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Where's Gadget Girl? Where was I?

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Hello again, my friends! How are 'ya? I know it has been long since I visited LitNet. My last post was back in March '08. After that, you didn't see me around, did you? Well, the reason why I remembered to come back is that... I miss my ol' LitNet friends! I also miss posting and replying to threads, seeing all of you lovely members, my eyes being welcomed by the look and feel of the forums, all that kind of stuff! Oh, I feel like I'm back from a very long vacation to one of the places I call home on the internet. In fact, I have this warm and cozy feeling while I'm writing this entry right now.

I see that the forums have changed quite a bit. I don't remember that you can customize your profile and leave comments on your page. Hmm, it has gotten interesting since my last visit in my opinion. I'm excited to use this! :P

Starting this December, you might see me roaming around posting whatever's on my mind, only not that often. I'm afraid my forum life has changed as well. Before, I had the stamina to be online almost 24/7, but now I try not to be that person anymore and will eliminate unnecessary time on the net if I can.

So, where exactly was I during my long LitNet break, you may ask? Well, uhm, I'm still in school and you know fully well how that can capture most of your time as a student, right? The studies, homework, projects, extra curricular activities, etc. When I'm not in school, however, my time would be on my hobbies (I have several hobbies I love to do during my free time), bonding with friends and family, learning extra stuff before I enter adulthood, searching for a great job and lots more. I've never thought that I'd be this busy three years ago when my life had an easy breezy Covergirl-like lifestyle. But despite of that, I'm still enjoying everything I do. These days, I kinda like to be busy. Makes me feel like my time has finally become worthwhile and useful. I feel fulfilled. That's a wonderful feeling for me.

Anyway, that's all I wanna say for now. I have a lot of catching up to do over here!

Updated 11-27-2009 at 01:53 PM by Gadget Girl



  1. mtpspur's Avatar
    Welcome back. Times flies. I vaguely remember you mostly because your nickname reminds me of Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers. Glad to know things have been going well for you.
  2. Virgil's Avatar
    There's a name from the past. Welcome back. I was going to recommend you check out the kindle thread (cool gadget) but I see you already found it. I guess you have a nose for gadgets.
  3. Gadget Girl's Avatar
    LOL at Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers. I'm glad you still remembered!

    Haha, oh yeah, I did find my way around to it. Gadgets have always been my thing, you know.

    Thanks for the welcome, guys.