Ahh...I really hated this book. It was boring, there was no action of any sort, the "romance" was irritating, and it was making way too big a point about being depressing. Things shouldn't scream, "OH MY GOD! LOOK AT ME! I'M SO DEPRESSING! LOOK! LOOK! DEPRESSING! COME ON!! I'M DEPRESSING! LOOOOK!" If they do, it greatly reduces the depressing feeling. The depressing-ness should creep in...Infect everything without drawing attention to itself. This does not do that. Chaper 9 was incredibly stupid. I kept getting the feeling I was reading a page over again. And it was a very unrealistic chapter. Amazing. The closest thing to action, and it's one of the crappiest parts of the book. No, THE crappiest. *sighs* It would be better if this essay I have to write were about the book in general and not FLORA SHE USED TO CONVEY A MOOD. God. I could write this in a few sentences. "Edith Wharton used dead-looking Larch trees to make it even MORE annoyingly clear that the situation screams 'depressing.' "<br><br>But that wouldn't work. It has to be "interesting." *sighs* I should work on it...