Hello, I have recently stumbled upon your wonderful website, whilst trying to learn more about a couple of my favourite poets, namely John Betjeman and William Blake.

Incidentally, I am also studying them for my A2 Lit exam, which is a week today. I have to compare the two poets, using the Songs of Innocence and of Experience and some selected Betjeman works.

Anyway... I am just wondering about how the events of Blake's lifetime may have affected his work. I know from research that he lived through the American Revolution and also the French Revolution, and from the little that I know about him, I assume he would have been in favour...?? Furthermore, I know that he lived through the Industrial Revolution, although living in London, I'm not sure how much of an effect this will have had; 'The Tiger ' certainly makes me think industry though...

Now i didn't last long on my History course - I'm not one for learning facts, and when you spend year after year covering Nazi Germany in ever so slightly more depth each time, it does get rather tedious - so any help would be wonderful, and it's quite an interesting topic if you ask me!