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Thread: "Never going to Betray?"

  1. #1

    "Never going to Betray?"

    I remember Julia and Winston pledging to one another that they would never give each other up. In the later part of the book O'Brien informs Winston that Julia gave him away and explained everything. I'm wondering why Julia gave everything away. She was the one who wanted the relationship to last the longest right? Or were they just looking for companions to talk to? Please explain why she told the Thought Police everything.

  2. #2
    PSh...she was a weakling. Through out the novel it was Winston who wanted to go against the government, while Julia just wanted to have a good time. I remember in one part Winston was trying to have a conversation with her, and she shut him down. He then told her that her rebellion was only from the waist down. Also, when they were given the book thingy, she couldn't have cared less about what was in it.

    However, I do not remember what you speak of...did it happen once they had been caught, or was it before? Could O'Brien have already known about thier betrayal and he only said that to hurt Winston??

    Also Winston tells the reader that nothing can be kept from the secret police once they start to interrogate, is it possible that Julia caved in then??

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    i dont think she did tell everything to the thoguht police... i think that they said that hoping to get Winston to tell them everything why wanted to know....i mean remember when O'brien said that if they are will to be split apart..( or something like that).. julia yelled no.. so i dont think that she did tell the thought police anything.

  4. #4
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    Jan 2006
    i've read the novel a few times and i think winston and julia betrayed themselves....."big brother" hears and sees in that case julia and winston were tortured to admit to their "crimespeak" and "thoughtcrimes" but not to snitch on each other.

  5. #5
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    It could be true that Julia didn't even give Winston away at all. I think it was just a way to get Winston to feel weak like he had no one to hold on to. This would make him feel like he had no one to live for. I think it was a way for Big Brother to trap Winston and see if he would admit to all his sins against the government.

  6. #6
    I think mostly what they were trying to do is show Winston that hes alone, they tell him No Julia isnt with you she confessed she blew you in your alone you have nobody left, nobody cares about you now. Its a way to wear him down demoralize him, like starving him they are simply making him give in to the power of Big Brother. I would assume they are very efficient in knowing how to wear someone out, and subject them to an idea that they had previously dispized.
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  7. #7
    Registered User mangamagna's Avatar
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    these are the facts the book 1984 lays down, yes they did betray each other remember they saw each other after being tortured and they really felt nothing towards each other. also, we cannot personally critize what they went through since we ourselves most probably havent gone through that same sensation of being tortured physically, mentally, and emotionally. the party knew all of their weaknesses and brought them to light so that they would give up absolutley everything they believed or had feeling in except the party and BB.
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