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Thread: Ha-ha! The Wolf is Back!

  1. #61
    The Wolf of Larsen WolfLarsen's Avatar
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    All the Mayors of Chicago Both Past and Present
    Can Eat and Drink from My Toilet Bowl!
    a poem by Wolf Larsen

    My Symphonies have Wrecking Balls in them!
    All my paintings have giant testicles in them!
    Testicles are the highest form of learning that man has ever known!
    Then all the policemen begin dancing in the Yellow Rain erupting from my penis!
    Then I serve a delicious Buffet of everything that comes out of my *** to the bourgeoisie!
    And instead of using toilet paper I invite all the politicians to lick my ***
    in order to save the environment!
    And now I write symphonies full of flying hatchets
    And Now I write literature full of music
    And All the modern dancers begin dancing to my orgasms
    And suddenly all the police dancing in my yellow rain
    turn into pink flamingos kissing the *** of the proletariat
    Let the proletariat be a tidal wave crossing across the planet Earth!
    Let the proletariat Deliver Us from these rotten governments full of prostitutes!
    Let the proletariat save us from the mushroom clouds!
    Let the proletariat save us from these two kinds of political diarrhea
    known as Demopublican and Republicrat!

    Copyright 2019 by Wolf Larsen
    "...the ramblings of a narcissistic, self-obsessed, deranged mind."
    My poetry, plays, novels, & other stuff on Amazon: Larsen

  2. #62
    The Wolf of Larsen WolfLarsen's Avatar
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    I am The Greatest Jism Ever!
    a poem by Wolf Larsen

    I carve My Poetry into your flesh!
    I ejaculate my songs all over your naked skin!
    My Music opens up your legs!
    My whip on your skin is the greatest joy!
    Because all the Cockroaches love me!
    Because all the Rats of the city surrender to me!
    Satan worships me!
    God is my errand boy!
    God created transvestite unicorns with humongous Penises while I was busy jacking off!
    But that's a lie!
    Because I Wolf Larsen the Poet created all the delicious-magical-eyeballs you eat!
    Because I Wolf Larsen the Poet gave birth to the Great Religion of Cannibalism!
    And the Italian Renaissance began with My Jism!
    Because My Jism is Magic!
    Because My Jism is a white-gooey-symphony!
    And that is why everyone on the planet Earth
    Worships My Jism!
    I Wolf Larsen am Jism!

    Copyright 2019 by Wolf Larsen
    "...the ramblings of a narcissistic, self-obsessed, deranged mind."
    My poetry, plays, novels, & other stuff on Amazon: Larsen

  3. #63
    The Wolf of Larsen WolfLarsen's Avatar
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    Psycho Bananas Inside Your Science Teacher
    a poem by Wolf Larsen

    I fill the sky with all my fantasies
    I jump out of the sky
    and I simultaneously land on all the planets!
    I fly with wings into new symphonies
    that jump out of all of your penises!
    And your penises are now all flying away to other solar systems
    as all of you watch and cry!
    And I watch and laugh!
    I fly dinosaurs into new television commercials...
    And I urinate Boogie Oogie Oogie music all over the police officers!
    And then the poem trips on a castrated penis on the sidewalk?
    As all the passerby sing radio commercials?
    And then there’s all the planets & suns & moons on the subway train...
    Because the subway train is full of those kinds of things!
    Especially when we smear lemon meringue pie all over our naked bodies!!
    And that's when the Penguins of Antarctica stare at us...
    as if we had all stuck our tongues inside the vaginas of space aliens!
    But I only stick my tongue inside of space-alien-vaginas on Thursday...
    Because Thursday is when the rich-&-powerful walk the red carpet...
    to the guillotine

    Copyright 2019 by Wolf Larsen
    "...the ramblings of a narcissistic, self-obsessed, deranged mind."
    My poetry, plays, novels, & other stuff on Amazon: Larsen

  4. #64
    The Wolf of Larsen WolfLarsen's Avatar
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    Warning: Stop reading now if you are upset by obscenity or are very religious! You have been warned!

