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Thread: Ironic

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Angry Ironic

    You guys know how big brother makes it illegal for any writng like papers and notes and such and also how big brother makes it so you dont show any emotion whats so ever. Well i find it kind of ironic how winston works for the minstery of truth and his job is to change the truth or lie. Wiston bascially works for big brother but he dosnt follow the law with his lady freind. At first he wants to bash her brains out with a rock and now he's toching and and playing with her fingers even when he know that he could get caught by all the cameras . He Knows how big brother works yet he is still seeing her. It all started with her giving him a "NOTE" that says i love you "WEIRD". Does anyone else find this weird and ironic?

  2. #2
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    Thumbs up i agree

    i think that its very wierd that they are "seeing each other" because it doesnt make sence if you dont have emotions how can you "love" someone. its like what my teacher said "its not really love its just need."

  3. #3
    Registered User Teacher's Avatar
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    It is ironic that he works for the government and goes against them and date the girlbut he knows he is going to get caugt, so why does he keep dating julia?

  4. #4
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    yeah I agreee too

    I think it's pretty wierd too that winston is in a way supporting Big Brother bye doing the work he does, but then disagrees with the ways of the government. If he disarees so much with the Big Brother why wouldnt he maybe somehow screw up his work in order to let out some of the real truth?

  5. #5
    I find this to not be werid at all. Winston unlike most of the other people in the book thinks outside of the box. HE knows how BB works so he knows the loop holes in the system. WInston also is have realtions with Julia as a rebelin against BB.

  6. #6
    I believe that Winston doesn't know what love is, he just wants someone to be there with him.How would he know what "LOVE" is if he has no emotitions????

  7. #7
    Registered User Vedrana's Avatar
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    I think what you forget is that Winston is living in a country where there is little choice but to do the work he does. He does it just as a job, not because he really wants to. And it does open him to the workings of Big Brother, which proves useful later in the book.

    What Orwell is saying is that it is virtually impossible to live without emotion. The system is designed so that people don't show emotion, but you can't NOT have emotion. It's sort of like controlling your temper so that people can't tell you're angry, but you are in fact angry.

    The way Winston feels about's hard to say. I guess you could say that it's necessity. That's definitely true when you consider that psychologists regard sex as well as human affiliation as being needs for humans and their development (sex being the more basic of the two). But in any case, yes, it's a rebellion against Big Brother.

    I suppose that maybe the way that Winston feels about Julia and stays with her is sort of demonstrating that when we love someone, we'll do anything, even if it means getting caught. Maybe that's what Orwell meant. As for the note saying 'I love you', if you lived in a world where people didn't express emotion, how would you know how to tell someone other than through the cold, detatched medium of paper and 'ink pencil'?

    Anyway...just some ideas

  8. #8
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    I think that Winston does his job but violates the law by having julia because he hates the government deeply but he doesnt want to get caught he knows he will but he doesnt want to. julia feels the same way but she has been doing this much longer so both Winston and Julia work for the government and help it but then again hurt it

  9. #9
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    Parish NY
    ok...we all know Winston is against BB 100%. and when Julia gave him that letter, he knew it was against BB and thats what made it even better. sure, Julia could be playing a trick, she could be with the Secret Police, but he takes that chance w/ he has a bit of hope that could change everything! think about it...something uk could NEVER happen, but something gives u what u want....or u think it is....well then dont u have a bit more hope then u had before that it could be true. same with Winston. and the hope isn't so much to have someone to love (caz we all know its not love), but to have someone feel the same way about him and BB. and the relationship between Winston and Julia is like a rebellious thing, which makes it even better to be against the gov't. and seriously, i dont think Winston cares so much about getting caught...i mean he does...but he'd rather risk it all to rebel against Winston then to go along w/ the BB.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    i agree with can't have life without feeling 1000 different can't live without being attracted to can't think 1 way all the time unless you're insane.....i guess that's what manipulation/control i.e. totalitarianism is about...controlled insanity

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