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Thread: Simply the Best

  1. #1
    Grey Phantom

    Simply the Best

    Someone will say the book is too easy, but a Classic which has inspired hundreds of artist such as Iron Maiden or Lloyd Weber isn't something to be taken as a "child's book". It has mistery, it has suspense, it has the most famous villain ever created, it has THE final... it has everything the All Time Classics must have. <br><br>I have read tons of books (including The Lord of the Rings and everything Tolkien wrote; yes, the Phantom is shorter thant The Lord of the Rings, but both are to be readen over and over and over again) Leroux may not be Tolkien, Cervantes or Shakespeare; but he created a book that made everyone who ever went to a theater whisper "And what if the Phantom appear?"; To cause that effect on people, you must be really a fantastic writter.<br><br>Of course there are some who will read Harry Potter or Stephen King... or even Danielle Steel (who are the Comercial Books) instead of the Phantom, but, you know... Good Literature is not for everyone... not all the people enjoy the Classics...

  2. #2
    POTO Phan
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Under the Opera House, composing.
    Yes, it is a classic. My favorite book. I happen to share the idea that not everyone enjoys the classics. The ones I have read, I enjoy immensly.
    Totally Obsessed Phantom Phan!

    I am also a fan of: Lion King, High School Musical, Harry Potter, Disney in general, Days of Our Lives, Musicals in general, Dr. Seuss and Grinch!

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