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Thread: The Princess Chronicles: VIII + +

  1. #46
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    In the beginning,
    The first words from you reached my screen,
    My heart missed a beat,
    And I allowed myself to hope.

    You do know that hope is a great part of me.
    I hoped that, maybe, this PrinceMyshkin man
    Could be interested in sharing more with me.

    He wrote such beautiful poems,
    Had some wise comments
    And, as I was timidly arriving,
    He took my hand firmly
    And with immense tenderness at the same time.
    He was a stranger still,
    But his touch felt familiar.

    A part of myself,
    The part that you are helping me to fight
    Was telling me that Jerry Newman could not possibly
    Find all this beauty in me.

    What a surprise!
    What a delight!
    When I realized he did!

    You teach me all that you know
    You inspire me to write poems
    You love me wholeheartedly
    You make me want to open myself and to give you everything I find in me...

    You make the baby and the woman in me
    Shake hands!

    How could I not be myself
    When this myself is adored
    And celebrated?
    When I see this wonderful myself in your eyes and in your smile?

    How sweet that this name
    Which, before I met you,
    Was only the one of a cute little mouse,
    Became my happiness!

  2. #47
    Something's gotta give PrinceMyshkin's Avatar
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    "You must be the change you want to see in the world." Gandhi

  3. #48
    Something's gotta give PrinceMyshkin's Avatar
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    PX XXI: Wait!

    Wait! Wait! We exclaim at each other
    over the intermittent fidelity
    of our voice connection with each other.

    Wait! Wait! We bid each other silently
    as time and the passport office
    withhold each other from each other’s
    arms. Time is a liar and a cheat!

    Time is a murderer as I repeat
    to you over and over again
    Wait! Wait! I will be there!
    I will certainly be there
    and there will be here

    and here will be everywhere,
    but meanwhile, Wait! Wait!
    Wait... for me!
    "You must be the change you want to see in the world." Gandhi

  4. #49
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    First, allow me to quote the great poem by Galway Kinnel, entitled ‘Wait’.

    Wait, for now.
    Distrust everything, if you have to.
    But trust the hours. Haven't they
    carried you everywhere, up to now?
    Personal events will become interesting again.
    Hair will become interesting.
    Pain will become interesting.
    Buds that open out of season will become lovely again.
    Second-hand gloves will become lovely again,
    their memories are what give them
    the need for other hands. And the desolation
    of lovers is the same: that enormous emptiness
    carved out of such tiny beings as we are
    asks to be filled; the need
    for the new love is faithfulness to the old.

    Don't go too early.
    You're tired. But everyone's tired.
    But no one is tired enough.
    Only wait a while and listen.
    Music of hair,
    Music of pain,
    music of looms weaving all our loves again.
    Be there to hear it, it will be the only time,
    most of all to hear,
    the flute of your whole existence,
    rehearsed by the sorrows, play itself into total exhaustion.

    Now, in your last poem, I love this:

    I will certainly be there
    and there will be here

    and here will be everywhere,

    Beautifully written, lover!


    While we are waiting
    Desire grows
    Computer files are nourished
    With more words.

    While we are waiting
    Feelings are experienced:
    Patience, longing, despair...
    What ifs...

    While we are waiting
    Each little syllable
    From each other’s voice
    Is welcomed
    Into open arms

    Be loved!

    When my skin
    Reaches out to yours,
    Minds will be overwhelmed;
    Words will caress ears;
    Hands will stroke secret places;
    Smiles will melt into kisses;
    Prolonged, passionate sharing.

    No more waiting.

    Rest inside ―
    Of me.
    Let my hand
    Learn every inch
    Of your skin
    By heart.

    Till our breath slows down
    Till the covers of our eyelids put our pupils to sleep
    Till a reassuring darkness envelops us
    Till all that you feel
    Is my hand in yours,
    Here, or there, but always
    At home.

  5. #50
    Something's gotta give PrinceMyshkin's Avatar
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    PC: XXII Everybody knows something different from everybody else!

    Would you believe
    my lover berates herself
    for not knowing this or that
    which, she believes, everyone else
    in the entire world knows and so
    she must be an inadequate, inferior person!

    She who has already explored
    the geography and geometry
    of her own heart and mind,
    the Amazons, the Orinocos, the
    cloud-splitting Himalayas,
    the black, black-holes,
    the super-novas and white dwarf
    stars, the entire swirling
    never-to-be entirely comprehended
    multiverse out-there
    and in her beautiful, capacious mind!

    Everybody knows something different
    from everybody else!
    You know yourself and
    you know me...
    "You must be the change you want to see in the world." Gandhi

  6. #51
    Not politically correct Pendragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PrinceMyshkin View Post

    Would you believe
    my lover berates herself
    for not knowing this or that
    which, she believes, everyone else
    in the entire world knows and so
    she must be an inadequate, inferior person!