    Since there are No Public Toilets for Me to Pee, and Since I was Recently Nearly Shot by the Chicago Police for the Crime of Peeing on a Tree, I Hereby Urinate all over the Chicago Police Department in this Poem...
    A poem by Wolf Larsen

    1,000 clones of Me jump out of the toilet while you're taking a piss!
    Then suddenly you turn into 10,000 giraffes
    flying all over your mother's mind!
    But while you're in the Middle Ages your Penis is in the 22nd century!
    So that's when millions of ladybugs begin devouring your body
    As they sing space alien music to you
    Space alien music sounds like two police officers beating up a middle-aged man
    For peeing on a tree
    And that's why thousands of Demopublican & Republicrat politicians
    dancing in your testicles while they give toothpaste speeches about
    Invading & bombing all the nations on Earth
    Is the reason that the sun is shining...
    Somewhere else

    Copyright 2019 by Wolf Larsen
    Last edited by WolfLarsen; 12-25-2019 at 01:33 PM.
    "...the ramblings of a narcissistic, self-obsessed, deranged mind."
    My poetry, plays, novels, & other stuff on Amazon: Larsen

  5. #65
    The Wolf of Larsen WolfLarsen's Avatar
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    Exclamation Two More Poems

    A Sky Made Out of Hemorrhoids
    a poem by Wolf Larsen

    My brains fall out of my butthole
    And land all over the city
    And the city flies away into somebody else's brains
    As the symphony jumps off the planet Earth
    And into a television commercial about hemorrhoids
    And that’s when thousands of the television actor’s thoughts
    Suddenly jump out of her face and become reality
    And reality suddenly becomes a drunken - schizophrenia - of - a - painting
    That's being painted by a house cat high on acid
    In a century made out of orange peels
    On a planet made out of string beans

    Copyright 2019 by Wolf Larsen

    The Trailer Park of Three Testicles
    a poem by Wolf Larsen

    You lose your head somewhere in Egypt
    And you lose your feet somewhere in Peru
    And your poetry is fornicating with a humongous lizard in Vietnam
    And no one is quite sure where your testicles are
    But your testicles are safe and sound on the moon
    And your penis is penetrating the planet of Jupiter
    While you're driving your Toyota off a cliff
    In Chicago
    But since Chicago has no cliffs
    The poem suddenly begins revolving-&-revolving around thousands of orangutans’ heads
    In the rainforest that's crawling out of your crotch
    While you sing herpes to the space station
    That's orbiting around God's penis

    Copyright 2019 by Wolf Larsen
    "...the ramblings of a narcissistic, self-obsessed, deranged mind."
    My poetry, plays, novels, & other stuff on Amazon: Larsen

  6. #66
    The Wolf of Larsen WolfLarsen's Avatar
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    It is only a matter of time before I am banned from the literary world because of obscenity. But I will post as long as I can.
    "...the ramblings of a narcissistic, self-obsessed, deranged mind."
    My poetry, plays, novels, & other stuff on Amazon: Larsen

  7. #67
    The Wolf of Larsen WolfLarsen's Avatar
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    Warning: Stop reading now if you are upset by obscenity or are very religious! You have been warned!

