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Halls of the Dark Muse

Build Your Own Hell

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This is a fun way to amuse yourself if you have nothing better to do.

You can build your own version of Dante's Hell and smite whoever you want:

Though I could not get it to show up in this blog, you can see my hell on my other blog here:


  1. Virgil's Avatar
    Oh my gosh, I could be in all of your circles. But certainly I would be in the very 9th circle with my heros.
  2. Dark Muse's Avatar
    Hahahahaha! I am hoping to get a pinata of Sara Palin's head. Just cannot decide if I want to beat it with a baseball bat, or just spear it on a pike and keep it.
  3. LadyWentworth's Avatar
    I seriously could have just too much fun with this. Unfortunately there aren't enough choices with the ones that they listed there. Mine would consist of names that I need to fill it in with. I will have to try this later. Thanks!
  4. Dark Muse's Avatar
    Yes most of mine are names I filled it in with myself.
  5. Anza's Avatar