thought about them. How lovely, it thought, to see them facing each other. Even lovelier, to take those patterns and make new patterns. To see the world, the universe, spread out like a map, a quilt, of one’s own making. The patterns, the complementaries, emerging and merging in its mind, its own unique mind. And its point of view made it special. And it took those patterns and lifted it outside of all the labels. Changed it, tailored it to what was true in itself. And in doing so, something emerged. A synthesis of patterns, a new quilt. New paths emerged, yet again. New goals. And, as always, The Way. It smiled, and into its depths it wandered, further and further, into other patterns, other paths, every new goal renewed love for what was there, right there, right now. It stopped, looked around, and saw itself. And it said itself softly, I Love. And I am The Way. How lovely.

    I face you in Love. Taoism is Beautiful.

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    Love stood up, and walked into a classroom. It looked around and sat down in one of the chairs to the back of the room. In walked a woman, just 37 years old, whose name was Rebecca, and today she was the substitute teacher. At the beginning of the class, she handed out a little cardstock postcard, with a set of statements on it, and and this is what it said: TRUTHS. LOVE. Love as much as you can. Yourself, first and foremost, just because you’re beautiful. Others, next, because they need your love to know they are also beautiful. And third, this Earth, because your beauty is held by everything around. Be charitable. Help others who need assistance, as much as possible. And Love whispered softly, “Love one another as you love yourself.” HONOR. Hold yourself to the highest values. Be the Best within you. Honor others by always holding them your Equal, as it honors the Best Within Them. Do not steal. Do not lie. Do not covet others property. Reject jealousy, and respect yourself enough to know you have your own talents. BE HONOR ITSELF. And Love smiled, thinking “Do not steal. Do not lie. Do not kill. Do not commit adultery. Do not covet. No disciple is above his teacher nor is the servant above his master.” JUSTICE. Right wrongs. Don’t stand by and watch crimes occur, take it upon yourself to stand up for what’s right, in others and all people. You sacrifice your own Honor when you watch someone hurt another. And Love thought of Jesus overturning tables in the Temple and cast out those who were liars and thieves. One of the children looked at it, and started drawing on the cover of his notebook. It was calligraphy, a work of art, and it said HONOR.” Love smiled, a tear falling onto the desk, saying softly, “I Love.”

    I Face you in Love. Christianity is Beautiful.

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    Love stood up and walked out into the sunshine. My God, was it a beautiful day. It walked down the cement street, feeling the warmth, watching the grass sway on the side of the road. Finally it reached the Peach and Almond Orchards that were so beloved to it and sat down, thinking. Wondering. It really didn’t know, whether or not it believed in God. Sometimes it believed that something, something large, somewhere, existed that loved and cared about it. And sometimes, it thought that possibly a God did not exist. And sometimes, sometimes, it just did not think about the possibility of either. And it sighed and leaned its head back against the trees, knowing how much it just loved the fact that life, that the Earth, was this beautuful. One morning, in this very same orchard it had seen a budding Dandelion, tiny beads of dew clinging to its soft leaves. And they turned into diamonds sparkling in the sun, and it was mesmerized by them. And I stopped, and I stooped down to look at it, so closely. And I thought, this, this diamond, right here is God. That I noticed that it is beautiful, is God. And how lovely, that God, Beauty and Love are in everything one might ever notice or love. Life sparkled, looking up at At me, and I said, softly, I Love.

    I face you in Love. Life is Beautiful.

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    Love stood and watched the sun rise, and in the sun beauty rose, and it could feel it in its heart. And the warmth began, and the voice that is ever present began to sing, embracing love, embracing all. And Love smiled, and heard a voice speaking, quiet, and knew that someone, somewhere, was writing.

    “My heart holds within it every form,

    It contains a pasture for gazelles,

    A monatery for Christian monks.

    There is a temple for worshippers,

    A holy shrine for pilgrims;

    There is the table of the Torah,

    And the book of the Koran.

    I follow the religion of Love

    And go whichever way His camel leads me.

    This is the true faith;

    This is the true religion.”

    And Love knew that Rumi was near, speaking, writing…writing of the faith that honored all traditions. And Love walked into the text, following each path to its highest truth...and it embraced each truth, as it embraced. The beauty that honored the prophets of all traditions. And Love saw God everywhere, and everthing in the Universe reflected God. Weeping, Love looked at the sun. “I love,” it said, “I see perfection everywhere.” And the sun shone, perfection shone, brightly, beautifully.

    I face you in Love. Sufism is Beautiful.

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    Love walked into the temple, having removed its shoes, covered its head, and washed its hands and feet. It walked into the center of the temple and faced the dais. Love bowed down and touched the floor, as a sign of deep respect towards the Eternal Sikh Guru. And then sat, equal to all, loving in love, and closed its eyes. I pray, it whispered. And the channel opened, in Love’s mind, gathering its heart and soul in an embrace, and Love felt itself yield to that embrace, and felt itself united, prayer to prayer, love to love, one with the beloved Satguru. Through his feet the current began, and blossomed into a lotus flaming softly up, and the prayer floated around them. No words, just a prayer, and in that prayer, Love found grace. And Love looked at grace, and grace looked back. It was God, and God was all around him, everywhere. And the Lotus blossomed further, lifting him up into bliss, carrying him into God, and God into him. And love knew. It needed no words, no gestures, no thoughts. This prayer found him beloved, in this prayer, there was no worshipper and worship. And Love opened its eyes and looked straight ahead, the Lotus flaming around it, God everywhere, and said, We are all worshipped. And I love. I love.