    The Italian Renaissance in My Ballsack
    a poem by Wolf Larsen

    The Italian Renaissance in My Ballsack
    Is filled with rabid dogs
    Running around and around in My Ballsack
    As they scream at me to impregnate everything!
    And all the walls of all the buildings in the city
    Suddenly have huge vaginas in them
    And all of the huge vaginas in all of the walls of the city
    Are begging to be impregnated by Me the Poet!
    And I the Poet and My 10,000 poet clones -
    Are the hoard of Wolf Larsen Poets
    Rampaging through the city -
    Impregnating all the buildings with poetry & art & song!
    And all of the women of the world are begging to be impregnated by me!
    They sing together in a chorus of female schizophrenia of want & need!
    That can only be satisfied by the Italian Renaissance in My Ballsack!
    And how could there be a god when there is a Poet named Wolf Larsen?!
    So Me & my 10,000 poetry clones on Horseback with swords drawn -
    We charge through heaven and we spread poetry by slashing & burning & killing
    Because poetry is blood!
    And blood is poetry!
    And then Me & my ten thousand clones we go on to Rampage through the universe -
    We rape all the space aliens -
    We splash poetry all over the walls of their cities from our humongous penises!
    The Italian Renaissance in our Ballsacks now splashing on the walls of cities across the Universe!
    Because the Italian Renaissance in My Ballsack is the best Italian Renaissance of all!
    All of the space aliens throughout the universe shall worship the Italian Renaissance in My Ballsack!
    Only the Italian Renaissance in My Ballsack is the true art!
    The Italian Renaissance in My Ballsack makes me the number one Artist in the universe!
    I stand naked on every channel on your television set
    And I scream poetry at you!
    And the human race gets on their knees
    Before My Poetry!

    Copyright 2019 by Wolf Larsen
    Last edited by WolfLarsen; 12-25-2019 at 01:31 PM.
    "...the ramblings of a narcissistic, self-obsessed, deranged mind."
    My poetry, plays, novels, & other stuff on Amazon: Larsen

  8. #68
    The Wolf of Larsen WolfLarsen's Avatar
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    Warning: do not read this if you have a problem with obscenity! Or if you are very religious!

    Michelangelo Chiseling a Sculpture of wolf Larsen ****ing a Goat up the ***
    a poem by Wolf Larsen

    So I’m ****ing this goat up the ***
    While I'm writing this poem
    On top of your head
    Which is floating in a sky
    That's on another planet
    Being featured on a space alien television show
    for screaming fish with human faces
    Which are now all singing the algebraic equations of homoerotic-monastery-orgies
    Being painted by Cleopatra with a castrated-penis-paintbrush
    As transvestite kangaroos jump all over Washington DC
    A place filled with prostitutes in suits called politicians
    But maybe the poem should zig zag somewhere else
    Maybe the poem should turn millions of skies above you upside down
    As you float in thousands of memories
    Made out of marshmallow armies playing cockroach-genital-music
    somewhere south of the marijuana forest growing out of your genitalia
    On a day made out of crunchy fried goat genitals that are as delicious
    As a top 40 pop song stuck in your dog’s brains

    Copyright 2019 by Wolf Larsen
    "...the ramblings of a narcissistic, self-obsessed, deranged mind."
    My poetry, plays, novels, & other stuff on Amazon: Larsen

  9. #69
    The Wolf of Larsen WolfLarsen's Avatar
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    Exclamation Two More Poems

    Do not read this if you have a problem with obscenity, or if you are very religious. You have been warned!

    Fixing a Scab’s Head with a Tire Iron
    a poem by Wolf Larsen

    Whenever your head is drifting through some song and up into the universe…
    And your penis is growing out of thousands of planets at the same time...
    And you're watching the planet Earth roll down a giant billboard table…
    Where three clones of God are playing pool
    Inside of the fiery hell of a space alien’s ballsack…
    Then you know that the paintings have taken over your mind!
    Then you know that the space aliens have stolen your mind!
    And that's why you have to glue the universe together with your spermatozoa!
    And after that happens you know that the toilet upstairs will overflow with 10,000 circus clowns
    That will come into your apartment and have anal sex with your wife & your dog
    While you watch and masturbate Beethoven's 5th Symphony
    Into the face of the President of the United States of America

