Backwards & Forwards At the Same Time! Do it!
A poem by Wolf Larsen
Scrambled eggs with crashing planets - now!
Eat huge music!
Make rhythms with splatters of paint!
Faster the rhythms roaring onwards!
Dancing ballet dancers dancing amongst machine gun bullets!
Mayonnaise! Mustard & salt & pepper over my corpse! Hallelujah!
Jump through endless yesterdays until – you reach a big BAM!
Copyright 2021 by Wolf Larsen
Wolf Larsen performs his poetry, plays, & novels on YouTube:
Warning: do NOT read this if you have a problem with obscenity.
A Love Song About Feces
A poem by Wolf Larsen
I’m banging the words onto the page with a club
As I cut off pieces of bloody meat from my neighbor’s corpse with a knife
I ejaculate Western Civilization all over the faces of philosophers on the walls
All the decapitated heads in the corner are reciting poetry to me 24 hours a day
I dip my finger in all the blood on the floor
And I write my poetry in red dripping letters all over the night sky
The artificial intelligence monsters called birds sing their paintings to me at 3 AM
3 AM is when I walk into everybody’s brains
And paint endless streams of death into their dreams
Copyright 2021 by Wolf Larsen
Warning: do NOT read this if you have a problem with obscenity.
Another Day of Hot Air in the Forecast
A poem by Wolf Larsen
The gas pipeline goes from the Queen of England’s butt and across the ocean and up the nostrils of the American President and then down out of the President’s mouth…
At the press conference a blast of hot air erupts out of the President’s mouth
Then the President pulls a big windmill out of his crotch and announces “green energy”
And then the President ****s a beautiful sunny day all over Washington DC
The opposition party then has a filibuster in Congress against the Presidential windmill
Then the liberal & conservative factions of the capitalist news media cross swords over whether bing bangs go floppity flup
Or if the floppity flups go bing bang
Stay tuned for more hot air tomorrow
Copyright 2021 by Wolf Larsen
Warning: do NOT read this if you have a problem with obscenity.
The double bass begins the poem by creating all the planets
The trumpet blasts out everything in the periodic table of contents shattering across the universe
The cello begins a love song between your right hand & your penis
And then all the violins join in
As your right hand & your penis create new operas and new civilizations
Your right hand & your penis doing a 12 tone serialism
As the double bass goes about creating all the moons
And the trumpet blasts out all the suns into the universe
And the violins move back-&-forth in a frenzied madness
As your penis shoots out all the asteroids & comets into the universe
And now you lay there on the turning earth flying through outer space
Copyright 2021 by Wolf Larsen
The Chorus of the Universe
A poem by Wolf Larsen
A chorus of thousands begins singing the ups and downs of tidal waves of misery & happiness
The trumpet plays huge dandelions suddenly growing on all the planets
The chorus sings an endless circle of planets & more planets all over the universe circling & circling billions & more billions of suns
And the saxophone shouts with riots & revolutions & wars
The chorus sings endless circling solar systems and endless circling galaxies circling & circling around a big huge vagina in the center of the universe
And the piano throws verbs around the nouns and flies adjectives everywhere before the piano dives with a big crash
Copyright 2021 by Wolf Larsen
Warning: do NOT read this if you have a problem with obscenity.
Notes from a Testicle Farm on Broadway
A poem by Wolf Larsen
A thousand Mozart clones are dancing to Led Zeppelin
In the pagan temples in the clouds
When suddenly a thousand naked Josephine Bakers begin dancing the glory hallelujah dance with all the Mozart clones
And Richard Wagner-giving-Woody-Allen-a-blow-job music can be heard in all the glorious dance halls of hell
When Igor Stravinsky proclaims himself Emperor of the neoclassical disco palaces of the Himalayas
And now the reader is swimming through the earthquake of a Wolf Larsen symphony
While all the musical notes go swimming up the Statue of Liberty’s vagina
And now the Statue of Liberty is pregnant with the presidential elections
What will happen nine months from now?
Copyright 2021 by Wolf Larsen
Wolf Larsen poetry on YouTube:
Warning: do NOT read this if you have a problem with obscenity, or if you are very religious.
The Sun Jumps Out of God’s Butt and…
A poem by Wolf Larsen
It’s a menage-a-trois of the lake & the sky & the land
And the land dances around the lake while the sky swoops down and flys you off…
Into another poem where the screams are growing out of the ground like happy colors
And the happy colors & the musical notes are dancing across the land together until…
The reader jumps up into another poem where the skyscrapers all sing opera in a million different architectural styles
Then the reader hops a train to a different poem…
Where the night caresses the reader with its naked black skin
Copyright 2021 by Wolf Larsen
The Streets & Trains & Buildings Start Devouring Each Other...
