Does anyone recall the extraordinary novels penned by John Champlin Gardner (_Grendel_, _Sunlight Dialogues_, _October Light_, for a few titles)? His work, one of which won the National Book Award in 1976, transcended most other fiction and at least one, _Jason and Medea_, was the most extraordinary prose poem, which still resonates deep in the spirit, if read aloud.
That is the "test" I apply to each novel I pick up. Open and read a few lines aloud, quietly, and if they resonate deep down, I proceed.
So many "novels" in these times resemble TV programs, sans any resonance deep in the spirit. There is too little literature, and too much storytelling without a hint of literate creation. Its amazing. But then, given the new ownership of the great publishing houses, by giant media corporation, who's bottom line is "profit," perhaps tis no surprise; however, for one who worked in libraries and bookstores for a lifetime, it is rather a sad prospect - to see the bestseller lists populated with pap....