The Beat Generation

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  1. imthefoolonthehill
    My poetry teacher met ginsberg once. He says he's nice.
  2. breathtest
    Oh my god really? how long ago? Yeah i don't think anybody who knew him disliked him at all he was such a nice person.
  3. imthefoolonthehill
    I don't know how long ago it was, but it had been a while. It was at Columbia, University.
  4. lupe
    I met Allen Ginsberg in 1994 and had a short chat with him, during an event in a bookshop. He signed me a copy of "Howl" with a big "Ha!" in the first page.
  5. imthefoolonthehill
    I envy you, Lupe.
  6. endgame
    a teacher of mine knew W.S.Borroughs. they had been friends for 13 years until Burroughs died in 1997..
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