    She who has already explored
    the geography and geometry
    of her own heart and mind,
    the Amazons, the Orinocos, the
    cloud-splitting Himalayas,
    the black, black-holes,
    the super-novas and white dwarf
    stars, the entire swirling
    never-to-be entirely comprehended
    multiverse out-there
    and in her beautiful, capacious mind!

    Everybody knows something different
    from everybody else!
    You know yourself and
    you know me...
    Sounds like a good time to lower the lights and put on Jim Croce:

    Time In a Bottle

    If I could save time in a bottle
    The first thing that Id like to do
    Is to save every day
    Till eternity passes away
    Just to spend them with you

    If I could make days last forever
    If words could make wishes come true
    Id save every day like a treasure and then,
    Again, I would spend them with you

    But there never seems to be enough time
    To do the things you want to do
    Once you find them
    Ive looked around enough to know
    That you're the one I want to go
    Through time with

    If I had a box just for wishes
    And dreams that had never come true
    The box would be empty
    Except for the memory
    Of how they were answered by you

    But there never seems to be enough time
    To do the things you want to do
    Once you find them
    Ive looked around enough to know
    That you're the one I want to go
    Through time with

    Jim Croce - 1972

    Some of us laugh
    Some of us cry
    Some of us smoke
    Some of us lie
    But it's all just the way
    that we cope with our lives...

  7. #52
    Something's gotta give PrinceMyshkin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pendragon View Post
    Sounds like a good time to lower the lights and put on Jim Croce:

    Time In a Bottle
    WHAT! Are you telling me that that so-and-so was writing songs to my sweetheart!!!!

    Lovely song, thanks...
    "You must be the change you want to see in the world." Gandhi

  8. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pendragon View Post
    Sounds like a good time to lower the lights and put on Jim Croce:

    Time In a Bottle

    If I could save time in a bottle
    The first thing that Id like to do
    Is to save every day
    Till eternity passes away
    Just to spend them with you

    If I could make days last forever
    If words could make wishes come true
    Id save every day like a treasure and then,
    Again, I would spend them with you

    But there never seems to be enough time
    To do the things you want to do
    Once you find them
    Ive looked around enough to know
    That you're the one I want to go
    Through time with

    If I had a box just for wishes
    And dreams that had never come true
    The box would be empty
    Except for the memory
    Of how they were answered by you

    But there never seems to be enough time
    To do the things you want to do
    Once you find them
    Ive looked around enough to know
    That you're the one I want to go
    Through time with

    Jim Croce - 1972

    Thank you, dear guardian of our love, you're always there to put some sweet words in here... you warm up our hearts!

  9. #54
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    I’ve studied the black-holes,
    And I know every inch of my own darkness
    Some of which you have brightened
    With a mere brush of your hand

    I know the complexity
    Of my mind
    Where the virgin princess
    Curiously stares at the nasty girl,
    While the baby, weeping,
    Searches for the woman.

    Your hands, again, reach out to my inside
    Brush away the wetness
    Of the tears,
    Hold the baby tight
    And rock it, while you are singing:
    Hush, little Sophie, don’t say a word,
    Jerry’s going to buy you a mockingbird...
    And if that mockingbird don’t sing
    Jerry’s going to buy you a diamond ring...

    Yes...I know You, Jerry,
    ― Mein man, mein geliebteh ―
    And I’ve learnt more about Sophie
    Since I’ve been looking at her through your eyes;
    I know this ‘us’ that we are creating.
    The baby-love we have given birth to.

    Look at how it smiles at us, its innocent face
    Holding one of those mysteries
    That is never to be fathomed out!

  10. #55
    Something's gotta give PrinceMyshkin's Avatar
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    Imagine! If you and I were reading these exchanges between two other people here, what would we think of them, of this? That we are two besotted souls who have fallen in love with their own fantasy? An old man flattered by the attentions of a much, much younger woman - or girl, rather? A girl with a father-fixation, flattered by an older men, a former professor, published author with a facility for words and all the time in the world to court her and fill her otherwise somewhat lonely hours?

    You know my pessimism! As I know your stubborn hopefulness!

    But let the world look on at us, however it will... some with suspicion; some even with derision; and one or two who themselves have risked everything for love, with comradeship!

