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Thread: Write about the book (s) you are reading.

  1. #1
    Haribol Acharya blazeofglory's Avatar
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    Write about the book (s) you are reading.

    I am reading the book 'the world is flat'. This is really an intersiting book, and I find it as one of the most relevant ones in today' context. In fact this book tells us about how we are webbed or entangled in a net today. No matter whereto we belong geographically, politically, culturally, politically, ideologically, professionally we are one, just one being.

    The book is generally about global integration or globalization and with particular reference to trade and commerce that have been in point of fact driving forces in unifying us across myriad diversities and divergences.

    This is really an insightful book and that helps us feel closer and closer notwithstanding the fact that we are globally dispersed here and there.

    “Those who seek to satisfy the mind of man by hampering it with ceremonies and music and affecting charity and devotion have lost their original nature””

    “If water derives lucidity from stillness, how much more the faculties of the mind! The mind of the sage, being in repose, becomes the mirror of the universe, the speculum of all creation.

  2. #2
    Registered User Captain_Kuchiki's Avatar
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    Pretty cool-sounding book. I think I saw posters for that at Border's a few days ago. I'm reading Brisingr, the sequel to Eldest and Eragon. It continues the struggle of Eragon and the Varden rebels against the oppressive and evil King Galbatorix. It's kind of slow but has good and sometimes poetic wording and descriptions, and is more than a mindless brawler. Good read during boring classes at school ;]

  3. #3
    Soulless Student Serenity5815's Avatar
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    I'm currently re-reading two things. One, for my literature class, is Oedipus Rex, a play by Sophocles. If you know anything about the Oedipus Complex (devised by Freud), then you'll have an idea of what it's about. I read it for my senior English class last year, and I'm reading it again in college. Well, skimming and looking at my notes from class last year, because it's college, why study? I'm also re-reading Good Omens, by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. It's about the apocalypse, but a demon and an angel don't want it to end. To stop it, though, they need the Antichrist, and they've lost him. It's absolutely hysterical, and only minimal knowledge of the Bible is necessary (basic idea of Revelations).

  4. #4
    Registered User DiegodeBrito's Avatar
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    en mis sueños
    "Lo confieso, mi corazón ha cambiado hace tiempo. Hollado bajo los pies como un timido gusano, se ha vengado como la serpiente. Su únicaesperanza sobre la tierra es tu amor. No brilla para él en el cielo ningún rayo de misericordia; pero esos sentimientos que tú condenas, mi odio a los hombres y mi amor hacia ti, son de tal manera inseparables, que cesaría de amarte si cesara de odiar. Medora ¡desecha todo temor! el pasado es para ti la garantía de mi amor. Vamos, otro esfuerzo sobre tu corazón. Dentro de una hroa te abandono, pero esta vez no por largo tiempo."

    Del libro "El corsario y Lara" de Lord Byron, una edición impresa en Barcelona 1920...

    Un libro de bolsillo que recomiendo a cualquier romantico, esa es solo una parte del libro que encuentro en su totalidad (hasta l oque he leido) maravillosamente melancolico, apasionado, bravo, casi autobiografico para L B y para mi mismo.

    Lord Byron lo encuentro el genio de la literatura que rima con cada latido del corazón sufriente que anhela seguir sufriendo de esa ignea flecha tan deliciosa...

  5. #5
    Registered User studentcredit's Avatar
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    I heard about that book, in fact my friend recommend it to me. But I forgot to read it. It is good for business and economics. Thanks for the heads up!
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  6. #6
    Plus Ultra
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    Knocking blazeofglory- who is the author of the book you talked about?I don't have too clear an idea about globalization, but my impression of globalization as an inhabitant of a third world country is that- it's a new trick of the developed countries suck all the strength out of the developing and undeveloped countries, a new way of strengthening capitalism, feeding it with the residual peace and properties of the poor countries, leaving them poorer than ever. It's not only my opinion, but also the opinion of most of the people of the undermined countries about globalization.
    No offense blazeofglory, just wanted to share my view.

    Presently I'm going through "Midnight's children" written by Salman Rushdie. It's a good book and very well written as far as I understand. It's about the history of India, written in a way as if history has been personified in this book. The writer is extremely clever and smart in his style of telling the story. I'm only half way through it. I'll talk about it when I'm finished with it.

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