    Copyright 2019 by Wolf Larsen

    A Terrorist Slice of Lemon Meringue Pie
    a poem by Wolf Larsen

    I turn my mind into thousands of symphonies & paintings having sex with each other!
    And then I reach into your Ballsack and I pull out thousands of worms running for President of the United States of America!
    It's one of those days when the postman is Charles Manson
    And your Penis is talking to you in thousands of languages from outer space
    and that's when you drink all of the paintings in the art museum until
    You're as drunk as all of the factory chimneys singing Christmas carols & spermatozoa
    To all of the lions inside of Julius Caesar’s Ballsack
    Back when the Pittsburgh Steelers football team used to fly giant cockroaches
    Into the skyscrapers of other planets
    As a terrorist vibrator for all of the flying pink ballerinas in the sky sings opera...
    So now some NSA agent scratching his balls is reading this poem
    As thousands of naked green leprechauns dance on his desk
    Somewhere near that giant venereal disease known as Washington DC
    But since gravity is a lie and flying skyscrapers are made out of pink dildos stacked on top of each other
    We can only shake each other's hands as we stand naked on the North Pole
    Because this poem about America’s First Lady & a German Shepherd having fun in bed together
    Becomes millions & millions of horny German Shepherds parachuting out of the sky
    And making all of the women of the USA happy -
    Very very happy!

    Copyright 2019 by Wolf Larsen
    "...the ramblings of a narcissistic, self-obsessed, deranged mind."
    My poetry, plays, novels, & other stuff on Amazon: Larsen

  10. #70
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    Dear Wolf

    I am anxious to know your take on whether our perception of a real world comes to us by an exercise of thought; or by a simple impression of sense; whether it is the universal that gives the individual reality; or the individual that shapes itself, by some process not explained, into a universal. Whether bodily movements are the causal antecedents of mental functions, or mind rather the reality which gives truth to body. Whether the highest life is a life of thought or a life of action. Whether intellectual also involves moral progress.

    Perhaps in the end, the theory of a creative reason, is the answer to all materialistic theories of the universe.

    As a case in point, Greek thought was determined by ascertainable laws. Whether controlling artistic imagination or penetrating to the objective truth of things, it remained always essentially homogeneous, and worked under the same forms of circumscription, analysis, and opposition. It began with external nature, and with a far distant past; nor could it begin otherwise, for only so could the subjects of its later meditations be reached.

    It is generally thought that Hebraism has been opposed to Hellenism as the educating power whence our love of righteousness is derived, and which alone prevents the orgies of a primitive nature-worship from being still celebrated. And many look on old Roman religion as embodying a sense of duty higher than any bequeathed to us by Greece. The Greeks have, indeed, suffered seriously from their own sincerity. Their literature is a perfect image of their life, reflecting every blot and every flaw, unveiled, uncoloured, and undisguised.

    Still, even taking the records as they stand, it is to Greek rather than to Hebrew or Roman annals that we must look for examples of true virtue; and in Greek literature, earlier than in any other, occur precepts like those which are now held to be most distinctively characteristic of Christian ethics. Our popular theologians are ready enough to admit that Hellenism was providentially the means of giving Christianity a world-wide diffusion; they ignore the fact that it gave the new faith not only wings to fly, but also eyes to see and a soul to love.

    For from very early times there was an intuition of humanity in Hellas which only needed development to become an all-sufficient law of life.

    Thus, Homer sympathizes ardently with his own countrymen, but he never vilifies their enemies. What would he, whose Odysseus will not allow a shout of triumph to be raised over the fallen, have said to Deborah’s exultation at the murder of a suppliant fugitive?

    Courage was, indeed, with him the highest virtue, and Greek literature abounds in martial spirit-stirring tones, but it is nearly always by the necessities of self-defense that this enthusiasm is invoked; with Pindar and Simonides, with Aeschylus and Sophocles, it is resistance to an invader that we find commemorated; and the victories which make Greek history so glorious were won in fighting to repel an unjust aggression perpetrated either by the barbarians or by a tyrant state among the Greeks themselves.

    But unfortunately, the work that Hellas was destined to perform was time limited; it had to be accomplished in a few generations, or not at all.

    The barbarians were forcing their way in on every side, not merely with the weight of invading armies, but with the deadlier pressure of a benumbing superstition, with the brute-worship of Egypt and the devil-worship of Phoenicia, with their delirious orgies, their mutilations, their crucifixions, and their gladiatorial contests.

    Reason, the reason by which these terrors have been exorcised, could only arrive at maturity under the influence of free and uninterrupted discussion carried on by men among themselves in the gymnasium, the agora, the ecclêsia, and the dicastery.