    I face you in Love. Sikhism is Beautiful.

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    Love walked out of the house, took a long walk, thinking about its life. After miles and miles of road, and love in looking at the scenery around him. he found a perfect tree. And he looked. And he looked. And he looked. And he walked to that tree and sat, looking up at the perfect branches. So perfect. And it was perfection he would reach. He cleared his mind, thinking of nothing. And he sat there for days, weeks, not eating, not thinking. Just clearing his mind. Just clearing a path. Until he saw what he was looking for. Vast emptiness. Nothing Holy. Love sat. Just looking. Then it heard it's own voice speaking.

    Buddhas don't save Buddhas. If you use your mind to look for a Buddha, you won't see the Buddha. As long as you look for a Buddha somewhere else, you'll never see that your own mind is the Buddha. Don't use a Buddha to worship a Buddha. And don't use the mind to invoke a Buddha. Buddhas don't recite sutras. Buddhas don't keep precepts. And Buddhas don't break precepts. Buddhas don't keep or break anything. Buddhas don't do good or evil.

    To find a Buddha, you have to see your nature.

    To find a Buddha, you have to see your nature. And Bohidharma looked up and saw a perfect tree.

    I Face You in Love. Buddhism is Beautiful.

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    It was the last day of Channukah, and time for Love to light the Menorah. Love picked up the ninth candle and placed it at the far left, carefully. Love then lit each candle, one by one. They lit, softly, and their light glowed with a soft purity, flickering, reminding love of a time when oppression of Jews was defeated and a temple was rededicated. And the miracle...only enough oil for one day, and yet, it burned for eight long days. A sign, from God, that they were beloved. And the Festival of Chanukkah was born, to celebrate that miracle. Love stepped back, to recite the blessings, the first, over the candles…

    Barukh atah adonai, Eloheinu, melekh ha’olam

    (Blessed are you, Lord, Our God, sovereign of the universe.)

    asher kidishanu b'mitz'votav v'tzivanu

    (Who has sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us.)

    l'had'lik neir shel Chanukah. (Amein)

    (to light the lights of Chanukkah. Amen.)

    Then Love recited the beautiful blessing for Chanukkah.

    Barukh atah adonai, Eloheinu, melekh ha’olam

    (Blessed are you, Lord, Our God, sovereign of the universe.)

    she'asah nisim la'avoteinu bayamim haheim baziman hazeh. (Amein)

    (Who performed miracles for our ancestors in those days at this time)

    The light was beautiful, right then. And there was love.

    I face you in Love. Judaism is Beautiful.

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    Love closed the book, gathering the Heart of the Universe into itself and turned to face all. The Universe turned quietly, the planets alive, the beings alive, all love, all loving. It was softly moving, and the warmth flowed through, and around, touching each to each in equal splendor. It was softly green...not too dark, and rich in beauty. And Love felt them all. Love felt them all.

    I love.

    It said simply.

    And so do you.

    The Universe was quiet.

    And we shall love, face to face, beauty to beauty, Person to person, for all time.

    And so love, I will tell you now, I am looking at you from this page, and your Heart is beautiful. You are love. In every religion. And always will be.

    I face you in Love. Love is always Beautiful.

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    Love Loves. Love Fights. Love Wins.—Rebecca Tacosa Gray

    When I started this path around 17 1/2 months ago, I began a new relationship with God and this beautiful Universe of ours. And I want you to tell you something that I said at that time… I am beautiful. I am a human being, and I am small, but no less important than the largest being in this Universe. I make a difference. And I may be imperfect, but those small imperfections are part of what makes me unique. And I love. I love. I am telling you now that I looked at myself and asked forgiveness for many things that I have done in my lifetime, and I didn’t need a church or an institution to do it. In all reality, I looked in the mirror and, realizing it, wrote it down and burned it, knowing that in realizing what I had done, I had forgiven myself and would be a better person in the future. I’m telling you now that I am looking to myself to be the best within me. That I know. I also know this. You are unique, and you are beautiful. And the beauty that you recognize in this world is love. Cherish yourself. Cherish others. And please, please, cherish with all your heart our beautiful planet, Earth. It’s hurting. Our living, loving environment needs all of our love to heal us, hold us, and help us love each other...Rebecca Tacosa Gray

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    Last edited by Anonymous Angel; 03-07-2009 at 11:59 PM.
    I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free. ~MichelangeloTHE PROSECUTION OF THE GODS AND ANGELSBEYOND PARADISE[/B] [/URL][/B]THE CHURCH OF LOVE ...Rebecca Tacosa Gray Un Univers De L'Ange [B]Become an Angel Once a Year...Donate to Charity. [URL=""]

  2. #2
    Haribol Acharya blazeofglory's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    These are very interesting things to read. Highly illuminating in point of fact.

    “Those who seek to satisfy the mind of man by hampering it with ceremonies and music and affecting charity and devotion have lost their original nature””

    “If water derives lucidity from stillness, how much more the faculties of the mind! The mind of the sage, being in repose, becomes the mirror of the universe, the speculum of all creation.

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