Delving into the spiritual wealth of world on this thread so feel free to join. The main rule is to be creatively disordered, as per the Principia Discordia; so in other words be positive, be kind, but also be chaotic a little bit or irreverent of all that is destructive, ordered, destructively ordered, or built on false or harmful ideologies that exist or do not exist.

Especially painful are those who attack others form the shadows, and so forth. Anything that promotes over-seriousness, and so forth; painfulness, idiocy, and so on and so forth; in the beginning I would like to talk about PEACE GOD, or Peace Demigod; or God of Peace or whatever you would like to call his name, Peace of God, or Demigod of Peace or a thousand other translations you could perhaps come up with for his name but they are all false; because translation is never perfect.

How can I laugh at the previous over-seriousness of the past? I dunno but I think my billions-of-years engineered-by-evolution nervous system can probably do the trick, so I will try. Laugh. Yeah worked. No typo. Pleasant laughter not crazy.

Okay here is Mr. Shantideva: NO QUOTES. Only from memory. So do not share anything unless you have a pretty good, pretty far out, pretty awesome, fairly amazing, wonderful good perfect memory and sense of memory, peace and time. In other words only post what goes into your head. and Make sure it only comes from a good place.

My basically dear fiend God of Peace said this (but first the flew up in to the sky a few meters, so the people would take him seriously.)

I'm going to paraphrase a little.

(First I would like to thank those that came before me)
in a very verbose manner I shall praise them,
and praise them with beautiful words,
and I shall devote all the earth to them,
and beautiful gems and stones,
and paradises of heavens and angelic beings,
all of these I devote and give to them.
(I lay myself at their feet)
and give to them my failings,
my successes, and my wisdom.
I lay all my failings and virtues at their feet.
In my heart I give to them all my future merit,
And I pray they will stay in the world for eons to come.

(This is for dedication)

Awakening mind -- this is the thing which is best.
Of all the things on earth it's truly the best.
It will help you get Enlightened-Nature,
with which you can enlighten the world.
It is the brightest thing in the universe;
And in this Awakening mind all is dissolved.
Always like a Sun it will eliminate failings,
And exactly like the Sun it will cure wrong.
But it is only half -- Awakening mind is part of it,
but what is the difference between waking up, and awake?
How do we know if we have gotten there?
First we must actually begin the journey - so,
An awakening mind can be looked at in two stages:
One that wants to awaken and one that endeavors to do so:
If we wish to go to Britain but never set out to do so,
we'll never have the enjoyment of all that is to offer there.
-- Awakening mind is like this; it must be ventured to achieve.

Ok that's all for today.