    But whatever were the corruptions of Greek sentiment, Greek philosophy had the power to purge them away. ‘Follow nature’ became the watchword of one school after another; and a precept which at first may have meant only that man should not fall below the brutes, was finally so interpreted as to imply an absolute control of sense by reason.

    It has been said that the Greeks only worshipped beauty; that they cultivated morality from the aesthetic side; that virtue was with them a question, not of duty, but of taste.

    But what a Greek worshipped was the perpetual and ever-present energizing of mind. You will no doubt have some sympathy with this, though in your case unrestrained imagination would take priority.

    Best regards

  11. #71
    The Wolf of Larsen WolfLarsen's Avatar
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    "though in your case unrestrained imagination would take priority."

    You're right about that!

    Two more poems:

    Do not read this if you have a problem with obscenity, or if you are very religious. You have been warned!

    How the Universe was Created from a Dog’s Slobbering Saliva
    a poem by Wolf Larsen

    The planet Earth is one of Wolf Larsen's testicles
    And the Moon is another one of Wolf Larsen's testicles
    And the Sun is Wolf Larsen's third testicle
    Because all of the planets are Wolf Larsen's testicles!
    And Wolf Larsen’s testicles revolve around an infinity of suns
    To the rhythms of a symphony of police batons beating up on protesters
    Around the world -
    a never-ending song being composed by
    Liberal Dixiecrat royalty living in penthouses
    And conservative Republican royalty living in huge mansions -
    But let's talk about your face turning into a painting instead!
    Or maybe drunken lizards in the sky that pee all over America
    On a day when huge testicles are rolling down the streets
    And all of the huge testicles are singing
    The Star Spangled Banner
    as all of the Vikings arrive from outer space
    On giant spermatozoa ships
    That were created inside of a flying baboon’s imagination
    Back when paintings were created by fish -
    Fish that were High on all of the poetry coming out of Smoke Stacks
    Attached to God's head,
    Particularly considering that Genghis Khan was just born yesterday
    In a space station inside of the Virgin Mary's imagination
    2000 years ago
    when the skyscrapers danced across the face of the Earth
    to The rhythms of Your dog's happiness
    As he ****s your wife

    Copyright 2019 by Wolf Larsen

    How to Unscrew the Universe
    A poem by Wolf Larsen

    The universe is a giant vagina
    That I ejaculate my poetry into!
    And as my poetry drips out of the universe
    The 45 presidents of the United States of America dressed as transvestites
    Dance to patriotic oranges & tangerines & watermelons
    Floating in the sky...
    The same sky that’s made out of the rhythms of
    Giant talking spermatozoa
    Standing at the blackboard at school
    Explaining the mathematical equations of goat jism
    And how this applies to the two-party system of
    Demopublican and Republicrat politicians falling out of my *******
    And into The toilet bowl of mainstream American politics
    On a day win all the decapitated heads of the French Revolution are screaming
    The titties of strawberries and
    The buttocks of blueberries
    And the nipples of tax-deductible donations to
    The infinite number of strawberry-ice cream-venereal diseases
    That happily call our names
    Whenever thousands of snakes are slithering all over my poetry
    because where else are you going to find a decent wife
    To dance naked in the street with
    As the giant genital crabs conquer the Earth
    With their endless political speeches,
    And that's why army tanks taste better than chocolate
    especially when our own pubic hairs
    Are growing out of all of the planets
    That float out of our mouths
    As we scream incest & family values
    To all of the attractive robots drooling with sex
    And more sex and more
    Whipped cream on strawberries music
    That touches our naked bodies
    With the mushroom clouds

    Copyright 2019 by Wolf Larsen
    "...the ramblings of a narcissistic, self-obsessed, deranged mind."
    My poetry, plays, novels, & other stuff on Amazon: Larsen

  12. #72
    The Wolf of Larsen WolfLarsen's Avatar
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    4 More Poems!

    Do not read this if you have a problem with obscenity, or if you are very religious. You have been warned!

