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Major Info Dump Part 2: January Onwards

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So, what happened to me after Christmas? Well, about a week before we went back I realized that I hadn’t really watched any new anime so I had nothing new to talk about. So, I dug up piece of paper from my bag. You see, throughout the whole term Sara had been going on about something and none of us had any idea what it was. It was something about countries being people but it didn’t make sense. After one lesson she wrote down the web address on a piece of paper. So, as the new term was about to start I decided to take a look at what she was always going on about, it’d give us something to talk about and it’d be something to do at least. So I looked it up. All I can say is AXISPOWERSHETALIA! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’ve become a bit of a fan girl. Axis Powers Hetalia is just brilliant. I hate history, particularly WW1/2, so much death and nasty stuff. I accept that it was a really big thing but I don’t want to think about it. However, APH makes WW2 fun. The main story is the war but there are other side stories. My favourite character is England, obviously. I have to say, I had no idea that we’ve had such a hatred for France…since we’ve existed really. England and France are always fighting and joining other people’s wars just so they can fight each other. It’s just so much fun. I think Sara’s really glad I finally looked at it, because it gives her someone to talk to about it. She converses with other fans but usually over the net, so she likes having an actual person standing in front of her. We also had a joint hatred for Korea for a while because they were trying to block the APH anime because they didn’t like the way their country was portrayed. He wasn’t even in the anime and they used fan art to back up their arguments instead of official art. There’s political reasons in there too. It was estimated that half were opposed to the anime and half weren’t. However, that’s blown over now because we’ve seen the anime (well, seeing, we’re not finished yet).

Now, the biggest news I had in February (besides the sad bit) was the ANIME MARATHON!!! That the JCS held one Saturday. Unfortunately I can’t check the dates by going back over the JCS emails because at that time Ripton was in Hawaii with his girlfriend and had abandoned us. Our vice president Sandra kept emailing him but he wouldn’t respond to anything regarding the JCS, he said Hi though. The problem was that she couldn’t send a group email because he’d set it up so only he could use it. I was excited to go, just because it’s something I’ve never done before. Unfortunately on the Friday mum was rather upset (I won’t go into the details) and I wondered whether I should stay or not. However, it was half hearted because I really wanted to go and mum really wanted me to go. I told her to call me if she got upset though. Annoyingly the room we had booked was my English room (with the teacher I hate) and it was on the second floor. I was worried I’d be late so I texted Sara to say I’d be late (I had to do it before I got on the train, most of my journey is by underground so there’d be no signal. Eventually we all got there and settled in. We started with the first three episodes of Ouran Host Club, we had six but the last three wouldn’t play. Then, we watched all of Full Metal Panic Fumoffu and it was great. We ordered pizza too. And, halfway through the screen decided to close, right in the middle of a good bit. So we had to wait a bit for the projector to cool down before we could continue. All in all though, it was a fun day. The Tuesday after that we had the snow so uni was cancelled. I remember because I made a little snowman of Bonta-kun after having seen Fumoffu at the marathon (it’s a kind of mouse like bear thing. It’s hard to describe)
We also had a quiz over a small holiday, at some point (can’t remember when) but I couldn’t go. Apparently not many people did and the questions were really hard, like what side is pikachu’s heart on, left or right? But, this is because Ripton gathered the admin (which I am not part of) and told them to come up with questions the night before (classic Ripton) so I’m glad I missed it. Then we held another one that I did make it to, but we came last. (Come to think of it, that might have been…no, I’m pretty sure that was last term because I hadn’t seen APH then. Yup, it was last term).
Then we had another quiz and one of Sara’s questions was ‘in Axis Powers Hetalia,’ my ears perked up considerably, ‘What is England’s human name?’ My hand shot up and I asked ‘do we get a point for his surname too?’ Now, we didn’t, because I was the only one, other than Sara, who knew the answer. I wrote it anyway. (It’s Arthur Kirkland, in case you were interested) We came second. Yay. Our prize was a drink (I had no interest because it had a fruit I’m not keen on) and a box of Pocky (I’ve known about it for a while but that was the first time I ate any).
Also, the Saturday after the funeral (see previous post) we had another anime marathon. This time less people turned up, Ripton was still away and one refused to turn up because we’d be watching Full Metal Panic! series 1 (which I’d also started watching when we were snowed in, but I didn’t mind seeing it again) she refused to turn up because she’d already seen it. Sara tried to show us an episode from APH but the computer froze. That bugged her, so I played her the Hetalia theme tune instead (I put it on my phone as a ringtone but it was too long, so my phone goes ‘Doitsu Doitsu’ at me instead, in Italy’s voice). The we ordered pizza and watched some of Toradora!
I’m hoping we’ll have another marathon before we all leave. But I somehow doubt it.
Sorry, but I don’t feel like blogging anymore. There’s still a lot to say, so I’ll do it later, maybe tomorrow. (besides, you need time to digest everything )

Bluebiird out.


  1. andave_ya's Avatar
    nice to see you again.