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fruit of my summer

by amanda_isabel on 06-03-2009 at 12:46 PM
This is what I feel was the best poem I wrote through the summer. I haven't been writing in a while (like I said in my previous entry) so I don't know if this one is okay. (I'm a little rusty.)

Between deep, measured breaths
her eyelids fluttered
to let the sunshine in,
and she would feel

silverware alongside blessings
and the smell of freshly cooked vegetables;
the forecast of temperature
and the sheath of sweat,

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after the summer break

by amanda_isabel on 06-01-2009 at 05:22 AM
ah yes, while in other parts of the world the summer has just begun, here it's already over. public schools had their first day back today, and for universities this week is enrollment week... classes begin next week.

i've been incommunicado the whole summer (so sorry, i know i missed out on a lot... all my online acounts say so) because i went to the province and spent the summer with my grandmother. she turned 83 while i was there, still strong, but she's slowed down a lot already...

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hell week

by amanda_isabel on 10-06-2008 at 10:45 PM
Today finds me right smack in the middle of hell week, er finals week I should say.

Here's something I wrote last night; not really sure if it makes sense or that it is abe to convey what I had in mind but I thought I'd post it anyway.


She sat on the floor, almost pained from staying in one position for so long a time. But she felt no pain. She stared blankly into the clock, her facial expressions changing as often as her thoughts. In a cool wide floor

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after the intermission

by amanda_isabel on 09-15-2008 at 02:16 AM
i haven't been around in some time;
didn't expect the many updates waiting for me.

but like the world,
the forum doesn't stop when
i'm not around and we members
are tasked with keeping up
with the poems and stories and opinions
that others bring out and bring in.

haha no i'm not writing poetry, i just felt like pressing the enter key.

my typing is quite regularly interrupted by the antivirus software.

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freshy day 1

by amanda_isabel on 06-10-2008 at 11:32 AM
First day of school. I wasn't really expecting anything; in fact I hadn't even realized a few days back that I'd be going back to school.. Or, well, not really back. Yeah, back in the sense that I'm studying again but it's not really back because it's a new school, er, now a university, lol, new campus, new everything, really.. And oddly enough the only thing that's not new is my mom. Yup, I am now a student at the same university where my mom built--is still building--her career.

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