    7 Billion Humans Inside Your Stomach
    a poem by Wolf Larsen

    Whenever my head disappears
    And my hands are jacking off Michelangelo's David
    And Michelangelo's David is ejaculating subway trains
    All over the universe
    Then I know that licking your feet is the answer to World Peace!
    And I know that your face is a Cubist centerfold
    On a planet of talking-giant-strawberries
    where billions of cannibalistic humans
    Are attacking each other with glow-in-the-dark dildos
    In cities of giant mushrooms
    Growing out of the words in this poem...

    Copyright 2019 by Wolf Larsen

    A Homeless Man on the Subway Making Love to the Greek Gods
    a poem by Wolf Larsen

    The winds carry new civilizations to me
    And the clouds above
    Shout their silence
    At our giant ears that grow & grow out of our heads
    And the rivers disappear into mental illness
    And the mountains are made out of human corpses
    And the human corpses scream at the sky

    Copyright 2019 by Wolf Larsen

    Happy Graveyards
    A poem by Wolf Larsen

    A Boiling Pot of cities
    Is flying off the planet Earth
    While everyone jumps out of 100 story windows and sings operas
    To all of the human feet flying through the sky
    While blue and green civilizations play cosmic chess
    With all of the space aliens devouring each other on the subway trains

    Copyright 2019 by Wolf Larsen

    Oh Guillotine! Save Us! Pleeeeaaase!!
    A poem by Wolf Larsen

    The Commander-in-Chief conducts a worldwide famine
    While both the liberal & conservative rich eat the brains out of our heads
    And drink the champagne flowing like a waterfall from God's magical penis
    And the generals order their soldiers to shoot the demonstrators
    And the blood splashes down the streets of cities worldwide
    While both the liberal & conservative politicians play musical chairs in their governments of snot & diarrhea
    And as both the liberal & conservative politicians hover their fingers ever closer over the nuclear button
    The people have nothing to eat but armaments
    Their wages don't even buy necessities
    While both liberals & conservatives count their billions stolen from the workers
    And the rent in a closet studio “apartment” costs a month’s wages
    And the people begin shouting for the magical guillotine to deliver us
    The magical guillotine will deliver us from our misery
    Whether their skin is Black or White these politicians talk endless diseases out of the toilet bowls of their mouths
    Whether their skin is Black or White the billy clubs & bullets of these cops is a never-ending nightmare of brutality
    Whether their skin is Black or White these judges are nothing more then buttocks in black robes talking out of the anuses in the middle of their faces
    They are all the worst kind of mold upon civilization
    They are all nothing but a bunch of diseases with human faces
    They are all a tidal wave of dysentery flooding the world with their greed & hypocrisy & endless lies
    Oh guillotine! Please come and save us workers from the bourgeoisie
    Oh guillotine! Please come and save the world from the war profiteers and war hungry politicians both liberal & conservative!
    Oh guillotine! Please come and give the human race the blue sky that it yearns for!
    Only the guillotine can bring us peace from these endless wars!
    Only the guillotine can finally put these greedy landlords from the Middle Ages to rest!
    Oh when will we finally bury these Lords of the Land?!
    When will young men have good-paying jobs instead of having to march off to war every year?!
    When will women finally have free quality child care and jobs and their own money?!
    When will Jews & Muslims & Blacks & gays & immigrants & progressive whites be safe from these bloodthirsty white supremacists?!
    Oh guillotine! please come and save us!

    Copyright 2019 by Wolf Larsen
    "...the ramblings of a narcissistic, self-obsessed, deranged mind."
    My poetry, plays, novels, & other stuff on Amazon: Larsen

  13. #73
    Registered User tailor STATELY's Avatar
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    Enjoyed this offering:
    A Homeless Man on the Subway Making Love to the Greek Gods
    a poem by Wolf Larsen

    The winds carry new civilizations to me
    And the clouds above
    Shout their silence
    At our giant ears that grow & grow out of our heads
    And the rivers disappear into mental illness
    And the mountains are made out of human corpses
    And the human corpses scream at the sky
    Ta ! (short for tarradiddle),

    who am I but a stitch in time
    what if I were to bare my soul
    would you see me origami


  14. #74
    The Wolf of Larsen WolfLarsen's Avatar
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    Thank you Tailor Stately!