    How happy I am! Scared? Of course! AND happy...
    "You must be the change you want to see in the world." Gandhi

  11. #56
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    If I was reading these exchanges between two other people? I would think ‘how lucky they are! How I would love to be loved that way, to count that much in the eyes of another!’. This is magical to me. This is beautiful. Love is so precious and should never be judged. So, I would not judge those two people.
    As I told you, yes I do find a father in you, and that does not disturb me because love has no boundaries. I am not scared of feeling that way. My love for you is multiple. People might want to try to find reasons behind this love, reasons that would make it an immoral love, but, for my part, I just wish to experience this love because it makes me happy, and it has the same effect on you. You are a wonderful man, with a great intelligence, and I am happy to be the one who brings you happiness.
    Your pessimism will have to deal with my hopefulness. When we ignore what the future will bring, why choose to wait for catastrophes? Wonderful events have equal chances to happen! What if a wonderful event happens and you have wasted time in expecting something bad? And if things turn wrong, at least you will have spent some time filled with hope before having to deal with problems, eh?
    Love is worth the risks, always... Of course we can be scared, but whenever we feel that way, we will have each other’s arms where we can find protection and reassurance.

    How I love you, Jerry!

  12. #57
    Not politically correct Pendragon's Avatar
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    As you both know, I read the exchanges between the two of you with that outsider's point of view. Love is like a river, it will follow the path that it must. Among my mountains is a place well known worldwide, about two hours drive: The New River Gorge Bridge. Bungee jumpers and base jumpers come from everywhere to take that plunge. And The New River does something odd. It flows North, instead of South, even though that meant cutting through a mountain. Had it turned South, it would have quickly come to flat sandy soil.

    Love is that way. One word love doesn't know is "impossible". Once you understand that, there are no barriers that cannot be breached.

    So I find nothing unusual about the two of you, except that you expect people to find you unusual. People who look for something always find it, even if they have to invent it. If they cannot see the beauty of your dreams and desires, allow them to sit in the darkness and gripe. They will anyway.

    Go on with the blessings of one who knows himself what it means to have people not always understand. But I'm fortunate enough to understand love.

    Some of us laugh
    Some of us cry
    Some of us smoke
    Some of us lie
    But it's all just the way
    that we cope with our lives...

  13. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pendragon View Post
    As you both know, I read the exchanges between the two of you with that outsider's point of view. Love is like a river, it will follow the path that it must. Among my mountains is a place well known worldwide, about two hours drive: The New River Gorge Bridge. Bungee jumpers and base jumpers come from everywhere to take that plunge. And The New River does something odd. It flows North, instead of South, even though that meant cutting through a mountain. Had it turned South, it would have quickly come to flat sandy soil.

    Love is that way. One word love doesn't know is "impossible". Once you understand that, there are no barriers that cannot be breached.

    So I find nothing unusual about the two of you, except that you expect people to find you unusual. People who look for something always find it, even if they have to invent it. If they cannot see the beauty of your dreams and desires, allow them to sit in the darkness and gripe. They will anyway.

    Go on with the blessings of one who knows himself what it means to have people not always understand. But I'm fortunate enough to understand love.

    Thank you for your kind words. That is true, that love does not know what 'impossible' means.
    I like your 'People who look for something always find it, even if they have to invent it.', this might be true! And in several ways. This might be the case for people who want to criticize and judge us, BUT this might also work for Jer and I, if we expect people to judge! This could nourish paranoid thoughts!

    Thanks again, Pen, for your wise words.

  14. #59
    Something's gotta give PrinceMyshkin's Avatar
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    PC XXIV: The road to true love

    “The road to true love
    never does run smooth,”
    they say, but they say
    anything to cover up the pause
    in the conversation of the wise.

    It’s not the road
    but those who walk on it
    with unsteady legs, tottering
    from scandal to shame,
    stumbling or worse,
    needing to stumble.

    But love will smooth the way.
    Love will point out the boulders,
    the pot-holes, the brambles
    extending over the path.
    Love is the extended hand
    at once gentle and strong.
    "You must be the change you want to see in the world." Gandhi

  15. #60
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    Over the path of our love,
    Were friendly branches
    Gently holding us as we were walking;
    I knew those branches would prevent us
    From falling too hard to the ground.
    ―Just in case―
    I never thought we could really fall.
    ―Not this way―

    With a violent brush of your hand
    The branches were broken
    And we fell.
    So unexpectedly!
    So hard!
    In the fall, my heart made a cracking sound;
    I injured myself
    And lost some blood
    Along with part of my trust in you.

    In the fall,
    I desperatly tried to reach out to your hand
    Even knowing that this was the very hand that had slapped me
    With the violence of your confession.
    Tempest, storm, hurricane
    Destroying part of our castle.
    ––Damaged communication
    ––Chaos in letters
    When, with your shameful desire, teachers became cheaters.

    I woke up today, and it was still raining.
    On our world, in my eyes.
    The acid rain is being replaced by a cleansing one
    As my tears are washing away anger and hurt.

    When I meet you,
    There will be no words.
    Only a silent hug
    And the anxious hope of feeling
    Holding us, too, and still there, as it
    Waters the trees
    To make new branches grow.

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