A poem by Wolf Larsen
The violin slashes back-and-forth making the poem bleed everywhere
And now the words of the poem are bleeding all over the world
And that’s when the reader’s decapitated head starts bouncing all over the poem
As the reader sings a sweet melody of time moving back-and-forth
Then the land jumps over the ocean
And waves of paint are splashing all over the canvas
As the violin plays phrases of poetry slashing back-and-forth across the page
Copyright 2021 by Wolf Larsen
Warning: do NOT read this if you have a problem with obscenity.
I Kick Uncle Sam in the Balls
A poem by Wolf Larsen
I serve you up a hot steaming cannibalism of delicious human meat
I stab Andy Warhol again & again with my art
I sprinkle words all over the human race and turn everyone into monsters
I install humongous sexual genitalia in the faces of all the capitalist politicians & dictators
And now when they give speeches their words fly out of humongous penises & vaginas in the middle of their faces
And as the entire human race laughs & laughs I turn all their laughter into poetry
Copyright 2021 by Wolf Larsen
What a Beautiful Day!
A poem by Wolf Larsen
Another hot summer day - in April
So welcome the fires of hell burning across the world this summer!
Welcome the orange bowl in the sky screaming with apocalypse!
Welcome the blue sky melting all over our naked bodies!
Watch the cities burning with the fires of happiness!
Laugh at the scorched earth dying at your feet!
Sing with fire!
Cry with laughter as the oceans flood over the continents!
Welcome the fish swimming through your home!
Dance smiling amongst all the skeletons laying across the earth
As far as the eye can see
Copyright 2021 by Wolf Larsen
Wolf Larsen performances poetry, plays, & novels on YouTube:
Full of Happy Happy
A poem by Wolf Larsen
I put my two hands into my brains
And I pull thousands of cannibalistic robots out of my head
And I fling the cannibalistic robots out into the universe
While whole entire solar systems are crashing & crashing into each other
As Leonard Bernstein conducts the Armageddon of the Universe
With a bunch of psychopaths playing violins
And a horde of Viking marauders in the brass section
All playing from musical notes & obscene graffiti art on the public toilet walls
And then the wind carries the entire landscape away
And now you’re trapped forever inside of this nightmare dripping with your own blood
Copyright 2021 by Wolf Larsen
Warning: do NOT read this if you have a problem with obscenity.
The Poet is the Conductor of the Symphony of the Universe
A poem by Wolf Larsen
First I the Poet chop off the heads of all the Kings & Queens
Then I rearrange all the letters of the alphabet into penises & vaginas circling around & around each other
For eternity
Then I turn all poems into paintings
I turn all paintings into operas
And I turn all operas into orgies
I splash all the female orgasms of all the women on earth across painting after painting
I turn all spermatozoa into words
And all the men of the world splash their words everywhere and
Turn everything into poetry
And poetry into everything
Copyright 2021 by Wolf Larsen
Warning: do NOT read this if you have a problem with obscenity.
War and Peace and Pussy
A poem by Wolf Larsen
I write poetry with a sword
I go slashing & slaughtering through all the giant worlds I create
I and the Legions of the Insane in everybody’s heads
Go charging through the empty landscapes of the subconscious
And we build millions of giant screaming monuments
To the Creative Genius of the Gods of Insanity
Across a planet that we conquer with art and music and poetry
We build pornographic temples
We build so much smiling-laughing-schizophrenia
We build a religion of erect penises
We sing pornographic operas of sex-!-sex-!-and-more sex!
And afterwards all the billions of humanity lay together naked
And sigh together with peace
Copyright 2021 by Wolf Larsen
The Piano Concerto of Poetry
A poem by Wolf Larsen
The piano plays all the thunderstorms in your mind
You take all your collages and you play them on the piano
You take all your heart attacks and car crashes and drive-by shootings
And you play them on the piano
And all the violent exploding paintings you’ve ever seen -
You play them on the piano
You play world war three on the piano
You play artificial intelligence exterminating the human race
On the piano
You play your death
On the piano
And then you play the piano moving back-and-forth between the ending and the beginning of the poem
Copyright 2021 by Wolf Larsen
Wolf Larsen performs his poetry, plays, & novels on YouTube:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdHXMEGrpic&ab_channel=WolfLarsenWolfLarse n
Warning: do NOT read this if you have a problem with obscenity.
Richard Wagner Is My Son!
A poem by Wolf Larsen
I am the Jewish Richard Wagner of poetry!
My madness shall drown all the planets with poetry!
I will slice up the literary world with my switchblade knife!
I will vomit the greatest poetry & theater all over the human race!
Every day, a thousand dogs with the face of Salvador Dali shall lick my balls!
And then I shall ejaculate my words near & far for the next thousand years!
I shall fill all the castles & churches of the world with my endless orgies!
While all the opera singers of the world sing my poetry to the raves of flesh & pleasure at their feet!
And now I the Jewish Wagner & the Goddess of Poetry shall lay naked in bed together
Copyright 2021 by Wolf Larsen