    New poem:

    Do not read this if you have a problem with obscenity, or if you are very religious. You have been warned!

    Eating Flying Insects with Insane Roman Emperors at the Bus Stop
    a poem by Wolf Larsen

    Have you ever found your own head floating inside of millions of toilets?
    Or have you ever been flying through the sky on a giant banana?
    While all the clowns floating in the sky around you
    Were singing about the orgies on Mars?
    Then, what else can we do but masturbate to the symphonies of Saturn's rings?
    And then listen to fat-naked-transvestite-politicians screaming porno flick dialogues at us...
    While we chop off our feet and give them to the ducks?
    Because the ducks are our friends!
    They are our friends of wet panty monologues
    Sung with all the yapping dogs with wings flying around us!
    And S & M imagery dribbling out of the mouth of a sexy transvestite Jesus Christ
    As He jumps out of a wedding cake and dances to Einstein's theory of relativity
    While the Virgin Mary opens her legs to Medieval architecture under the
    Golden arcs of McDonald's in a novel written by circus clowns dying
    On the cross as the
    sexy dildo rocketships are blasting off to
    New planets made out of pancakes & maple syrup where the
    Sex robots perform politics with the tall buildings in women's dresses as
    Rainbows of pornography fly everywhere somewhere south of the
    Nuclear submarines in our minds waiting for World War 3 on
    Days of sun & rain dancing with television commercials that
    Create blue worlds of hypnotic sex skies which
    Speak to us in giant homoerotic tongues that create
    Queen of england love doll fantasies with mustard that only
    the brilliant purple toads on top of our heads can understand in a
    Junkyard full of 12 tone opera singers in centuries full of
    fire when poems don't know where to end because
    The poems are racing faster & faster down deranged highways that
    Fly off to songs filled with dancing love dolls in pink dresses
    In a human zoo of horny Caligula clones,
    And now I have to go pee

    Copyright 2019 by Wolf Larsen
    Last edited by WolfLarsen; 12-31-2019 at 04:56 PM.
    "...the ramblings of a narcissistic, self-obsessed, deranged mind."
    My poetry, plays, novels, & other stuff on Amazon: Larsen

  15. #75
    The Wolf of Larsen WolfLarsen's Avatar
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    Do not read this if you have a problem with obscenity, or if you are very religious. You have been warned!

    The Blue Sky Song
    a poem by Wolf Larsen

    Thousands of space aliens writing poetry with their penises
    Jump out of your mother's vagina
    And into the outer space spinning around this poem
    As the radio stings all the blue skies you can imagine
    And the space satellites revolve & revolve around your horny dog
    ****ing Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa as she
    Gives a blowjob to a Picasso clone who came from
    The moon in someone else’s poem flowing
    Across the dreams of all the flying birds who
    Sing the forest up into the heavens -
    The Same Heavens where the orange & pink dogs
    Dance to the Symphony of Cannibals being played by
    All the giant purple & green dinosaurs on the street corner who yearn for
    Arabic calligraphy & classical music to dance together through
    All the hashish smoke coming out of the industrial smoke stacks growing
    Out of all of the giant Himalayan mountains of bubble gum being chewed by
    All the rats in the government of basterds in
    Judge’s robes & police uniforms & politician’s suits as the
    Music stabs the poet with hundreds of monsters that are now
    Eating through the body of the poet as the poet screams universes
    out of his ears and paintings out of his eyes and entire civilizations out of his mouth
    While the poet’s feet are dancing to the executions from sea to shining sea in a police state
    Headed by asses & elephants

    Copyright 2020 by Wolf Larsen
    "...the ramblings of a narcissistic, self-obsessed, deranged mind."
    My poetry, plays, novels, & other stuff on Amazon: Larsen

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